The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 410 - Orco's Strength


NAME: Orco


AGE: 11 months



ROLE: Unknown

CLASS: Unknown


• Ultra Tough Skin

• <Unawakened>

• <Unawakened>

HP : 1950/2000

Mana/Energy : 10/1000







EVADE (EVD) : 21


THREAT LEVEL : Non-existent

PERSONALITY: Kind, faithful, motivated and benevolent.

PHYSICAL/HEALTH: No notable issues.

AFRAID OF: Death, Pain, and being abandoned.

FITNESS LEVEL: 51% - Increasing.

MOTIVATION: His parents


"Anything wrong with him?" Natasha asked Arnold as soon he was done looking at Orco.

"No. I couldn\'t find anything. Everything looks good no matter how many times I look at him..." Arnold mumbled to Alice and Natasha, "Why did this happen though? Now of all times..."

At the moment Orco was lying unconscious. The minute Arnold found Orco collapsed on the ground, he told Talos and Yu Zhung to take Orco in his room and immediately teleported to get Alice and Natasha from the Sectors he had given them to rule. They were the only ones who had enough knowledge on how to heal both people and monsters and since Orco was both, they were his only choice. But not even Alice and Natasha could find anything wrong with him.

It had been five hours since Orco destroyed T-90 and collapsed afterwards. Since then Orco had shown no signs of anything, to be honest. Even Natasha and Alice couldn\'t determine whether he was getting good or not. All they knew was that he was in a stable condition. For now...

Arnold was getting frustrated because of the lack of answers so he used the probe skill on him and they were right. there wasn\'t anything wrong with him. Only now little bits and pieces of information had started popping up on his interface.

Like before whenever Arnold used the probe skill on Orco, nothing ever showed up. No age, no levels, no ranks, nothing, only his name and that was it. But this time, a lot of stuff was visible. More than Arnold had thought. Especially regarding his rank and levels. Orco\'s stats might not seem special at first but... these were the stats of an eleven-month-old baby. Even Arnold had much worse stats before he found the scroll that changed his life and he was an adult back then.

Moreover, Arnold was concerned about Orco\'s rank. He was just an infant and still according to his rank he was as strong as Nina. Still, his rank and his stats didn\'t add up. Orco had stats similar to an E ranker, yet he was being marked as an A+ ranker. However, there was no denying that Orco\'s abilities had been awakened and since he was half monster, maybe it would take him some time to start functioning again.

"What should we do now?" Alice asked Arnold placing her hand on his shoulder while he was sitting next to Orco. She knew Orco was a son to him and so seeing Orco like this must have been troubling him.

"I don\'t know..." Arnold shook his head, "I guess we\'ll just have to wait for him to get up on his own. It\'s not like we can do much at this point either."

Talos, Natasha, Yu Zhung, Alice and Arnold were the only ones in Orco\'s bedroom. Talos and Yu Zhung were standing near the human-sized window looking at the rest, while the rest of them were hovering around Orco. Orco\'s steady breathing was the only proof that he was alive. To some, it would even feel as if he is in a comatose state.

"What should we tell madame?" Yu Zhung was the next to reply, "I mean he is her son as well. She would definitely notice something was wrong if she doesn\'t meet with Orco for a long time."

"I agree with Zhung, master." Talos nodded, "Mistress Nina would definitely notice Orco\'s absence and start asking questions sooner or later. And we should be prepared to answer her when that happens."

"Not yet. She is already under stress since Aiden\'s birth." Arnold dismissed their opinions, "I don\'t want to dump more worries on her shoulders. More than that she\'s spending time with her parents who have already made it abundantly clear that they do not support Orco\'s adoption for god knows what reason."

"Do you think they know about him being half-orc?" Natasha was the one to ask that.

"I don\'t think they do. None of us had told them about it."

"Either way, Nina still has a right to know about this Arnold," Alice tried to persuade the man though she didn\'t have much hope of being successful, "Answer me this, if something was to happen to Orco while you were away, wouldn\'t you like Nina to tell you about it? Wouldn\'t you feel betrayed if she decided to hide from you?"

Arnold nodded. He would certainly go apesh*t if something like that would happen in his absence.

"Nina would probably feel the same way and her reaction might end up being worse than yours."

"I get it." Arnold gave up resisting, "There\'s a difference between hiding stuff and not telling the truth... and in both of the scenarios, Nina would end up getting hurt. I would rather be there next to her when that happens than be against her."

Everyone went silent after that. No one knew what else was there to say. until Arnold asked Talos regarding the incident.

"Talos, were you able to retrieve the video footage from T-90?"

"Not yet, master. She was in much worse condition than I thought, so it will take a while."

"How long?"

"A couple of days."

"Try to hurry it up. It is necessary for us to find out whatever T-90 recorded. Only then we will be able to decide whether keeping Orco around is a good idea or not." Arnold got up to leave the room, "I\'ll go and inform Nina what happened and then I\'ll be off."

"Off to where?" All of his summons asked simultaneously as if they had a prior agreement.

"To a dungeon. Where else?"


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