My Multisystem In Isekai

168 Chapter 168

As Mabel entered the cafeteria, she marveled at just how the human mind worked. It was truly amusing that she had consciously left her office to jaywalk, and ended up right where she needed to be even without it being her original plan. The smell of the dairy-rich confectionaries hit her nose and reminded her of just how hungry she was. Charged with a new feeling of want, she found herself being pulled into the cafeteria. As she drew close to the entrance, she heard noted the unusual acoustics coming from the inside.

Mabel was a bit on edge. She knew just how busy the cafeteria usually was in the evenings. It was a hub of social activity, and students came here to hang out together or look for a little bit of action. Either way, the cafeteria was always a bit of a rumble. But tonight, by the sound of it, it was almost as if there was some kind of uproar going on. And it wasn\'t the fun kind. So, she hastened her footsteps and saw a very unseemly sight.

Right on the precipice of the entrance, blocking anyone from leaving or entering was a group of students who appeared to have encircled someone in their middle. Mabel wasn\'t a complete prude. She was very familiar with some social scenes, and she instantly knew what was happening here. It was the typical wolf pack scenario where a bunch of youngsters took advantage of their numbers to try to gainsay a much weaker, or a much lonelier person.

In other words, this was just another group of assholes bullying someone probably weaker than they were. Mabel was a bit amused. It was insane just how some things never changed. She had seen many a scene like this during her time in school. And now, even with a different generation, it seemed things hadn\'t changed. She was about to ignore it and let the scenario play out when she had heard a very peculiar voice.

Mabel\'s face hardened and her countenance changed from that of indifference to that of a much familiar curiosity. She knew that voice. It was a voice that had actually given her countless hours of wonder. Yes, it was the prodigy Zavier. Before she could wait a few more seconds to confirm, another loud obnoxious voice came from the middle of the circle, drowning out Zavier\'s own completely.

It sounded like there was some kind of altercation going on, or about to go on. There was the undeniable mocking tone in the other boy\'s voice, like he was taunting Zavier or something. Mabel\'s brain connected the dots faster than the speed of light. Of course it would make sense that such an exceptional boy like Zavier would attract the hate that came from being an outstanding student. The spite coming from the crowd was palpable. She could almost taste it in the air.

Mabel knew immediately that this was the reason she had been led here. Zavier was one of her favorites among the high school candidates trying out. She had been itching for a situation or circumstance to bring them together, just so she could behold the boy genius up front and in person. So naturally, her instinct was to make ample use of this opportunity to interfere and insert herself into his life.

She contemplated her next move very seriously. Of course the logical thing was to step in and interfere. But Mabel considered the consequence of her action on a much broader scale. As someone who had also passed through the system as a student, she knew that anyone who was being bullied had a much bigger chance of being skinned alive if they were seen to have a teacher or staff by their side.

She simply couldn\'t ignore the dynamics of the social order and barge right in without taking note of the consequences. But the more Mabel looked at the crowd, the more convinced she was that she had to intervene. It wasn\'t like she doubted that Zavier couldn\'t handle himself. After all, this was the Zavier the boy genius. But unfortunately, that would mean having to face the unfavorable and unflattering consequences of having to deal with his actions. The university\'s policy on violence wasn\'t malleable at all.

Mabel simply couldn\'t sit back and watch Zavier throw his future away because of the actions of some jealous knuckleheads. So, without wasting a breath, she promptly delved into the situation and took control of it immediately. And indeed, it had actually been a very timely one, for Zavier had been right on the edge of blowing up. As soon as Mabel\'s voice cut through the cafeteria, the silence that ensued resounded with a deafening calm.

All eyes fell on her, and she was immediately recognized as one of the chief officiators of this event. To further consolidate her hold over them, she roared threateningly;

"Are you all high school students devoid of any kind of sense whatsoever? Do you not know that you can singlehandedly ruin your own chance of getting in by indulging in such a fruitless bout of violence?"

There were so many gasps from all over the cafeteria.

"Yes! Now listen to me…" she turned specifically to face the student in particular who was championing this cause, "The bylaws of Caesar University states that any student who engages in any kind of illegal fight outside the competition grounds, will not only lose all their qualifications, but will be permanently barred from future employment and admissions for life."

This sank into his ears like poison on fresh farm produce. He hated Zavier, but his hate wasn\'t worth losing his place here at Caesar University. After all, there was a legal place where he could unleash all of that anger on Zavier\'s head- the battlefield. He hoped against hope that fate would grant him the privileged of having Zavier as his opponent. There was no way he was going to hold back. No one would save him from his hands.

Coincidentally, those were the exact thoughts running through Zavier\'s mind at that moment.

The high school student backed away reluctantly, silently wishing that this lady hadn\'t showed up at all. She had ruined the perfect execution for him, and he wasn\'t all too happy about it. But nonetheless, he had to comply. There was no other choice. As he backed away, he clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth provocatively, and gave Zavier the sarcastic middle finger. As if that wasn\'t enough, he gave Zavier a parting gift as a souvenir from their encounter;

"Ah, I didn\'t expect the privilege of the Adam family to reach the extent of influencing a female invigilator! I\'ll be seeing you around ZAVIER!"

With that, he disappeared into the background and melted away. The crowd of witnesses around discerned that the matter was all over. The ending had truly been anticlimactic, and they were still very unsatisfied. But they had no other option but to simply disband. The show was over, and that was just about it.

Zavier should have been glad, he really should. But he wasn\'t exactly sure how he was supposed to feel now. Only a few moments ago, he had decided to do away with the consequences and crack open the skull of the stubborn high school boy. For a moment, it felt really good to give in to his basic instincts. He had been bottling up his rage behind a big black gate in his heart. So, the moment he chose abandon all reason, and let loose the kraken, he had been temporarily overwhelmed with a surge of savagery.

Although he was opposed to admitting it, it had felt really good to bask in the fiery heat of unbridled rage. Oh how he had wanted to split his opponent\'s jaw in half and watch it dangle open as the boy struggled to come to terms with the fact that he had been severely overpowered. Zavier relished the mental image of making the boy try to apologize with his dislocated jaw.

The image had been so terrifyingly vivid in Zavier\'s mind that he was scared he wouldn\'t enjoy it when the time to actualize it came.

It had all been so dark, and really gruesome.

p So, when the invigilator lady stepped in to quiet the storm, Zavier found himself having to hold back. It had been particularly difficult for him, because he had already sworn that no one would be able to stop him. So, having to rein in his anger at the behest of this lady was something of a medieval quest for him. And yet, he had to. His vision had been blurry red all through the time the lady had been addressing the crowd and the other boy.

Zavier assumed the lady thought she was saving him from the boy. It was actually funny, because she was actually saving the boy from him. All this was his own perspective of the ways things were. But much later on, he would reflect back on that very moment and see the truth for what it was; Mabel had actually saved him from his own self. She had spared him from committing the blunder that would have sent him packing.

By the time Zavier had calmed down from his blood rage, he was able to assess the situation objectively. And that was when his own mixed feelings came into play. While he regretted having lost the opportunity to teach the scumbag a lesson, he saw that things had taken a turn for the worse! He was right back where he was an hour ago, in fact things might have actually gotten significantly worse for him.

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