The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 424 - Trip To Jeju Island (1)

True to his word, Talos found a dungeon as per Arnold\'s specifications. It was a dungeon located inside the volcano on Jeju island which now belonged to the United Korean Empire. Thankfully, Arnold had good relations with the new Korean government, ever since he helped them dethrone the bloodthirsty dictator and unify both countries once again. 

Although he didn\'t have any treaties with Korea as he did with Japan, Russia and India. Korea was still much more accommodating to Arnold\'s needs than any of those countries had been. As soon as the Korean foreign minister was informed that Arnold was interested in buying the rights to a dungeon, Seomun offered the dungeon to Arnold without taking any fees. Even though Arnold wanted to pay them for it.

Their logic for doing so was simple. If it hadn\'t been for Arnold, their country would have never been united with North Korea and they would lose thousands of soldiers every year fighting against the bloodthirsty dictator of North Korea. So in their eyes, Arnold had done something no one else could have, so this was the least they could do for him.

Arnold thought the Koreans were going a bit overboard. He didn\'t get rid of the dictator because of some goodwill or any of that crap. Arnold still vividly remember the day he was forced to take down North Korea once and for all.


It happened when Arnold organised a banquet to celebrate him taking over China. At first, Arnold didn\'t want to host a party to celebrate anything. But then Talos persuaded him to do it and invite leaders from the neighbouring countries to show his goodwill to them. It was supposed to be a method to forge new alliances while maintaining the existing ones.

Even Nina and Nicole hopped on the bandwagon and Arnold caved under their pressure. Within a week invites were sent over to the respective countries and most of them immediately RSVP\'d. It was almost as if they were either too scared to say no to him or they had been expecting him to invite them over. 

Either way, the day of the banquet arrived and Arnold was happy to see a lot of familiar faces among the crowd. Every representative who had participated in the war against Hercules and the Olympians was there as well and they were having a good time. As much as Arnold wanted to act like an anti-social person, he too was enjoying the party... until a certain someone arrived.

Arnold didn\'t know when Talos said he would invite the neighbouring country\'s leaders, he would also invite Jin Wook, the dictator of North Korea. Arnold almost wanted to rip Talos a new one but he didn\'t want to cause any drama there so he kept quiet and tried avoiding that motherfcker.

But Jin Wook had different plans. He kept finding opportunities to talk with Arnold. At first, Arnold thought he disliked Jin Wook because of the way he did things in his country. But only after meeting him did Arnold realised he hated everything that Pig-faced basta*d did. From his face to his voice to his actions, everything about him infuriated Arnold.

However, none of that was enough to enrage Arnold. He wasn\'t enough of a psychopath to kill someone just because he found them annoying. Even if he really wanted to. But then something happened that flipped the switch in Arnold\'s mind.

Arnold didn\'t know it, but Jin Wook had been staring at a pregnant woman and her friend ever since he entered the banquet. Also, the main reason he was flocking around Arnold was to ask him about those two women. Jin Wook finally gathered enough courage and asked Arnold about the ladies by asking, "Whether those two women be happy if he buried his sword in their bubbled toochie."

Jin Wook thought he was safe by saying those words in Korean. But, man... was he wrong. His first mistake was assuming Arnold didn\'t know Korean. Jin Wook thought so because Arnold had been ignoring him till now. Little did he know Arnold knew all of the languages in the world, thanks to System sama and was ignoring him on purpose. And his second mistake was not knowing who Nina and Nicole were.

So far Arnold had been accommodating to his peculiar and annoying guest. But this was the final straw. All of a sudden the temperature around the hall dropped sharply as Arnold grabbed the tiny man by his collar and lifted him off of the ground as if he weighed nothing. Everyone stopped doing whatever they were doing and immediately turned towards Arnold.

Most of them were in for a treat because they were lucky enough to witness what Arnold\'s rage looked like first-hand. It was only then that, Dictator Jin Wook, realised he had said something he shouldn\'t have. He immediately went to damage control mode and tried his best to pass it on as a friendly comment that the North Koreans used a lot. 

However, his trick didn\'t work on Arnold because didn\'t care whether it was a praise or not. No one had the right to say such a vulgar thing about his close ones. Especially his pregnant wife and sister.

But when Jin Wook kept trying to pass it off as a good thing, Arnold repeated what Jin Wook had said about Nina and Nicole word to word. Arnold also told him what was going to happen to him next in fluent Korean. After that, he let go of the man\'s collar letting him fall on his \'bubble toochie\'. Arnold gave him a chance to leave, and Jin Wook threw it straight out of the window by yelling at him.

"I\'ll destroy your entire nation with nukes!" The pig squeaked before rushing out of the banquet.

"You won\'t be the first one to try that," Arnold mumbled to himself before excusing himself from the party.

Nina and Nicole rushed after Arnold along with his summons. They needed to know that Arnold wasn\'t going to do anything reckless. And he just told them he was going for a walk to cool himself off. They had their doubts about his walk but who could have stopped him. So then went back inside.

Arnold was back after a couple of hours so everyone thought the matter had been resolved peacefully and that Arnold had really gone for a walk. However, soon after Arnold was back, the international guests were informed about a piece of breaking news... North Korea... the entire country had been destroyed and people had been turned into refugees. Also, the country\'s leader, Jin Wook was missing.

Everybody immediately turned their attention towards Arnold. Even if they had no proof, they were sure Arnold was the one to destroy the country. No one else had the strength or the power to do something like this so quickly. 

Arnold\'s destruction of North Korea as if it was nothing, turned out to be the reason why all of the countries readily signed the treaties Arnold had provided them even without reading it once. Lucky enough for them, the treaty was a fair one and not one-sided at all. It only stated one thing, as long as they were ready to help him in the time of need, he would protect them. Simple as that. 


"I guess, everything happens for a reason..." Arnold smiled while remembering how Jin Wook wet his pant right before he had fed him to Scylla, "T, invite devon over and research the slime here. Someone needs to be here while I\'m gone."

"Already did master. I hope you\'ll have a great time in Korea."


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