Evolution From the Big Tree

Chapter 651:

The grinding of the heart of the steel element, while improving the biological defense, will wear away the vitality,

Make it incapacitated, as if going to life first

And the surging vitality of the heart of the tree makes up for this.

Therefore, Zhuo Yucai said that the heart of the steel element and the heart of the tree are life and death, and they all make sense.

, there is an indescribable fit.


Can\'t do the star-casting dragon king\'s hand to hold the stars, but the heart of the steel element and the heart of the tree are

no problem.

I don\'t know, do you have a sense of the picture?,)∠

Chapter 736 Blast through the stars (first more)

In the depths of the starry sky, there is a dead silence.

More indescribably desolate.

However, dotted stars adorn the deepest darkness, but it does not have a beautiful view

just, at this moment


The low dragon roar echoed in the depths of the universe, and a thousand-meter-long figure was like a star.

Like this, go straight to the depths of the starry sky.

Look carefully, it is actually a blue dragon

The majestic dragon eyes give birth to divine light.

The palm-sized dragon scales wrap the whole body with a jade-like luster.

And the pair of dragon claws each held a sphere emitting a hazy shimmer.

What\'s even more shocking is that he has a vortex like a star around him, whirling quietly.


Holy, extraordinary.

In the true sense, there are only living beings in dry legends.

And this time

Above the blue star, since the advent of the extraordinary age, the Astronomical Observatory, this one has rarely been used.

The institutions that people know are also changing with each passing day.

They have never been eliminated by the times.

On the contrary, because of the rise of the extraordinary era, the investment has been increased.

Bi Yi, the mystery and unknown of the universe, deserves the expectation of every existence.

Just like the Huaxia Federation, the Lingli satellites do not know how many satellites have been launched, and so do other countries.

in this way.

Just, right now.

Like discovering something, every astronomical observation bureau, and even the Institute of Spiritual Power, are all targets.

He stared blankly at the screen above the light curtain.

"It\'s a dragon, really a dragon"

"Are you kidding me, even this kind of creature was born?"

"And you see, he\'s really crossing the universe"

"Fleshly crossing the universe, is this really what living creatures can do?"

Exclamation after exclamation, countless staff are dumbfounded.

Above the light curtain, there is a thousand-zhang-long blue dragon, like a star streaking across,

In the depths of the universe, a beautiful long arc is left behind

What is even more shocking is that the speed of this blue dragon seems to be so fast that the various spiritual guards

Star is difficult to capture his clear picture

I can only see the figure in the shape of a blue dragon


a moment of silence

Countless staff members quietly looked at the light curtain, some blurred cyan figures with faces.

Colors are all complicated.

There is shock, consternation, confusion and ignorance.

No one knows how strong this blue dragon is?

But just by looking at it crossing the universe in flesh, you can imagine how terrifying he is?

For a while, individual staff were sweating on their foreheads.

It was fear and worry.

As for the awe, sorry

For this unknown creature, just seeing it for the first time is afraid of swallowing them.


Even the top officials of the Huaxia Federation, who use the \'True Dragon\' as a totem, are aware of this blue dragon.

When it existed, I didn\'t realize that it was a totem for the first time, and it was more of a worry.

Worry, this unknown creature, and the enemy of mankind

However, just after this

In the light curtains of various human countries, the pupils of countless people shrank.

I saw that in the light curtain, that blue dragon suddenly stopped in a very large one.

on the big khaki planet

That is Venus, the closest planet to the Blue Star, and it is also where humans have set foot on, but it is not

A truly explored planet.

And now, that blue dragon just stopped quietly not far from Venus.

Of course, this is not far away, it\'s just a human optical illusion

In fact, Yu Ziyu was at least thousands of kilometers away from Venus.

However, this kilometer is enough.

His attacks can reach all the range covered by his spirit

That is,


The low dragon roar suddenly rose.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu\'s spiritual power is also surging

From the body, a steady stream of spiritual power pours into the body of the blue dragon

One hundred thousand spirits.

million souls,

thousands of souls,

The continuous accumulation of spiritual power actually caused Yu Ziyu\'s Qinglong body to burst into dazzling light.

divine light.

Seen from a distance, it looks like a star, blazing fiercely, and it is actually blooming with thousands of lights.

At this time, it was the late night in the northern hemisphere of the Blue Star

"what is that?"

In a human city, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

Looking up, near the "Morning Star", it means that there is another star shining

Its rays of light, disappearing and appearing from time to time, seem to expand and then contract again.

And just as it rises and shrinks, it is visible to the naked eye, and its light is more and more bright.

"How can there be such a bright star?"

In a little stunned, every human being asked the doubts in their hearts.

Moreover, I don\'t know if it was an illusion, but they actually felt a touch of oppression.

yes, oppression

The unspeakable feeling makes my heart feel depressed

just now

"Nine million spiritual powers,

With a murmur in his heart, Ziyu felt as if the body of Qinglong was about to burst.

This is also the body of the blue dragon.

In exchange for Tzuyu\'s branches, or other branching roots, they have already burst.

Such a terrifying gathering of spiritual power is enough to destroy everything

However, now, the vast sea of ​​spiritual power is constantly circulating in Yu Ziyu Qinglong\'s body.

a little,

A little guidance, until a touch of aura locked in the throat.

"冫〡Pure every breath"

Yu Ziyu was no longer depressed after a loud drink in her heart.


Loud noise, breaking half of the starry sky

Visible to the naked eye, a cyan energy beam was spit out from Tzuyu\'s mouth.


There is no sound transmission, there is only a cyan light beam tearing everything,

Moreover, as this cyan light beam shoots out, it actually rises against the wind.

In the blink of an eye, it became dozens of times thicker.

Immediately, it was ruthlessly on a distant star.


There was a bang, and the air was ups and downs.

It can be seen with the naked eye (good money), and the air waves that have affected the entire planet are already surging.

Countless air waves circulated, and it turned into a shocking vortex, which was pulled out on Venus.

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