Reincarnated With A Summoning System

Chapter 91 - 91

Four are Felian Shadow Assassins, which Cain has already recorded. The fifth though, is called a Felian War Singer, and Cain knows they have found the perfect opponent.

"Give me a moment and I will enhance you to make up for our extra numbers." Cain smiles at the War Singer and Kone frowns. Picking the strongest, sanest unknown enemy they\'ve seen so far was not the plan.

[Summon Greater Beastkin Companions Recorded 100/100 Defeat Opponent to complete Quest]

The War Singer was already Elite, and grows an extra foot taller, the name tag becoming ringed in Gold and Purple, denoting an Epic Quality monster, and the Dark furred cat in a white outfit that closely matches the style of the one Nemu wears lets out an impressive roar, enraging her companions and surrounding them with an aura of Red Light.

They charge with amazing speed, claws digging deep into the shields and flesh of the Wrath Bringers. The group is on them in seconds, and two of the Greater Golem tanks move to attack the War Singer, hoping to interrupt her song with a shield slam. But the Felian is too nimble to land a solid hit and keeps her song going.

Cain\'s lightning Arrows are having better luck though, arcing between all five targets and quickly burning away the health of the Shadow Assassins. Once her support is gone, the War Singer is in trouble. There\'s too many summons to escape, and Cain has learned that firing Lightning Arrows at her feet will still trigger the lightning to Arc onto her, no matter how far she moves away in that split second.

In the end she falls to the sword of a Wrath Bringer with a mournful wail and the Quest is complete.

[Quest Complete]

[Level Up]

[Configuring Greater Companion]

[Configuration Complete. Dismiss Lesser Companion to Finalize Changes]

"This is it, the moment of truth. Any idea what you want to be?" Cain asks Nemu.

"I want to be her. That advanced form of the Felian Bard." Nemu says resolutely.

"Think Fluffy Tail. Fluffy furry thoughts." Kone mutters to herself as Cain dismisses and calls back Nemu.

Bonus! The Companion came back as Nemu, it at least something very close to Nemu. Same Fur Pattern, same size, fluffier tail and longer body fur though. Same outfit, but with more embroidery and longer sleeves.

Cain notices the gear she was wearing has been returned to his inventory though, which is a bit odd. Maybe the change moved her from cloth wearer to something else?

"Nemu is that still you?" Kone asks.

"It\'s still us, but better." Nemu answers, hugging the Spirit Folk Druid tight. Kone buries her face in the Felians fur with a sigh.

"You\'re so soft now, I\'ll never want to get out of bed." Kone\'s appraisal of what is important in a Summon makes Cain chuckle.

"So what changes did you get?" he asks the other one, who is watching the interaction with a smile.

"It made me an improved bard like I wanted, though not quite like the War Singer. The result is a little odd though. In cloth, I can sing songs to regenerate mana and remove negative effects. In leather I can sing of agility and stealth. In heavy armor the song is of War and damage. That\'s in addition to the bard abilities I can still use with an instrument in my hands." Nemu explains.

Cain checks her description, hoping for the ability to quick change gear, but sees nothing.

"I can hold onto one set in addition to what I\'m wearing. I\'ve got a small inventory that will only accept a preset gear selection." Nemu explains helpfully.

"Alright, then first up, your cloth armor back. That one should be very useful, as we\'re always happy to have more mana. Acid Rain is terrible for my mana pool." Cain turns over the equipment and Nemu\'s appearance becomes a flashier version of her original.

Kone steps back to admire the effect when Nemu\'s clothing changes under her hug. "Oh, that\'s not bad. Let\'s see what she looks like in plate though, it\'s such a change I\'m not sure it will look good.

Cain finds some reasonably appropriate plate armor and makes a set to turn over. The effect is not at all what they were expecting.

Nemu is stunning in a black silk evening gown, still split up both thighs, but now covering her torso. Silver armor plates cover her shoulders and across her upper back, flowing to elegant points at their ends with loose, mostly transparent black sleeves hung from them. An intricately decorated silver plate brassiere makes up the top of the dress, extending to the shoulder plates but leaving her cleavage visible and silver metal loops cover the silk of the torso over the dress like a functional decoration. Her upper arms and thighs both have metal armor covering them with intricate patterns of Lions in battle engraved into them. The lower arms and legs are left bare except for silver bangles at the wrists and ankles.

Cain marvels at the design, the dress reminds him of something a lady would wear to a gala or other such event, slinky and elegant, but the plates and linked armor Corset suggests that she\'s well prepared for battle. Nemu will likely fill the speakeasy over capacity tonight in that outfit.

There\'s really no time to admire her though, as the enemies are still coming. Not as frequently here in the forest, but enough that it\'s constantly keeping them in preparation for the next battle.

They work their way towards the exit again, having Nemu play a song to pacify and limit the number of enraged monsters coming for them. It works well, and in half an hour they\'ve made it out to the guard station in Graska.

"Now that\'s a sight for sore eyes. Your young Felian friend looks better every time I see her." The guard tells Cain in a stage whisper.

"She\'ll be singing tonight if you know the place. Likely until the small hours of the morning." Cain tells him and the guard laughs.

"I\'ll go home and change after my shift then. Bertha would have my hide if I tried to enter in a Guards uniform." The Dwarf claps Cain on the back and they start walking towards the Rooming House, wondering how Dimnys did today.

"Oh, I got a book!" Kone says, going through her inventory with a smile.

[Animal Companion] Druid exclusive. Summons one Predator type wild animal to accompany the Druid.

"But the great question is, will it be Fluffy?" Cain teases her and both sets of twins laugh.

"Jokes on you. I get to pick from a list. Hey, what\'s a Giant Lynx?"

"Fluffy. It is all the Fluffy." Cain responds seriously and Kone returns back to the secure area around the dungeons.

"Sorry, I got a new summoning ability and I really want to try it right now." Kone tells the old guard, who nods his head in understanding.

"Go ahead girl, let\'s see it then."

As the name implies, it\'s a Lynx but nearly the size of a small bear, well over a hundred kilos. It\'s got long Fluffy fur, huge paws and long black tufts of fur sticking up from its massive ears.

"Now that\'s a house cat. Warning artifact says it\'s not a threat, so you can bring it with you if you like. Heck you could likely ride it if you wanted to.." The guard laughs and waves goodbye as Kone hops on top to rejoin the group.

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