Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 485 484 - Suicide Attack

Chapter 485 484 - Suicide Attack

  Point-of-View: Damien Romer 

  I can barely contain myself...I\'m so fucking excited for this! I was currently hovering several meters up in the air, just below the clouds, above a trade center town to the west of Liberty.

  And lucky me, I\'m sensing a couple of high power levels down there...and by that, I mean above average, nowhere near my own power level, of course. If I had to estimate, I\'d say they\'re around...a bit less than 50,000? 

  Yeah, definitely. 

  In addition to the various detection barriers, there also seems to be a physical, defensive barrier around it. Also, wow, I\'m definitely seeing some improvements. 

  There were lampposts around, music playing out of several shops, I could even see people watching movies or some sort of videos on what looked like holographic screens. 

  There were even animated billboards and stuff, it was quite the sight to see. Well, it has been twenty years, so I guess it\'s only natural that so much progress has been made. 

  Now, then...time for a massacre. I\'ll give myself five minutes...let\'s see how many people I can kill in that time. Should make for a fun game. 

  For starters, let\'s deal with this defensive barrier...I then cast a massive Nullification barrier, with a radius of over one kilometer, enough to cover the entire trade center area...and nullifying all active barriers, the town going dark as all the Mana powered devices were cut off. 

  As confused murmurs began ringing out, I swooped down rapidly, undoing my Nullification as I began to close in, the lights coming back on. 

  And then, as I closed in on a random woman, I grabbed the top of her head, and as she let out a startled cry, I slammed her face onto the ground, using all the momentum I\'d generated from swooping down, her head splitting open as her face got smashed in, blood bursting out with a splat. 

  I wasn\'t invisible or using tranform...for the first time since I left my old village, I was showing off my real appearance in public. 

  And now to unleash my True Anima...my skin turned pale and smooth, my fingers changing shape and becoming more pointy, as a tail extended out from my lower back, red, branch-like gills growing out of my neck as my face extended forward. 

  For a brief moment, a stunned silence ensued as I stood up, blood pooling around my feet, pouring out of the smashed head of the woman I\'d blindsided. 

  And then, panic ensued, screams ringing out as everyone began running away, pushing and shoving past each other in desperation, scrambling and trying their best to get away from me. 

  I activated Berserker, my power doubling once again, as I felt a surge of aggression rising up inside me, swelling up drastically, before I zipped across and drove my claws through the back of a man who was running away screaming, my hand bursting out through the front of his chest, before I opened my hand, pointing my palm out and firing out several rapid, small Obliteration Magic blasts. 

  Cries of pain rang out as my blasts struck several people and wiped out small chunks of their bodies, many of them falling over and crawling away in desperate terror. 

  I then flew up and swirled flames and wind around myself, while firing out bolts of lightning all over the place, zapping several people, before unleashing the combined wind and flames in several vicious, fiery streaks, many of the shops catching fire, which spread rapidly. 

  Hm...yeah, killing people by hand is a lot more satisfying than doing so with magic. I then swooped down towards a food stall, where a woman was crouched with two kids in her arms, her eyes widening in horror as she saw me coming, but it was already too late for her. 

  I closed in on her and grabbed the top of her head, crushing her skull, her kids screaming in horror as her blood and bits of brain splattered onto them. I then grabbed one of them by the throat and crushed it, blood bursting out of his mouth, before I drove my claws into the chest of the other one, ripping out her heart and crushing it in my fist. 

  No point in eating the hearts of some random, weak-ass kids, after all. 

  I then burst out wind from the soles of my feet, shooting myself across towards a crowd of people that were pushing each other in their desperation to save themselves. 

  Panicked cries began ringing out as they noticed me barreling towards them, I extended wind in the shape of claws along my fingers, slicing through several people as I reached the crowd, blood bursting out as I violently tore off their heads, burst holes through their chests, ripped open their throats and guts, and just slicing them apart in general, as I let myself drown in the aggression of my Berserker power. 

  A bloody mist began to rise up as I mowed down the crowd, the air rich with the scent of blood and entrails, the delightful stench of death invading my nostrils. 

  I then formed a massive, swirling Obliteration Magic blast and flung it at another group of people, who had reached the edge of the trade center, almost out...you think you can escape me!? Think again! 

  As I wiped them out of existence, fireballs suddenly came shooting towards me, which I swiftly countered by pulling my trident off my back and swinging it across, extinguishing the flames effortlessly. 

  Tch, an Adventurer, huh? 

  "You really dared to attack me, you worthless piece of crap? Fucking die!" I snarled, as I flung the trident at him like a javelin. 

  He began to try and react, but was far too slow, the prongs piercing into his midsection and sending him rapidly flying back and slamming onto the side of a building, coughing out blood as he tried to pull the trident out, but his hands getting repelled off of it. 

  I then teleported in close towards him and violently yanked it out with a twist, before repeatedly and rapidly stabbing him over and over, my violent urges growing with every stab, before I tore his throat open by stabbing it with the trident and then twisting it around rapidly. 

  I then quickly sprang back as a narrow beam came shooting towards my head, grazing the bridge of my nose as I narrowly evaded it. Who the hell did that!? 

  "You damned monster," Remarked the person who fired it at me...tch, Prato Cichudde, huh?

  "I won\'t let someone as weak as you get away with hurting me...you\'ll die a painful death and serve as my fodder!" I snapped, as I shot towards him at top speed. 

  Without moving, he took aim and fired out several more rapid heat beams with terrifying accuracy. I could barely evade them, getting grazed several times, each hit infuriating me more and more. 

  I let out a vicious snarl as I closed in on him and slashed at his head...he suddenly reacted right before it could strike, the tip of the middle prong grazing his forehead, before he slipped across and fired a beam through my left side, narrowly missing my heart as it burst out through my right side, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from me. 

  Damn it...damn it, damn it, damn it, I\'ll fucking destroy him! 

  I whipped my tail across at him as fast as I could, he began to spring back, but was too slow, as my tail slammed onto his midsection and sent him rapidly flying back and crashing onto the side of a shop, the wall nearly caving in as he coughed out blood, pouring out of his mouth as he collapsed onto his knees. 

  Now, to get his heart. As I began to teleport towards him, I paused and formed a defense barrier to my left as a lightning bolt came rapidly shooting towards me, blocking it as I felt my anger spike. What now!? 

  As I glanced in that direction, I let out a stifled cry of pain as a heat beam burst through my left shoulder, just above my heart, as Prato fired the instant I took my eyes off him.

  I quickly teleported away as more heat beams came shooting towards me, as the one who fired lightning at me zipped towards Prato and tossed him a Spell Card. 

  That hair...he must be Misen Ragiu, a highly experienced, but not very strong, Adventurer, or whatever rank in the system that Abyss uses. Tch, does he really think he stands a chance against me!? At his level of power!? 

  "Hey, use this," He said to Prato, as the latter caught the Spell Card. 

  "What is it, a healing-...?" He began to ask in response, before suddenly disappearing as he activated it. 

  Huh? What just happened? 

  "Alright, Spectre, or whatever your name is...you\'re facing me now," Smirked Misen, as he held out a glowing blue crystal dagger. 

  That\'s been charged with lightning...it\'s dangerous, but does he really think he\'s anywhere near fast enough to hit me with it? 

  "You old piece of shit...who the hell do you think I am!? I\'ll crush you!" I yelled furiously, as I shot towards him, closing in on him before he could react and driving my claws through his midsection, bursting a hole through him, right as my Berserker power reached its limit, "Oh, it\'s up already? Doesn\'t matter, it\'s kinda overkill against someone as weak as you anyway. Looks like everyone else has escaped...guess I\'ll torture you a bit before I leave."

  I really need to train while using Berserker...why the hell wasn\'t I using my intangibility!? It\'s like I completely forgot about it! Anyway, I\'ll worry about that later. 

  I activated my Nullification barrier around the area, to prevent anyone from teleporting in and interrupting my fun. 

  "I...I appreciate...you underestimating me," He grinned, as blood poured down the sides of his mouth, before he grabbed my arm tightly and began to drive his crytal dagger towards me. 

  I swiftly caught his wrist with my other hand and snapped it with a twist, before catching his dagger as he let out a cry of pain. 

  "Nice try, but way, way too slow...here, you can have it back," I remarked, as I stabbed the dagger into the middle of his chest, a vicious spark and crackle echoing out as the charged up lightning filled his body. 

  Wait...something\'s wrong here. The lightning should\'ve dissipated when I activated my Nullification barrier... 

  "Guess...this is...it for me...," He coughed in agony, before meeting my gaze with a smirk, as an electric glow enveloped his body, the air around us sparking and crackling violently, "But...it\'s over...for you too. Do you...really think that...we didn\'t come...up with a...counter for your Nullification? Right now...anything formed with my Mana...you can\'t nullify."

  "Huh? What the hell are you talking about?" I responded, as I wrenched my arm out of his stomach, blood and guts spilling out onto the ground as he collapsed onto his knees, his body glowing brighter and brighter as streaks of lightning crackled around him. 

  "You don\'t...need to know. Also...thanks for...letting me finally test...this out. I can\'t exactly...use a suicide attack...more than once, after all..."

  Oh, shit! 

  I teleported away as far as I could, before racing away, as a massive, blinding explosion of lightning burst out from him, growing and expanding rapidly, closing in on me in an instant...shit, I\'m going to die...!


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