Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 412 - 411 - Battling A (not)God(Part 1)

Chapter 412 - 411 - Battling A (not)God(Part 1)

"Wow, that\'s awfully bold of you, Shiro," Remarked Belia teasingly.

Ugh, seriously? Maybe I should have given everyone a bit more of a heads up, though it looks like he\'s the only one who\'s not wearing any clothes. He does have a blanket in his hand though, which he was using to cover himself by wrapping it around his waist like a towel.

"I, uh, was taking a shower," He responded, not very convincingly.

"You look pretty dry though," Countered Belia slyly.

"And you were definitely hard when you first appeared," Added Rion with a look of amusement...did he really have to point that out?

Well, they\'re all awfully carefree, considering the situation.

"How foolish, do you really believe that a handful of weaklings such as yourselves can defeat me?" Scoffed not-God disdainfully.

"Oh, yeah? Well, if we\'re so weak, then why bother killing us at all?" I responded with a raised eyebrow.

"It was simply an attempt at provocation," He replied, before the glow of his red eyes brightened slightly, as he added, "Just as I expected, you have joined forces...though there are still many others are targets, but I can deal with them once I have killed all of you, the strongest of this world. It does not matter if you fight me one on one or attack me with an entire army. The only reason I chose to attack this place first was because it has the weakest protective barriers, and it would have been convenient to eliminate one or two Elemental Sages before the rest of you arrive...I may have failed to do so, but this is of little consequence, as you will soon find out. It is nothing but a delay of the inevitable."

We had him surrounded, but neither us nor him had moved, he seemed relaxed and unrushed, while we were waiting for him to make the first move. But he certainly was in no hurry to do so...in fact, he looks quite content to wait for us to attack first. Where\'s this cocky confidence coming from?

"Hey, everyone, we managed to measure his power level, and it\'s over a million," Sylvar informed us through the telepathic link.

Oh...okay, so he\'s packing a ton of power. That\'s where the confidence is coming from...I expected him to have a high power level, but come on, that\'s just ridiculous...

"Wait, what? None of us have even half that amount!" Responded Persia in alarm.

"On the one hand, a higher power level doesn\'t guarantee a victory, but on the other hand...that\'s an overwhelming difference in power," Added Rion wryly.

"Now, then, which of you would like to die first? I am in no hurry, you may attack me at you leisure, either one at a time or all at once, either way is fine by me," Stated not-God tauntingly...he\'s just trying to provoke us, stay calm and ignore his taunts.

"Belia, how much longer before-...," I began to ask.

"Just a few more seconds, don\'t rush me!"

"Hurry it up...alright, everyone, unleash your full power right away, we can\'t afford to hold back even a little!" I instructed, as I entered Diablo Mode.

"Yeah, don\'t have to tell me twice," Responded Sylvar affirmatively, as he unleashed his Wind Sage Mode, the other two Elemental Sages following suit.

"By all means, take your time, I am willing to wait...after all, you are all going to die, so I shall allow you the mercy of choosing your own pace at which to die," Stated not-God, as we all powered up.

"Don\'t you think you\'re getting too cocky, Samsara?" Remarked Belia, smirking as she activated a spell, forming a massive dome-shaped barrier around the area.

"A barrier, hm? Ah, it prevents any and all forms of teleportation into or out of it, as well as preventing me from retreating back to my own realm, and it also restricts the use of highly complex Divine Magics. What is more, it will not fade unless I cease to exist...I shall commend you, Belia, I did not account for this. However...all you have done is trap yourselves in with me. Once you are all dead, I am certain that I can figure out a way to unravel this troublesome barrier," Responded not-God, seeming to be unshaken.

"Acting so high and mighty, who do you think you are?" Suddenly spoke up Az icily, before a wave of ice burst out towards not-God, as the rest of us quickly sprang back, Az giving us all a heads-up through the telepathic link before he attacked.

Not-God responded by forming a spherical Defense Magic barrier around himself, protecting himself from the ice...but we\'d already planned for this. Sylvar swiftly flew through the air at top speed with his spear raised, Az clearing a path for him by parting the ice shards.

"Take this!" Exclaimed Syvlar, as he swung his spear straight up and across at the barrier, slicing a gap through it.

"My turn...," Smirked Belia, as she suddenly switched places with Sylvar and fired out a wave of Weathering Magic through the gap he\'d slashed in not-God\'s barrier.

"You are wasting your time, I am eternal, your Weathering Magic has no effect on me," He declared triumphantly.

"Yeah, I figured as much...but it was still worth testing out!" She responded, before teleporting away as his barrier reached its time limit and faded.

"Hmph...I suppose I can commend your efforts, but as I\'ve been stressing, you are simply wasting your time in futility," He remarked, right as Persia suddenly sprang up to his right and tore his right arm to shreds with a expansive, slicing sphere of wind, right as Rion zipped up behind him and slashed his head off with his axe.

The two of them then quickly flew out of the way, as Bell stunned him with a powerful bolt of lightning the instant he restored himself, before Fuo sent him rapidly plummeting down towards the ground with a huge wave of solar energy.

The instant he crashed onto the ground, the Earth Sage quickly sunk the spot he landed onto, rapidly sinking him deep into the ground, as Draco hovered right above that spot and blasted down a scorchingly intense wave of concentrated flames, the air violently shimmering in a vicious heat haze.

They then ceased the attack as a fiery orange glow shone out, the sheer heat melting that spot on the ground into lava. Suddenly, the lava burst out as not-God emerged from the ground rapidly, flying up towards Draco and striking him before he could react, sending him rapidly plummeting down and slamming onto the ground with a devastating impact, breaking his arm and knocking him out.

"Hm, impressive, that strike did not kill him. That was a valiant effort, but such attacks have no effect on me, you all just wasted your Mana, nothing m-...," not-God began, before trailing off as Shin jumped up, closing the distance in an instant, using Wind Magic to stabilize himself in midair, and slashing at not-God\'s neck.

Not-God raised a finger to try and block the attack, but the blade sliced off his finger and decapitated him.

"Now, take this, you bastard!" Yelled Shin, as he began to swing his blade straight down at his headless body.

"Another of the weapons that do not belong in this world, how annoying...that said, it cannot inflict any real damage to me," Stated not-God, as he restored himself and caught the blade before it could strike him, "Indeed, there is nothing in this world that can block the blades of these weapons...however, so long as I do not touch the edge of the blade, there is no need to worry."

Shin then quickly let go of the sword and dropped down, right as several ice spikes burst out and impaled not-God from multiple directions. Shiro then zipped up in front of not-God with his claws extended, while I used my Clone Magic to form the maximum of twelve clones, before all the clones and I used Teleport to tightly surround not-God, and then fired rainbow beams at him from every direction as we extended out our unicorn horns.

"It\'s over, your life force is mine!" Exclaimed Shiro, his eyes lighting up as all of the rainbow beams hit not-God.

"How cocky, have you forgotten that I am the one that created you?" Came the response, as he suddenly broke free from the ice that was restraining him and swung his fist out, striking Shiro\'s chest and sending him flying back as he caved in his ribcage with a loud crunch.

Shiro slammed onto the ground with a devastating impact, blood pouring out of his mouth as he struggled to get up.

"The rainbow beam didn\'t work!?" Exclaimed Syvlar is disbelief.

"Of course not, did you really not think that I was take measures against it after Sant succumbed to it so easily? I cast a simple, yet powerful, Divine Magic spell that negates the effect of that beam on myself...in other words, your best chance of defeating me is no longer a viable option," Remarked not-God triumphantly, before adding, "And of course, I also learnt and adapted to make sure that I would not repeat Sant\'s mistake of fighting those more skilled than I am without adequate precautions. There are several spells cast upon this body to improve efficiency in battle...to those of you with your past memories intact, I suppose you could say that this body fights in an \'autopilot\' mode."

"Okay, yeah, I\'m pretty sure his knowledge of Divine Magic is a bit more advanced than mine," Said Belia with a nervy smile.

Hey, Diablo, think you can whip up a spell to negate his autopilot fighting and the spell that\'s nullifying my rainbow beam?

"Sorry, Kuro, but my knowledge of Divine Magic is far too inadequate for such specific requirements."


"Now, then, I believe that I have allowed you enough opportunities to try and defeat me...and now that you are aware of how futile your efforts our, I believe it is my turn to attack...prepare yourselves," Warned not-God, as a powerful shockwave burst forth from him...


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