The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 409 - New Arm (3)

"That should do it..." Arnold was pleased with the end result of his hard work and sweat, "It turned out way better than I was expecting."

Maybe it felt like he was a bit too happy with his achievement of forging a bionic arm. But well, the arm he made was indeed one of a kind. None of Arnold\'s creations had ever carried so many abilities as this one bionic arm. Which was to be expected, after all, he had poured all of his soul into making this one arm all to one-shot a demigod.


The first thing Arnold did as soon as he kept the hammer down, was to use the Probe skill on it. The description always said that his works were a piece of art, but Arnold knew that line was fcking true this time. He had put all of his knowledge and ideas into making this arm da*n near perfect. He had even thought of a name to mock those Olympus basta*ds. However, he made a slight mistake in his excitement and added the word \'kicker\' in the name.


• [Zeus\' A*s Kicker]: A prosthetic arm made up from the remains of Hercules, the demigod of strength and hero of Olympus fused together with the bones of the frost giants of Jotunheim and an alloy made from the strongest metals found in the mortal realm. The arm is the personification of the words, \'loathe\' and \'hatred\' as the creature who serves as the core material still hates the one who killed him, even in death. Also, one of its creators harbours incredible hatred as he was subjected to endless horrors until the moment his captor decided to end his suffering by killing him.

Grade: Cosmic SS

Defense (DEF) : +200 (Physical)

Strength (STR): Dependent on user\'s existing STR

Type: Weaponised Arm

Weight: 22 kg

Power source: Twin Star slab

Addition effect: [Blood Bath] - The creator of this weapon has carefully crafted the weapon to serve a purpose like never before. There are five in-built slots in the Bionic arm that can be used to insert blood runes inside them. Enabling the user of the arm to access the abilities stored in those blood runes.

Additional effect : [Automata] - Able to perform actions like a human arm, does not restrict the user\'s arm movements. Also, the user won\'t feel the weight of the arm once it syncs with their brain and become a part of their body. 

Additional effect : [Herculean Fist] - Upon the user\'s will, the arm goes into overdrive, increasing the power output by 40% and raising the user\'s strength (up to additional 500 STR) for 3 seconds. 

Additional effect : [Swift] - The weight of the arm reduces hence significantly increasing the attack speed of the user. 

Additional effect : [Mortal King\'s Mandate] - When fighting against a godly being, STR increases by 10%. The effect becomes permanent if the godly being is successfully slain by the user.

Additional effect : [One punch man] - One shotting the enemies gives the user a chance of 80% to increase strength (STR) by 2 points.

Addition effect: [Infernal Claws] - Upon activation, three sharp-edged blades pop out of the fist. These blades can utilise Hellfire to get superheated and thus can cut through flesh easier than a knife through butter. However, after using this ability, the arm has a high chance of getting overheated and might require repairs.


Arnold always had a complaint that his summons could utilise blood runes, but he never could. The unfairness of the situation had always kept bugging him and now he had found a way to use the Blood runes by himself. Moreover, he was careful to let the arm have similar functions as before to ensure that he didn\'t have to spend unnecessary time getting acquainted with it again. 

But most importantly, he had even managed to upgrade those abilities to better suit his needs. In short, if a punch from this arm couldn\'t one-shot a demigod, then Arnold was positive no one\'s punch could do that. It didn\'t matter even if it was Sait*ma\'s punch.

"I should probably test it out..." Arnold mumbled before carefully disassembling his current arm and then replacing it with the new one. Thankfully, he was able to do it by himself, unlike the last time when he needed both Devon and Talos to help him.

"Oh... okay, this arm is a bit heavier than the previous one. But considering its advantages, it\'s still better." Arnold mumbled and started throwing punches in the air, "Alrighty... seems good for now. everything checks out. I should probably visit a dungeon or something to check it out in actual combat."

Without wasting any time, Arnold popped open a portal and reappeared on the front lawn of his new home. However, he wasn\'t expecting the carnage in front of him. The automatons and hounds had surrounded something, and they weren\'t being friendly with whoever was at the centre of the circle. Arnold knew something serious was happening once he was Talos had his weapons drawn out and so had Yu Zhung.

"What the hell is going on here?" Arnold yelled as he pushed through the crowd of his summons, "What are you... oh my god... what the hell happened here?"

There was a huge crater in the middle of the lawn and his summons had gathered on the edge. Arnold was shocked to see the crater there, but he was even more shocked to see who was lying in the middle of it.

"Orco!" Arnold immediately jumped into the crater followed by Talos and Yu Zhung, who refused to sheath his swords, "What the hell happened here?"

"It... looks like Orco has finally awakened, master," Talos replied as Arnold lifted the boy in his arms.

"Where is T-90? bring her here." Arnold\'s eyes were blazing, T-90 was there to stop such events before they got out of hand. However, this time she successfully messed it all up and Arnold wasn\'t pleased about it.

"She\'s right there, master... she has become one with the dust." Talos replied, "She tried to stop Orco, but ended up being blown to smithereens instead."


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