Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 401 386

The chance that they might be run out of town does cross Cain\'s mind in the aftermath of the fight, but overall the crowd is supportive of the decision that Vala made to declare Purrseus the winner. While she didn\'t actually fly during the fight, her wings definitely helped her out a lot, and everyone could see it.

The actual rule doesn\'t specify \'flying\' only that species with innately \'Unfair Advantages\' over their competition are prohibited, so even the judges are on board with her call. The way she beat the unfortunate Purrseus made it hard to argue that she did not have an unfair advantage. That last kick across the ring cemented it in their minds. She was just so much stronger than her competition that even had they settled it by grappling, he wouldn\'t have had much of a chance.

That, of course, is because her stats and modifiers are based on Cain\'s stats and her quality, and his stats are very high. Add to that the fact that Cain has accessories on to compliment his outfit, and the overall effect puts her far above the rest of the fighters at the Mythic level without gear.

With the excitement spreading through the city for the finals beginning the next day, Cain decides to take a detour on the way back to their inn and find a proper map of the area. They now know how to get to new Muzz, but they have no idea where or how dangerous the Awakened areas of the Southern Continent are, and that is where Cain is most likely to find a quest that will let him start a new class, or find a skill tree to supplement the one he just finished.

There isn\'t much more that could possibly be done for his puppets, only backfilling ability ranks to increase the skills and combat abilities in the categories he already has activated. Even for his class, his summons are amazing, but now that he is going to be facing awakened opponents, high volumes of lower-quality summons to clear an area aren\'t really a viable option anymore.

Instead, he needs to find a way to grant them more awakened abilities. He already has [Ancient Wisdom] which allows him to grant a single spell or ability to his entire group, including his summoned followers, which could make his lower quality summons somewhat dangerous, though far from versatile. So maybe what he should be doing is finishing the Spell Crafting book and finding himself some more spells and abilities to grant to everyone.

Vala notices him smiling as they tour the city looking for a shop that sells maps, and checks his thoughts, bursting into laughter.

"What is so funny? Something about that the fight?" Aoi asks, wondering if they held back information about something fun. Aoi loves the tournaments in every aspect, so the thought that she might be out of the loop is nearly intolerable. She even studies the information available about the favorite fighters\' previous matches.

"One of Cain\'s abilities would grant [Crushing Tentacles] the Mythic spell to all his bodyguards and group members. He was thinking of calling for a hundred summoned mages and simply filling an entire battlefield with tentacles." Vala whispers, making the tall youkai burst into laughter.

"OH EM GEE, you should have been born a Gnome, they would love that ability." She laughs out loud, grabbing the attention of everyone around them for a second before they all decide the Demon must have told her a dirty joke.

The Gnomes are well known for their imagination, and that has led to a reputation for creating what the elves view as exceedingly strange literature.

The only real cartographer in Musashi ends up being hidden in a corner of town over by the trading houses for land-based merchants and farmers. It isn\'t a big place, but they have a rather impressive selection of premade maps and guidebooks visible behind the counter.

"Welcome, how can I help you today? Sightseeing? Leveling? Looking for a challenge that might add to your awakened skills?" The young Elf with a bright green mohawk haircut asks them.

"Yes to all of the above. I am hoping to trigger a fourth advancement class option or quest to continue improving my abilities, but honestly, I have no idea what I might be missing to make the requirements." Cain explains.

"Well, then I would recommend a detailed map of the Mythic territories on this side of the continent, as well as a tourist guidebook, and a list of adventurer attractions. There are a number of cursed ruined cities, dungeons, and other such places that those with a taste for battle like to go and hone their skills in new ways." The cartographer informs them, his spiky hair bouncing as he flits between cubbies and pulls out the items he recommended.

"Ah, there you go. But if I can give you a bit of advice, since you\'re a Flesh Crafter?"

Cain nods and motions for him to continue. "Make yourself less conspicuous. The beastkin and demon are fine, but a Seraphim and a human? That\'s going to attract a lot of unwanted attention outside of the city. I\'m not saying that we have a crime problem or anything, but the rural areas can get a bit territorial you know? And that could well pull out an Immortal level awakened."

"Thanks, I will take a moment and tweak everyone\'s appearance once I\'m back in my hotel tonight. We were at the arena today, so we have already brought a bit of extra attention to ourselves." Cain agrees, seeing the wisdom in the young man\'s advice.

"In the city, you won\'t have any issues, the guard is pretty intense if you upset them, and they\'re used to visitors, but the adventuring spots in the Awakened areas aren\'t for the unprepared or the faint of heart. You could start with the tourist spots first if you prefer? That way you might get what you need with minimum danger?" The elf suggests.

Even without the threat of hostile locals, that\'s not a bad idea. A little vacation destination hopping in the name of looking for advancement? That\'s right up his alley. But they seem less likely to give results, and he doesn\'t have forever to stay here and play around this time, unfortunately.

"I think we will change forms and try them in order. That way we don\'t skip anything and have to double back to check on missed opportunities. I have a Guild back home, and I shouldn\'t leave them unattended forever." Cain laughs, making the Elf smirk.

"My dad says the same thing. That he needs to check up on his kids regularly or we get unruly. But seriously, I\'m almost a hundred now, I\'m certain he could relax."

Laura giggles and mouths the word "Neffie", making Evangeline and Nemu burst into laughter.

"It\'s a parent thing, they will always see you as their baby, no matter how powerful you grow or how long it has been," Evangeline informs him in all seriousness, and the Elf gets a nostalgic look.

"You might have a point there. Your total today is 18 Gold coins, and 5 silver."

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