The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 425 - Trip To Jeju Island (2)

"It\'s a pleasure to meet you again, Ms Seomun." Arnold greeted Seomun with a handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine. After all, you don\'t get to meet the world\'s strongest person every day." Seomun smiled as she accepted Arnold\'s warm gesture.

Seomun and Arnold had known each other for a year now and had developed some kind of friendship, forged through mutual understanding. But neither of them was the same like they had been a year ago.

Back then, Arnold was just a lousy man who had half of China under his control and now he was ruling over half of the world. Things had been looking up for Seomun as well. The last time Arnold met her, she was just the secretary to the minister of foreign affairs, and now, she was had become the minister herself. She was also the head of the warrior\'s association and hence she could easily help Arnold with his request.

Thanks to that, Arnold didn\'t need to do anything and the dungeon had already been secured for his personal use. It wasn\'t like the Korean government to show such hospitality to a foreigner, but Arnold was an exception for them. He was so special that the Koreans had also made a statue as a remembrance of Arnold\'s exceptional effort to save thousands of lives. Both by killing Hercules and destroying North Korea.

For all intent and purposes, Korea had become more like the weird fan of him than a nation. Although Arnold was happy about it all, he did not like when he was given all that attention. That was also one of the reasons why no one except Seomun and her close aides knew that Arnold was in their country and that he was heading to a dungeon.

Also, rather than taking a flight to Korea, Arnold directly teleported close to Seomun\'s official residence. All of it was to avoid unnecessary drama. Seomun was a complete professional and didn\'t waste much time on idle chatter. As soon as they were done exchanging pleasantries, she fetched a folder from her secretary and handed it to Arnold.

"As you wanted, we have collected as much information about your requested Dungeon as we could without killing anything on the other side." The report wasn\'t the only thing she had with herself though, "And here is the permit showing that you are the official owner of the S-class dungeon. I wish you- no, just saying that to you seems disrespectful. After all, someone of your calibre doesn\'t need to depend on luck. His skills are enough to protect him."

"You never know what would happen inside those dungeons. I might end up needing luck more than my skills." Arnold shrugged his shoulders, "But if worse comes to worst, I\'ll get help from my army. After all, I pretty much created them for that purpose alone."

"That\'s a relief to know that you\'re not blindly heading into the dungeon. Anyway, a helicopter has been arranged to take you to the island. It will leave in four hours. If you want to, you can rest here till then."

"Thanks for everything."

"No problem. In fact, it\'s a pleasure to be of any use to you." Seomun gave him one of her rare smiles, but her charm had no effect on Arnold, "I should get going now. By the way, this is Jok. Feel free to ask him for anything you need."

"Will do." Arnold smiled back as Seomun left to go to the parliament.

As soon as he was alone in the room, he took out the files and started skimming through the information they had gathered for him. The folder included a photograph of the monster along with a drawn sketch. Arnold immediately recognised the monster in the pictures. They were called Firenewts.

These creatures were just like lizardmen as they too were reptilian humanoids. But unlike Lizardmen who were native to swamps, these red creatures were usually found around areas having Volcanic activities. Their height was usually around 5 feet, but some of them were known to outgrow the others and could even be up to 7 feet tall. But these cases were rare.

Also, another noteworthy point was that while Lizardmen are thought to be Dragon\'s true descendants, the title was more suitable for Firenewts. It was so because they had the ability to spew literal fire from their mouths apart from using weapons. Unlike lizardmen, most of them weren\'t able to use mana either. Even a few of them who could use mana could only use low tier support spells.

Other than that, they were superior to lizardmen in everything. As long as it didn\'t come to their defence. In contrast to Lizardmen, the Firenewts did not have solid protective scales covering their bodies, but this didn\'t make them any easier to kill.

The lack of natural heavy armour meant that they were quick as a scared fox. Their main skill was in their manoeuvring ability. They could almost turn in any direction while charging at their enemies. It was all a big thanks to their reversed knees that allowed them to quickly change their direction and attack their opponents from multiple directions.

One of the most annoying things was that they almost always intended to fight mid to long-ranged battles. Thus they preferably used weapons like spears, bows etc to fight. Only the elites used close-range weapons like axes and swords, but the elites were extremely rare among their ranks. 

Also, contrary to the Lizardmen, they rarely fought their enemies head-on and preferred to set up traps to engage the target before ambushing them. Their favourite tactic to do so was to attack their enemies from the sides while the rest of their unit rained arrows on the target.

Right next to those photographs and strengths, all of the monster\'s weaknesses were listed. They were vulnerable to extremely low temperatures and Ice-based spells, just like every other fire element being.

\'Wow... the Koreans do take this stuff very seriously.\' Arnold thought to himself as he read the report, \'I don\'t think any of the other nations would have such a detailed report about one type of monster.\'


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