Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 403 - 402 - Unlikely Alliance

Chapter 403 - 402 - Unlikely Alliance

Huh...so that happened.

"Uh...what in the actual fuck?" Blurted out Sylvar, finally breaking the silence.

"You can say that again. What surprised me the most was that he mentioned both of your names as his targets too," I responded in bemusement.

"Also, if he\'s here, then who\'s maintaining the cycle of reincarnation in this world?" Inquired Sylvar with a frown.

"What do you mean by that?" Asked Bell in confusion.

"Oh, uh...it\'s a long story. But basically, that being is the one in charge of the cycle of life and death in this world, or something like that," Replied Sylvar.

"I...see. How do you know that?" She inquired curiously, a look of fascination on her face.

As he began explaining what he knew, I closed my eyes and focused on my monsters, the ones in the Laus Domain. Let\'s see how things are going-...oh, yikes. This is, uh...chaotic. I bet Belia\'s loving this...I\'d initially assumed that she met the same fate that Sant did, but not-God mentioned her name among the targets he specified. That means she must have survived somehow.

Anyway, things were completely messed up in the Laus Domain...it looks like not-God had arrived, he must have used teleportation to speed up his arrival. Most of the surviving troops that had attacked us before we convinced them to retreat, it looks like they had just arrived.

The Fairies that had remained in the Laus Domain were absolutely losing their minds, they were violently attacking all of those that had retreated from the battle. Man, this is wildly entertaining...probably shouldn\'t broadcast that to these two though, I should tell them with a serious expression.

"Hey, not to alarm you two or anything, but things are getting pretty messy in the Laus Domain, a whole lot of killing," I informed them.

"What do you mean!? Who is attacking!?" Exclaimed Bell in alarm, though Sylvar looked like he\'d figured out what I was telling them.

"Oh, uh...no one\'s attacking, at least, not a third party. Basically, the Fairies, plus a few others, are labelling those that returned from the battle as traitors, and are currently trying to kill them," I surmised with a sigh.

"Can you send us back there!? We may be able to put a stop to this!" Pleaded Bell desperately.

Wow, I\'m sensing almost zero hostility towards me from her now, fighting alongside me against Sant must have cleared most, if not all, of her prejudices against humans.

"Calm down and think for a second...if you go there, not-God-...I mean, Samsara...-will have you right where he wants you. Those that blindly stayed loyal to Sant will try to kill you without any hesitation or remorse, fully convinced that they\'re in the right," I pointed out objectively.

"But...but I...," She trailed off with a look of dismay, unable to counter my argument.

"Isn\'t there anything we can do? I\'m sure that not everyone will follow Samsara, so-," Began Sylvar with his eyebrows creased.

"Oh, wait, hold on a sec...," I interrupted, as not-God intervened in the fighting, "It looks like Samsara is putting a halt to it."

I was watching him through a Phoenix, and could just about make out what he was saying. Huh, he\'s convincing the aggressors to stand down. Now he\'s using logic...he\'s saying that while Sant was only following his orders, he took it way too far, and the way most of the other races have reacted is perfectly justified.

Most of the Fairies seem unwilling to accept that, but they were staying quiet...after all, Sant was basically not-God\'s subordinate, so it only stands to reason that they wouldn\'t defy not-God.

Oh, but now he\'s saying that while he won\'t kill those that refuse to follow him, he can\'t let them stay in the Laus Domain anymore. If they stay, he\'ll consider them as trespassing and have them wiped out. A little extreme, but if nothing else, way more lenient than Sant ever was.

"Uh, hey, Kuro? What\'s happening in the Laus Domain?" Inquired Sylvar impatiently.

Oh, my bad, I kinda left them hanging while I was watching what was happening out there. I explained what I\'d seen to them, while continuing to keep an eye on what not-God was doing.

Hm? Looks like he\'s done with kicking out those that don\'t want to follow him, having given them two hours to pack up and stuff. He warned them that if they were still in the Laus Domain by that time, he\'ll kill them.

And now he\'s talking to those that were staying behind...and he\'s banning them from trying to expand their territory. And to that end, he\'s recalling everyone that\'s manning the fortresses all over the planet, in order to focus and consolidate all their manpower within the Laus Domain.

Oh, now he\'s renaming the Laus Domain, interesting...he\'s calling it...Idyll? I think that means peaceful or something like that. I mean, I guess that\'s better than calling it paradise or something pretentious like that.

"And now, uh...it looks like he\'s cleaning up the place," I remarked, having caught them up with the sequence of events.

"Huh...he may be trying to kill us and all, but if nothing else, he\'s a better leader than Sant was," Replied Sylvar.

"That is not really saying much," Countered Bell with a frown.

"Well, anyway, what are you two gonna do now? If I were you, I wouldn\'t go back to the Laus Domain anytime soon," I advised them.

"Yeah, that goes without saying. I don\'t really know, but I can make do with whatever situation," Shrugged Sylvar in reply.

"By the way, I have to say this...you were acting super edgy and stuff lately, but after seeing her again, you\'re sorta acting more like how you used to," I pointed out with a smirk.

"What does \'edgy\' mean?" Inquired Bell curiously.

"I-it doesn\'t mean anything!" Stuttered Sylvar, turning red with embarrassment, before glaring at me, "No idea what you mean, you must be imagining things!"

"Sure I am, if you say so," I responded in amusement, before getting serious and giving them a suggestion, "Here, how about this...join up with those who\'ve been kicked out of the Laus Domain-...or rather, Idyll, as it\'s been renamed...-and make yourselves a new home in one of the areas where there used to be human nations. The one straight south from here is probably the best placed, with lush grasslands to the east and west of it."

"Huh, that\'s not a bad idea," Muttered Sylvar, as he considered it.

"Yes, but...that place has been our home for the entirety of our lives. I...I do not wish to leave it in such a manner," Frowned Bell, looking conflicted.

"It\'ll only be for a while, just one month...after that, we\'ll either be dead or we\'d have killed Samsara," Responded Sylvar, in an attempt to make her feel better.

Yeah, even if he\'s gotten over his edginess, he\'s definitely changed a lot over the past few months...

"That...does not really make me feel any better," She sighed, before a slight, wry smile appeared on her lips, "Well...maybe just a little."

"Damn, that was cute," Blurted out Sylvar in awe.

"H-huh!? Wh-what are you s-saying, I-!" She began to reply, red-faced.

"Don\'t mean to interrupt your flirting, but something\'s happening...the Earth Sage is also leaving Idyll, but Samsara just told him that if he does, then he\'ll be a target too. Impressive, even with that threat, he\'s sticking to his decision...there, now there\'ll be three Elemental Sages on your side, not looking too bad," I informed them.

"So, then, they\'ll only have a Fire Sage on their side, huh?" Responded Sylvar, narrowing his eyes as a I felt a hint of bloodlust from him...he\'s already thinking about what\'s going to happen in a month\'s time, and the thought of battle is getting him heated up.

"Looks like those that aren\'t going to assist Samsara have already started leaving, most of them are outside of the boundary of Idyll now," I relayed, continuing to watch, when suddenly, I was cut off, "Huh? What the-...what just happened!?"

"What is it?" Inquired Sylvar warily.

"All the monsters I had posted in that area...they\'re all dead. Hang on, let me find a monster that\'s right outside that range...," I muttered, before linking up with a couple of monsters that were nearby, "Oh, I see...it\'s some kind of barrier, I think. I can\'t see inside it though, it\'s glowing super brightly. Maybe if I get closer-...never mind, nothing can touch this barrier without getting instantly disintegrated. I\'m guessing that Samsara has made it so that only those who are loyal to him will be unaffected by this barrier."

"Seriously?" Muttered Sylvar in bemusement.

"Yeah, guess he doesn\'t want us launching a preemptive strike before the month is up. He seems a lot sharper than Sant, he probably won\'t attack us until he\'s ready," I frowned in response.

"In that case, I guess that we should start preparing too, huh?" Remarked Sylvar grimly.

"Yeah...I\'ll teleport you guys to where the ones that parted ways with the former Laus Domain currently are, take them to the large crater that\'s to the south of the mountain range by Abyss and fortify yourselves with barriers," I advised them.

"I suppose that we owe you an apology for everything...my perception of humans was rather narrow, I can see that now," Said Bell with look of remorse.

"Nah, don\'t worry about. There are definitely plenty of humans that are selfish, vile and cold-hearted, so don\'t flip your perception and assume all humans are good. Well, whatever, I\'m sure Sylvar can teach you how to read and understand humans. Now, then, shall I transport you two away?" I asked them.

"Yeah, sure. The sooner, the better," Replied Sylvar with a nod, as I summoned a Goblin that I was using to watch those that had been kicked out of the former Laus Domain.

"Right, then, grab hold of that Goblin and I\'ll teleport you to where they are," I instructed, before suggesting on an impulse, "This might be a bit premature, but...what do you guys think about forming an alliance, at least a temporary one until Samsara is taken care of?"

"Are you sure? I mean, that would be a huge help to us, but is there anything in it for you?" Responded Sylvar uncertainly.

"Well, yeah...I don\'t know how powerful Samsara is, but we probably stand a better chance of coming out on top if we work together, right?" I pointed out.

"I suppose that is true..."

"Heh, talk about Deja Vu, I made a similar proposal to you guys and Sant before...so, will you give me the same answer as last time, or...?" I prompted them with a smile.

"I believe the answer this time is quite obvious...," Replied Bell, after a brief silence.

"...we agree to your proposal," Completed Sylvar with a nod, as we formed an unlikely alliance that, not long ago, had seemed to be an impossible notion...


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