I Screwed the Novel's Plot

Chapter 82 Ch. 82: The Storm [3]

Hours passed and footsteps echoed through the room. A black-robed man came and brought a tray of food.

"Wow. Thank you!"

One of the guards spoke.

"This is not for you!"

"What? Then for whom?"

"The Priestess ordered us to treat him well."

He pointed at me with his chin.

I had no idea who \'the Priestess\' they talked about was, but it seemed to be a higher-up or something.

"Why does the Priestess have anything to do with him anyway?"

He shrugged and approached my cage.

"How should I know? I\'m just following her orders. Also, can you open this?"

A guard stood up and took the key from the table. There was the sound of metal rattling and the door opened.

He stepped inside and placed the tray on the floor then spoke.

"You should be grateful that the Priestess wants to meet you, or else–"

He swung his hand in front of his neck, beckoning that my head would be chopped off.

He laughed as he straightened his back and stepped out of the cell. The guard locked my cage once again.

I glanced at the tray and a bowl of warm soup with a baguette came into view.

"Excuse me, can I have a spoon? I can\'t eat without cutlery."


The one who brought the food kicked my cage and stared at me with his feral eyes. Ignoring him, I continued.

"I want a silver spoon."

"How dare you order me?!"

His voice echoed throughout the room, even Leticia abruptly woke up.

I stared back at him fearlessly, well, since I had the so-called Priestess\'s backup, I assumed I would be fine.

And just like that, he stormed to the door in a rage. Soon after, he came back and threw the spoon inside my cage.


I couldn\'t help but smirk when the spoon landed beside me.

\'You dolt.\'

I picked it up and put it in my pocket jacket.

"I thought you were going to use it?"

Leticia\'s voice pricked my ears and I just smiled. She turned to the side to avert my face.

I shrugged at her behavior and cracked the baguette in half. Putting the rest back on the tray, I slid it toward Leticia.


"N-no! How could I? I–it\'s Your Highness–"

She was bewildered and I shook my head.

"Don\'t worry, I have this."

I showed her my baguette and began to eat it.



I clucked my tongue as it got annoying.

"If you don\'t want to eat it, then I will throw it away."

My answer was final and after a moment of silence, she eventually responded.

"Thank you."

I nodded and darted my eyes forward to observe them more.

They seemed to be talking about something and the person who had thrown the spoon moved to one of the cages with the guard.

The guard opened the door and took out 10 children.

"Let\'s meet your parents!"

I couldn\'t help but scoff, of course, that was doubtlessly a lie. Why bother kidnapping them if they were going back to their parents?

But still, I had no idea who was behind all of this or what their intention was in kidnapping children. Then, he got out of the room with the kids.

Hours passed and I clutched my forehead as waves of pain swirled through my head. To tell you the truth, I already had my ticket to get out of here, but the plan hurt my conscience… like… a lot.

The idea…

I wasn\'t sure if I was still human or not after setting up such a scenario in my head. But even so, I didn\'t want to be trapped in here forever.

\'I want to… stay alive…\'

I leaned my back against the wall and let out a sharp breath. I looked to the side and Leticia was seen hugging her knees.

"Lady Leticia."

She turned to me with blushing cheeks.


"Can you do me a favor?"

"Ah, sure! What is it?"

I pointed to the guards.

"When they get out of the room, can you start counting?"


She tilted her head.

"Yes. Counting to the rhythm of the ticking clock. Can you do it?"


She nodded confidently.

"Make sure you don\'t fall asleep, remember?"

"I understand!"

Afterward, I closed my eyes to replenish some of my energy before I launched my plan to escape from this damned place.




–Clank –Clank –Clank

"Knock~ knock~ knock~"

Crunching metal along with a playful woman\'s voice pierced my ears. I blinked my eyelids a few times before fully opening them.

I glanced sideways as my shoulder felt heavy and Leticia was seen sleeping leaning on me.


I clucked my tongue. I told her to stay awake and now I saw her sleeping soundly. Good grief.

But what could I expect from a five-year-old kid? I was such a fool.

"Hello, Prince Damian."

I turned to the voice and was stunned by the sight presented.

I saw a woman with vermilion hair and eyes imitating blood with clothes barely covering her body; she was sitting on a chair in front of my cage.

My brows furrowed. Why was Annelise here? Wait–was she the Priestess they talked about?

Ah, I see. So the one behind this kidnapping was none other than the dark organization itself? Why was I not surprised?

They were the ones responsible for every chaos that happened on this continent. I should have at least foreseen their involvement.

She smiled and looked at me interestingly. I eyed her coldly and unbeknownst to me, I opened my mouth.

"Can you cover yourself with something? You disgust me."

Her smile vanished upon hearing my harsh comment.

I didn\'t know, I suddenly felt disgusted swirling inside when I saw her. I wonder why I have such a feeling?

A guard yelled at me.

"How dare you to–!"

Annelise stretched out her hand and the guard shut his mouth. Nevertheless, she let out a pleased expression and smiled gleefully.

"You are the first person who said such a thing to me! Oh, my! A Prince is indeed different!"

…but, why did I feel deja vu?


It was not deja vu!

I panicked inwardly after realizing something.

Why the hell did I recreate a scene from the future? I felt so stupid but I swear it escaped from my mouth without me knowing!

I wanted to facepalm my head but that was not the time. And so, I snapped at her.

"What do you want?"

Instead of answering, she turned to the guards and told them to leave. Once they left the room, she continued.

"I just want to meet the one who ruined my plan, that\'s all."

I couldn\'t help but frown. How did she know? Did she plant a spy in the Castle?

Her ruby eyes twinkled with excitement when she looked at me and spoke.

"But who knew I would meet such a cutie boy~"


However, despite my silence, she continued her babbling.

"Personally, I prefer you over your brother; that black-haired boy."

I let out a tired sigh and spat out my thoughts.

"If you don\'t have anything important to say then let me ask you, what are you going to do with these children?"

I pointed to the cage next to me with my head and she shook her head.

"I can\'t tell my enemy our secret, can I? But, if you decide to join our \'society\', I will tell you everything~ You can marry me if you\'d like too!"

My forehead creased when I felt someone clench my left arm tightly. I peeked at Leticia from the corner of my eyes but she was sleeping. Well, it looked like she was faking it.

Ignoring both of them, I asked Annelise one more time.

"Are you going to make them Super Soldiers? Like the one that my brother fought last time?"

"Who knows."

"Or perhaps… Chimeras?"

Her smile vanished and gaze coldly at me.

"Oh, wow. Aren\'t you quite knowledgeable about us?"

"So it\'s Chimeras."


Annelise said no more and we exchanged stares for minutes. In the end, she sighed and rose from her seat.

"I have to admit that you have an extraordinary brain to shatter my strategy. But, even if the Empire refuses to wage war with the Yovanny Kingdom, it doesn\'t matter, because I will make the Yovanny Kingdom wage war against the Empire."


Was that even possible?

Yet, she just shrugged.

"Well, there is one way left."

Suddenly, the corners of her lips lifted.

"But, if you can spoil my plans a second time, I will reward you handsomely."

"What\'s that?"

"I will return all the kidnapped children to you. It\'s not a bad idea, right?"

It was indeed a tempting bet.

"Of course, that\'s only if you can get out of here alive. But even if you get out of here, I\'m afraid that… it\'s already too late."

With that, she strode toward the door and before she left, Annelise sent me a goodbye kiss.

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