Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 427 - 426 Body Swap(Part 2)

Damn it, where did she go!? There\'s no telling what she might be upto in my body, but I doubt it\'s anything good! That little pervert, where is she!?

I raced through the castle hallways as fast as I could, but there was no sign of her...tch, this place is like a small maze, it takes a while to get used to. But even after figuring out the layout, it\'s definitely not the easiest place to find someone in.

I\'ll just have to assume that she left the castle and hope I can find her...damn it, she doesn\'t have Lightning Magic, which means no Lightning Boost, which means that I can\'t search as fast as I\'d usually be able to.

I have no idea how to use Wind Magic, so there\'s no point in trying...all I can do is run normally. It\'s hard to get used to this body though...the chest keeps shaking with every step, and is starting to feel sore, and I couldn\'t help but feel like I was missing something between my legs, and that was really throwing me off.

I can\'t deny that I wasn\'t tempted to touch this body, but if I do, it\'ll feel like I let her win! Grr, even though I have almost no doubt that she has, or intends to, touch my body without restraint, I refuse to do the same...I will not stoop down to her level!

I will simply find her, knock her out and then drag her back to Azyl so that I can get this situation back to normal. That\'s...probably easier said than done.

There, the entrance to the castle. I rushed out through the open gates and looked around, trying to spot my body. I don\'t see any sign of it, she must have already left this area. Or...could she still be inside the castle somewhere?

Going back in and searching would be pointless...even if I could cover the entire castle, it would be quite easy to narrowly miss her. It would require a lot of luck to be able to find her while searching blindly.

"Hey, did you see, uh, Misen recently?" I asked one of Demons standing guard outside the castle entrance.

"Hm? Oh, it is you, Miss Selesa. Yes, he just passed through her a minute or two ago, seeming to be in an unusually cheerful mood, and yelled something strange at us."

That little...

"I-I see...what did he say?" I inquired with a strained smile.

"I believe it was \'sup, fellow cock wielders\'," Answered the other guard in bemusement, a Vampire.

Oh, no...my bad feeling is starting to get worse and worse by the second...

"S-so, uh, wh-which way did he go?" I asked them, doing my best to stay calm and keep from panicking.

"He just ran straight, and kept yelling similar remarks to the people he passed by, sounding rather gleeful. And his hand was inside his trousers for some reason, moving around his crotch. Perhaps he had too much to drink, it was a rather vulgar display, actually."

...I\'m going to kill her. And then myself.

Point-of-View: Selesa Jeule

Huh? Just got chills for a moment there, wonder what that was about? Eh, probably just the breeze or something. Anyway, I was currently in a brothel. The reason was obvious, it was to test this dick out, of course!

And I did. I tested it out for a full twenty seconds...and couldn\'t hold it in any longer. I\'ve got a newfound respect for guys that can last for, like, twenty minutes or more. Heck, even a minute seems impressive after what I just did in there.

Seriously, I tried my best to hold it in, but the dick just started throbbing and felt like it was about to explode...and, well, then it did. And yeah, that instant felt amazing and all, but...it was over in no time. And after that, I just felt weirdly depressed and self-conscious.

So, this must be post-nut clarity, huh? I see...no doubt about it, dicks are overrated. I mean, orgasming feels way better as a girl than as a guy, so why are guys typically way more horny than girls?

I mean, this was okay and all, but it wasn\'t that great a pleasure...and like I said, it fades after like a couple of seconds. Also, damn, I don\'t think I\'ve ever felt this not-horny before.

I just...felt no interest towards anything sexual right now. Wow...this is really depressing. Maybe I should go back and put things back to normal-...no, wait, I think I\'ll stick with it for just a bit longer.

Yeah, I\'ll learn as much as I can from this body, and then, I\'ll use that experience to add to my seduction arsenal...the better I understand how a guy\'s body works, the better I\'ll be able to pleasure one once I\'m back in my old body!

Sweet, I\'m able to think sexual thoughts again...so, post-nut clarity may be a powerful force, but it doesn\'t last long. Now I get it, I\'m starting to understand better...even though the pleasure isn\'t as great, guys are more easily turned on, for some reason.

Well, on average, anyway...there\'s bound to be exceptions on either side. Huh, wait, I wonder if this body usually works differently with Misen, and maybe I\'m just feeling it as more sensitive than it actually is, since I\'m not used to it?

Huh, if that\'s the case, I wonder how he\'s doing in my body? Guess I\'ll find out later. Now, then, I think I\'ll go explore around, talk to some people. I don\'t have a set plan on what I\'m going to do, I\'ll just go with the flow and see what happens. Yeah, that sounds like the most fun way to approach this!

I then left the brothel and headed out, wandering the streets and making random turns as I walked, looking around. And it wasn\'t long before I spotted a familiar face...hehe, time to have some fun!

"Oh, hey, Misen. You seem to be in a rather good mood," He greeted me.

"Hey, Ekai, how\'s it going? And yeah, I\'m totally in a good mood, because I, uh...just slept with Selesa!" I replied, blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

Oops. That\'s what going with the flow gets me, huh...oh, well, let\'s work with it, see where this goes!

"Uh...I see. Maybe I shouldn\'t have asked."

"So, what are you upto?" I asked him.

"I am just on my way to meet with Siert for lunch. Would you like to join us?" He offered.

Hm...I think I will, might be interesting...

"Yeah, sure! Sounds good to me," I responded with a thumbs up, before adding as a look of surprise appeared on his face, "Uh, is something wrong? Ohh, was that an invitation just out of politeness and not a real invitation? Okay, uh, I take back what I s-."

"No, no, that was not my intent. I was just surprised because you rarely ever accept such invitations lately."

Huh, now that he mentions it, Misen has been kinda isolating himself a bit more than he used to. Maybe he\'s going through an emo phase? Or maybe he\'s regretting having been such a dick to so many people that he feels too guilty to talk to anyone anymore. Guess he\'s more sensitive than I thought...alright, then, I\'ll help him repair some relationships!

Why did my bad feeling suddenly get much, much worse? Oh, no, what is that idiot upto? I\'m genuinely scared to find out. After all, she is a true degenerate, there\'s absolutely no telling what she might do.

I can only hope that she is not doing something sexual-...never mind, that\'s being way too optimistic. I need to find her quickly...otherwise, my reputation is going to get dragged through the mud!

Hm? Oh, I see Fuo! Selesa is certainly attracted to her, and would likely have approached her in my body if she spotted her. Maybe she knows where Selesa is...I really hope she does, I cannot take this for much longer!

"Fuo, over here!" I called out, as I jogged over to her.

"Huh? Oh, hi, Selesa. What\'s up, do you need something?" She responded with a wave.

"Yes, I am looking for Misen...have you seen him recently?" I inquired hopefully.

"Oh, actually...I did. I was relaxing in a cafe, when I spotted him heading into a brothel across the street...and then came back out like a minute later," She scoffed in amusement.

...damn it. That perverted little bitch...


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