The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 415 - Unwarranted Meeting (1)

"I give up! I surrender!"

"Doesn\'t look like I want you to surrender?" Arnold smirked before kicking her armless body around like a football, "I just want to understand something... why are you gods so into me as if your partners have cheated on you with me? Don\'t you idiots have anything better to do? Just let me live my life and you live yours. It\'s not rocket science!"

Satina had landed on her face and without her arms, she was unable to move from that position and thus couldn\'t give Arnold a suitable reply. All he could hear were huffs and puffs coming from her. 

"Hm... now that I think, you can surely give me a few answers before I kill you off. Let\'s see... but first answer the question I asked before," Arnold mumbled as he gently kicked her over so that she could clearly speak, "What were you-"

Before he could even complete what he was saying, Satina lunged at him with her newly regenerated arms stretched right ahead of her. Arnold had forgotten that it was her domain and she was one with the shadow. Which meant, he body was made up of darkness itself and as strong as Arnold was, he wasn\'t someone who could destroy darkness. But this process took a few seconds to complete. That\'s why Satina was ready to surrender to him just to buy some time.

In other words, Satina could keep healing till there was darkness in her domain. Arnold could hack away her libs all he wanted but she could easily regenerate the missing parts as long as she was in physical contact with her domain.

Had Arnold been able to use mana, he could have easily called upon the guardian angel to help him out and Abdiel\'s presence itself would have negated the void of darkness. But it was a waste of precious time to think about what-ifs and what-nows. 

"You\'re a cheeky bit*h, aren\'t you?" Arnold sighed.

Thankfully Arnold\'s stats were high enough to not only see the attack coming but to effectively stop it in time as well. He grabbed her by his right hand while readying his bionic arm to deliver a deadly blow, even though he wasn\'t sure whether it would work or not. But it wasn\'t like he had any other option... he wasn\'t going to use the sniper rifle against her in such a small room otherwise he could get affected by its range as well.

He could have used the Cardinal\'s Sin against her, but this was his backup plan in case the punching part didn\'t work. This time, however, rather than punching her normally, Arnold put all of his strength into that punch. He even activated the arms abilities to help him. In short, that one punch of his was carrying the power of almost four thousand strength points which was almost twice as Hercules could muster.

"How can you be so strong!? You weren\'t supposed to have this much strength according to what the Immortal one told me about you!" Satina broke a sweat, actually, it looked more like someone had dumped a bucket of water on her.

"Maybe you gods should give up on using internet explorer and try something new for a change" Arnold was in a mood to joke but the look on his face was one of a serious man, "Even I\'m getting tired of you idiots underestimating me. Even though it\'s fun to crush your overconfidence in one swoop."

Just like Arnold, Satina too had the gift of perception and because of that, she could feel the strength accumulating in Arnold\'s fists. But there was no escape for her, not this time as Arnold had been careful enough to sever her connection from her domain.

He had completely lifted her off the ground, which meant that she had lost her connection with the darkness which was her weapon. Satina kept trying to push herself away from Arnold\'s grasp but all of those attempts were made in vain. No matter how many kicks and blows she delivered to him, he didn\'t even flinch.

Seeing no other way, she used whatever mana she had left to resurrect the armours that had once agonised Arnold. In an instant, all of the armour that had been scattered across the throne room joined together to make a gigantic armour golden armour, unlike anything Arnold had seen before.

"You and your cheap tricks. I hate your kind because of it you know?"

But the armour wasn\'t the only thing Arnold was looking at. Its weapon also looked very dangerous. Almost as if the armour could kill him in one blow. But Arnold knew that wouldn\'t be possible with the current defence points he had, yet he didn\'t want to test his theory out. So, he swapped the target of his punch and leapt in the air before unleashing all of the power in his arm to destroy the armour in one shot.

Satina had used all of her mana in hopes that Arnold would be forced to let her go even if it was for a second. However, that did not happen. He destroyed her trump card, all while firmly grasping her neck. He simply refused to let go of her because he knew, if he did he might not get another chance like that again. 

"Looks like you can\'t do anything as long as I keep dangling you in the air. It was such an obvious weakness and yet I almost missed it. Either way, It\'s over for you." Arnold mumbled, "I can\'t use a punch like that again for some time, but I do have something else in mind."

The following moment, three bright red blades emerged from Arnold\'s closed bionic fist. The Infernal claw had been activated for the first time. When Arnold first entered the dungeon, he wanted to test all of the arm\'s abilities. But he had never thought he would have to use it in this way. 

"It ain\'t much... but it\'s still light, right?" Arnold said with a disgustingly horrifying look on his face, "Enough to pierce through your dense shadow."

"No... you can\'t do this... please... ARGHH!"


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