Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 471 470 - First Glimpse of the New Reincarnators(Part 6)

Chapter 471 470 - First Glimpse of the New Reincarnators(Part 6)

  Point-of-View: Rai Rumel 

  Today\'s the 20th of June, 1692, and I was currently attending a meeting in the Rustlands, along with the leaders of the other nations. Specifically, it was me and Jhin representing Abyss, Siterra representing Idyll, Esta representing Liberty, and Cusana and Agatha representing the Democratic Republic of Rustlands. 

  "Thank you all for coming. I know this was a rather sudden invitation to this meeting, but there is a grave matter that we need to discuss," Remarked Cusana grimly. 

  "I had heard that there were a string of murders that were taking place here, is this in regards to that?" Inquired Siterra in response. 

  "That is a part of it, yes, but there is much more to it than just that. On the 7th of June, shortly after midnight, we apprehended the one responsible for all the murders. The killer was a thirteen year old boy, at least on the outside. He is a Reincarnator, one born into this world after Samsara\'s defeat," Cusana explained with a frown. 

  "We\'ve been looking into the new Reincarnators too. We\'ve only identified one so far, though, a female student at our Academy," I spoke up. 

  "Are you aware of the reincarnation process that these new Reincarnators go through?" She asked me in response. 

  "Yeah, she was a bit reluctant to tell us about her powers, but we managed to persuade her after assuring her that it wouldn\'t be made public knowledge," I answered her. 

  "She also mentioned that there was no option to choose the race in which she reincarnates as. In other words, all new Reincarnators will be human, they will not reincarnate into any of the other races," Added Jhin. 

  "Both Idyll and Liberty do have a small number of human residents now, so this matter still concerns us, as well," Chimed in Esta, the new leader of Liberty. 

  "Quite so, we cannot afford to overlook the possibility of dangerous individuals reincarnating in our nations and disrupting our peace," Nodded Siterra in agreement. 

  "We don\'t exactly have much of a sample size, but if the girl we identified as a Reincarnator is anything to go by, these new Reincarnators are much more powerful than the average human. And their wider array of abilities gives them more options too. As allies, they\'ll bolster us significantly, but as enemies, they\'re bound to be pretty damn problematic. The girl we identified, her power level goes upto above 50,000. She can freely use her True Anima form, and she has a power boosting ability too, she called it Extra Magic, and the technique is called Berserker," I informed them. 

  "The serial killer had an Extra Magic technique too, called Devour. By literally eating someone\'s heart, he gains their Elemental Magic types, or strengthens an existing type, as well as boosting his own base power level by ten percent of the victim\'s power level," Remarked Agatha grimly. 

  "That is quite a troublesome ability," Frowned Siterra with a look of concern, "What do you intend to do with this Reincarnator?" 

  "We plan to publicly execute him. He has killed eleven people, most of them civilians. He must die for that," Stated Cusana firmly. 

  "If I may make a suggestion...," Spoke up Jhin, before continuing, "I believe it would be quite a waste to let those powers simply die out. Therefore, instead of a simple execution, why not have a Demon possess his body? If he is drugged or under the effects of Chaos Magic, he will not be able to resist or push back. This way, he will still die for his crimes, but his abilities will not go to waste."

  "Hey, that\'s a pretty good idea. We\'ve got a number of Demons with strong abilities but relatively weak bodies, having one of them possess this creep\'s body would make for a formidable addition to our ranks," Nodded Agatha in approval. 

  "I am in agreement of this suggestion," Added Siterra after mulling it over, "More of these new Reincarnators are likely to show up eventually, some of them may well be normal and reasonable, but some may be evil like this serial killer. The more reliable members we have in place to counter against such threats, the more efficiently we will be able to prevent them from becoming serious problems in the long-term."

  "Hm...I suppose I cannot deny that there is merit in this suggestion. Very well, I shall consider it," Nodded Cusana after a brief pause, before adding, "However, we currently have no way to detect the presences of these new Reincarnators...yes, their abilities and power levels may give them away, but they can always hide the full extents of what they are capable of and avoid having their power levels scanned."

  "According to the student we identified, she could use all of her abilities almost right away, except for her True Anima, which didn\'t manifest until she was five. Normally, Anima mutations don\'t appear till puberty, meaning that the new Reincarnators develop theirs much sooner," I pointed out. 

  "That likely means that the Reincarnators have higher power levels from birth. Perhaps a barrier that detects such power levels could work in helping to identify Reincarnators. The girl also mentioned that a power level of between 10,000 and 25,000 was randomly assigned to her, I believe hers was close to 13,000, and that is without her True Anima or the Extra Magic technique Berserker. Therefore, a detection barrier could be a viable solution," Suggested Jhin, after mulling it over. 

  "Both that Berserker technique and unleashing her True Anima each doubles her power level. In other words, if she had lucked out and been assigned the maximum base power level of 25,000, she\'d max out at 100,000 with those two boosts active," I surmised grimly. 

  "Hm...after what happened fifteen years ago, there are only a handful of people who can put up a fight against such a power level. And Shiro Blanc and I are the only ones who can genuinely overwhelm them. We cannot burden just one or two people with the responsibility of dealing with every one of these threats," Frowned Siterra thoughtfully. 

  "If I may ask, what exactly are the details of the new reincarnation process?" Inquired Esta curiously. 

  Oh, right, they don\'t know how it works, we probably should\'ve explained it at the start of this meeting... 

  "Let me explain. The way it works is like this...," I began, before describing the process as it had been explained to us. 

  "Are the details consistent with what you obtained from the serial killer?" Jhin asked Cusana, as I finished my explanation. 

  "Yes, they are," She nodded in response. 

  "Hm...the Support Magic you mentioned, it seems to be a limited version of what we of the other races are capable of, spell-casting without the need for parchment. However, this Extra Magic is concerning...both that we are aware of, Devour and Berserker, are highly powerful and dangerous techniques," Grimaced Siterra with a look of concern on her face. 

  "We did learn about a few of the other Extra Magic techniques that the student recalled, but she\'s been in this world for thirteen years now, so her memory of it was a bit vague. It looks like the Demonic techniques, like Obliteration, Chaos and Alchemic Magic are among those Extra Magic techniques. She also recalled there being a telekinesis technique among those," I recalled and informed them. 

  "The serial killer guy said he didn\'t remember any of the other Extra Magic abilities, because he didn\'t bother going through the list after realizing that one would be randomly assigned instead of letting him choose," Replied Agatha. 

  "Depending on how many new Reincarnators appear from now on, we will have our work cut out for us. Each individual will be different, meaning that we cannot have a single approach for all of them," Sighed Jhin in response. 

  "True, if we simply crack down on all new Reincarnators instead of approaching them on a more individual basis, that will only do more harm than good in the long term," Frowned Cusana in agreement. 

  "We can\'t be too restrictive with them either. We\'ll have to give them the same level of freedom as the rest of our citizens, but we\'ll have to make it clear that if they misuse their abilities, they will have to face the consequences, regardless of their age. After all, most Reincarnators tend to be people who\'ve lived at least till their teens, so mentally speaking, they\'re a lot older than they appear," I pointed out objectively. 

  "Yeah, the whole \'with great power comes great responsibility\' thing," Nodded Agatha in response. 

  "And just because they are powerful does not mean that we should force them to become Adventurers or focus only on fighting. We should give them the freedom to choose what they want to do, provided that they do not hurt anyone," Added Siterra in agreement. 

  Handling the new Reincarnators will probably be a lot easier said than done, though. Power can lead to arrogance, which\'ll be especially prevalent depending on their personalities...people like that won\'t be willing to listen to others so easily, I\'ve got a bad feeling about what\'s to come... 


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