Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 519 518 - Crossover(Part 9)

After we wrapped up the duels, Kilzachs put us up in a nice, fancy hotel. Persia and I were sharing a room, while Az and Belia each had a single room. Az went to sleep right away, and Belia is completely amped up, so yeah, they\'ve reacted to this in the complete opposite way.

"I think we should turn in a bit early too, I\'m pretty wiped out after today," Remarked Persia, as we entered our room and shut the door.

We\'d each been given a change of clothes after the duels, and Kilzachs said they\'d send us some more clothes later.

"Sounds good. Let\'s go to sleep after they bring the clothes they said they\'d send us. I don\'t trust Belia with that, and Az is asleep," I pointed out, as I walked over to the mini-fridge and opened it.

"Is that alcohol? Why such tiny bottles?" Inquired Persia curiously, peering over my shoulder.

"Guess some things never change, mini-fridges stocked with over-priced snacks and drinks are still a thing...oh, well, it\'s not like we\'re paying for this, so no need to hold back," I shrugged, as I took out a couple of the tiny bottles and handed her one.

"This looks like it\'s maybe two, at most three, shots," She frowned, as we cracked open the bottles and clinked them, before swiftly downing the alcohol.

"Kilzachs\' power to copy stuff would be pretty useful right now...huh, I wonder if that power works on the Legendary Arms weapons?" I mused, as I glanced at my Fangs of the Basilisk.

"Probably not a good idea even if it possible, those weapons are too powerful," Responded Persia, as she flopped onto the bed.

"Yeah, that\'s true," I nodded in agreement, as I walked over and sat beside her, before running my fingers across her right thigh and giving it a firm squeeze.

"Mm, maybe we should hold off on going to sleep for a bit longer, after all," She smirked seductively, as she slipped her hand under my shirt and ran her hand across my back.

"Funny, I was thinking the exact same-...," I began, before trailing off as someone knocked on the door, "Hold that thought."

I then stood up and headed for the door, unlocking and opening it, to see Kilella with a large bag.

"Hey, I brought the clothes for you guys. I knocked on the other doors too, but there was no response," She remarked, as she entered the room and I shut the door.

"Yeah, Az went to sleep already. As for Belia...I have no idea what she might be up to, nor do I care to find out," I sighed wistfully.

"She certainly seems like quite a handful," She replied with a wry smile, as she set the bag of clothes down beside the bed.

Hm? She keeps glancing at Persia, wonder what that\'s about? Is she salty about how their duel went? Even though it was a tie, Persia did have the upper hand in that fight...

"Um, is there something on my face?" Inquired Persia awkwardly.

"Huh? Oh, no, sorry for staring! It\'s just...you\'re really attractive, so I couldn\'t help myself. Plus, you know, the whole cat girl thing...," Grinned Kilella sheepishly.

"I know, right?" I laughed in agreement, as I walked over and ruffled Persia\'s hair affectionately.

"H-hey, cut it out, it\'s embarrassing," She muttered as she averted her gaze.

Yup, still as adorable as the day I met her.

"Woah, that was crazy cute," Responded Kilella wide-eyed.

"Agreed, she has the most adorable reactions," I smirked at Persia teasingly, who pouted indignantly in response.

"Hey, I don\'t suppose you guys could take me to your world so that I can get a cat girl of my own, could you?" Requested Kilella hopefully.

Huh? Is she serious? She looks pretty serious.

"Not sure if that\'s a good idea, visiting another world is one thing, but having someone relocate from one world to another might be dangerous," I replied wryly.

"Oh, I see. That\'s too bad...guess I\'ll never get to have sex with a cat girl," She sighed in disappointment.

Uh, TMI, much? Not that I don\'t understand, but still.

"Ah, this must be what someone at a buffet must feel like when they see someone who\'s starving," I remarked with a laugh.

"Hey, don\'t call me a buffet. I\'m not all you can eat, you know," Huffed Persia indignantly.

"Oh? But I thought you like it when I eat your-..."

"Stop, shut up!" She exclaimed in alarm, as she covered my mouth with her hands.

"In that analogy you used, um...how would the starving person go about getting a taste of the buffet?" Inquired Kilella, fidgeting awkwardly.

Wait, is she asking if...? I, uh, I\'m not sure how to respond to that. Persia looks kinda taken aback too.

"Are you saying what I think you\'re saying?" Frowned Persia uncertainly.

"Well, if you think I\'m saying what I think you think I\'m saying, then...yes?" She replied as she averted her gaze.


"Okay, just so we\'re all on the same page, could you just come out and say it directly?" I sighed in bemusement.

"H-huh? I, uh...okay, I-I\'ll say it. Could I, like...join in? You know...a threesome thing, sexually speaking," She muttered as she averted her gaze with a mortified look on her face.

Oh, wow, I was mostly just trying to get her to back down, I didn\'t think she\'d actually say it. Now what? I\'d be lying if I said that her request didn\'t appeal to me, but...it\'s not my call to make.

"Could you give us a minute to, uh, discuss this?" Responded Persia, before whispering to me, "I don\'t suppose you could use a spell to freeze her or something while we talk?"

Hm? I have no idea if that\'s possible. Hey, Diablo, Lazarus, can you guys conjure up a spell like that?

"A normal spell, no. But I can probably do something to that effect using an application of Chaos Magic," Replied Diablo.

"Yeah, that should be pretty simple," Added Lazarus in agreement.

Great. Let\'s go with that, then.

"You got it. Aaaand...done," Diablo informed me.

"Hey," I said to Kilella, to get her attention as I opened my third eye.

"Yeah? What is-...?" She began, before trailing off as a blank look appeared on her face as her gaze fell onto my third eye.

"Not sure how long that\'ll hold, so...what should we do? I might be able to wipe her memory of the last few minutes and we could pretend like this never happened," I suggested with a shrug.

It\'s a pity, but I guess I\'ll have to pass on this opportunity.

"Yeah, that\'d probably be for the best. Or...," Muttered Persia in response.

Huh? Is she really considering it, after all? I need to hear her say it...

"Or?" I prompted her.

"Well, I don\'t know...I was just thinking, it might be fun to, you know, add another person into the mix. Just to, like, know what it feels like," She mumbled awkwardly, "Unless you\'re against it?"

"I mean, if I\'m being honest, it is pretty appealing to me. But if you\'re not comfortable with it, I have no problem with-..."

"I wouldn\'t say I\'m totally comfortable, but I am kinda curious...plus, the more we talk about it, the hotter it sounds," She admitted sheepishly.

Oh, I thought that was just me.

"So...we\'re going for it?"

"Um...yeah, let\'s do it!"

Well, okay then. I undid the spell I\'d placed on Kilella, a slight look of confusion on her face as I freed her...oh, right, we probably shifted around a bit while we were talking. It probably looked like we\'d glitched out or something to her.

"Alright, we\'ve talked about it, and...we decided that we\'ll accept your offer," I informed her.

"Huh? Already? That was fast," She responded in surprise.

"Yeah, don\'t worry about it," Shrugged Persia dismissively, before grabbing my collar and kissing me.

"Okay, then...uh, pardon the intrusion...," Muttered Kilella, as she got on her knees between my legs and unbuckled my best, and then unzipped my trousers.

I pulled off Persia\'s top as she unbuttoned my shirt and slid it off my shoulders, tracing her fingertips across my chest as Kilella took off my trousers, her hands on my thighs as she put her mouth to work.

Persia then smirked as she placed her hand on top of Kilella\'s head and pushed her down roughly, eliciting a choked gag from her.

"Mm, yeah, this is pretty hot," She whispered into my ear as she nibbled on my earlobe.

She then scooted down and began taking off Kilella\'s clothes, before massaging one of her boobs with her right hand while continuing to push her head down with her left hand.

Wow, holy fucking shit, I\'m so glad I came back to this world. This is amazing. Also, thank goodness for my Healing Factor...this is so exciting that, normally, I wouldn\'t last too much longer. But by using my Healing Factor, I can last however long I want.

Persia then joined in, using her tongue to slowly trace across, as I let out a sigh of pleasure at the sensation of two mouths down there...this is the best...


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