The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 416 - Unwarranted Meeting (2)

[Collecting a former goddess\' blood sample? Good thinking. Finally, your stats are really helping you.]

"Yeah. Since I can\'t use mana to summon my domain, I thought at least I could some of her blood and use it to make some blood runes for my arm. I\'ll do the same with Hercules and Tiamut when I get back."

[Greed is a lovely thing.]

"Hey! It\'s not greed if I want to get stronger... wait it is... in a way..."

Arnold took out another flask and filled it with Satina\'s blood to the brim. He was aiming to extract her most ridiculous ability that became a pain in his butt during the dungeon run. Her signature ability that was known as Mana negation.

Basically, this ability formed a bubble around the user within which everyone aside from the user would not be able to use any mana associated abilities. If the user had enough control over the ability, they could even stop the usage of specific abilities, as Satina had done previously during his trial.

The size of the negation bubble could be as big as the user wanted but there were some restrictions. Just like an ordinary bubble, the more the bubble expanded or stretched, the higher was the probability of it breaking and thus it might lead to another problem altogether.

Satina had a lot of practice using this ability and hence could expand it enough to cover an entire dungeon. Moreover, she could easily manipulate the abilities of the ones inside the bubble even while she was engaged in combat. Also, the fact that she was using the ability within her domain boosted the output of the skill further and helped her to break through unimaginable limits. 

Arnold just had to have this ability to himself. He didn\'t even care to revive Satina at this point because he only needed her for the skill nothing else. If he had to face so many troubles just because he couldn\'t use mana, he could only imagine what carnage it would cause to the others. In Arnold\'s eyes, this ability was a must-have for him as it would help him tremendously against the other vassals and paladins during the <War of the worlds>.

However, even if he wanted to, he could not revive Satina, unless he carried her all the way to the entrance of the dungeon and it was troublesome for him to do so. She wasn\'t all that strong and most of her abilities were associated with her domain. Thus, she wasn\'t of much use to him and definitely worth the troubles for reviving her.

Not to mention that she loathed him. He was the reason why she went haywire in the first place and he was doubtful she would submit to him after being resurrected by Talos. And Arnold did not want to take any chances, there were already too many uncertainties in his life and he didn\'t want to add more of them on top of his existing troubles. Thus he decided it was better to let her vanish along with the dungeon.

[For once I agree with you. She is way too unpredictable for us to revive.]

"Now, let\'s get out of the dungeon before it closes," Arnold replied as he stored the flask full of blood in his storage while grabbing the one with the slime in it, "I need to repair my arm too... Infernal Claw is a great ability, but it\'s a twin edged sword. I use it once and my arms cease most of its functions."

[You need to be careful with that as you might not get a chance to repair the arm once the war starts.]

"What do you mean?"

[War of the worlds is a series of continuous tasks. That is until the last round. This means you won\'t get much time to do repairs during the first couple of rounds.]

"By the way, what about the rewards for killing Satina? Are you still calculating those?"

[Yeah. I have to think about it for a while because there is no absolute reward for the feats you keep accomplishing. I can reward you with the appropriate amount of EXP but that would be like pouring acid on your wounds as you won\'t be able to use them anyways.]

"Oh, should I take that as a compliment then?" Arnold smiled as he began climbing out of the trap door.

[I will allow it this time.]

"Aren\'t you the sweetest? Also, what about that subclass you were about to give me?"


"Right, sorry."

It took another couple of minutes for Arnold to get out of the dungeon and when he did, he saw something weird. Hundreds of warriors had been assembled outside the dungeon along with his summons. Nicole and Yu Zhung were standing right in front of the dungeon and it seemed they were about to walk in when Arnold popped out of the dungeon.

"What are you all doing here?" Arnold asked them before handing the flask of slime to Alice to hold on.

"We were preparing for the worst..." Nicole mumbled, "Well... this is awkward."

"Preparing for the worst?" Arnold was getting more confused with each passing moment, "What are you people talking about?"

"Lady Nicole is referring to a dungeon break, master," Talos replied.

"A dungeon break already? I just entered the dungeon a handful of hours ago. There wouldn\'t be a dungeon break for at least a week."

"No, master... you have been inside the dungeon for a week. That\'s why all of us wanted to rush in to aid you, but no one could enter the dungeon after you did." Talos explained the situation to him, "It had been blocked by some kind of barrier from the inside, forcing us to wait outside and prepare for an outbreak."

\'Right... I was inside Satina\'s domain and time flow is different in everyone\'s domain. Maybe that\'s why what seemed like hours to me, turned into a week for the rest.\' Arnold thought, \'No wonder they were worried about me.\'

[You are correct this time too. I\'m so proud of you for using your brain cells today!]

\'Shut the fck up!\'


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