Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 368 - 367 - Tense

Chapter 368 - 367 - Tense

Point-of-View: Sylvar Miirphys


It\'s the 27th of June today, a week after we attacked the Rustlands. And things in the Laus Domain these days were...tense, to say the least. Sant\'s commands had been relayed to everyone else, and the majority were shocked by his cold decision to attack so soon again.

I\'d tried to talk some sense into him a couple of times since then, hoping that he\'d have cooled down a bit, but...now I regret even trying, because I\'m definitely in his bad books now, he practically speaks to me in a tone of utter disgust now.

The Fairies, despite being the race that lost the largest chunk of their population during the last attack, were the quickest to respond positively and affirmatively to Sant\'s commands, and were already busy preparing to launch the next attack.

The Dwarves and Halflings though, and to a lesser extent, the Elves, were all shocked by Sant\'s drastic change, and Sant had noticed the palpable tension. How do I know that? Because yesterday, he summoned Vokkeg, Bell and I to meet him, and then accused us of sowing dissent amongst the others because we were displeased by his decision to attack so soon again.

All three of us insisted that we\'d done no such thing, which was true, but he didn\'t believe us. And I\'m pretty sure that hit the other two harder than it did me...after all, everyone in the Laus Domain has grown up idolizing and practically worshipping Sant, so his sudden change has been pretty jarring and baffling for them.

Heck, even I\'m taken aback by how drastically he\'s changed, he\'s become so...spiteful and vicious. And I doubt this will simply just blow over, he isn\'t going to change until both Belia and Kuro are dead. And even then, depending on what Samsara commands him to do next, he might potentially become even worse than he is now.

I let out a quiet sigh, as his gates came into view, the guards opening them as they spotted me...Sant had summoned me a few minutes ago, requesting my presence, so here I am. I don\'t get why he doesn\'t just use his telepathy to tell me what he wants, that\'d be so much easier.

But no, he doesn\'t seem to like having long conversations with telepathy, he only uses it when necessary, like at the end of the battle in the Rustlands, when he gave us the command to retreat.

I wonder...if Kuro hadn\'t kicked his ass, would Sant have still given that command? Or would he have just let more of us die? Well, one thing\'s for sure...I definitely shouldn\'t ask him that, there\'s no telling what he\'d do if I provoked him like that. Now, then, I\'m here, so let\'s see what he wants...

"Lord Laus, you summoned me?" I remarked, as I headed in and the gates shut behind me.

I have to wonder...how does he live like this? He stays in the very middle of the Laus Domain, an area that\'s about a radius of fifty meters with a tall fence and gates. It\'s just him and his four-...well, now it\'s two...-reindeer.

And inside, there\'s pretty much nothing except for his throne, a large seat made of smooth rock...he sits there most of the time, pretty sure he sleeps there too. I know his body doesn\'t work like ours, but still, that has to be really uncomfortable, right?

"You are late, Sylvar," He frowned in reply, "I do not wish to waste any time, so I relay your assignment immediately...form a reconnaissance unit, they must go and investigate Abyss."

Wait, what? I have a lot of questions, but first and foremost was...

"My lord, forgive me, but...why are we not attacking the Rustlands again?" I inquired in confusion.

I\'ve been extra careful not to talk like I normally do these days, since even the smallest thing seems to set him off these days.

"No! He...he must die...I will kill him! That...that filthy, arrogant human, Kuro! Until he is dead, I do not care about anything else!" He yelled furiously, slamming his fist onto the armrest of his throne.

"But, my lord...the Rustlands is severely weakened right now, if we attack them again, we are almost certain to annihilate them completely. Abyss is extremely powerful, if we attack them carelessly, we may be the ones that end up annihilated-...!" I began to protest, desperate to try and get him to see reason.

"Shut up!" He screamed furiously, trembling with rage, "Did I...did I ask for your worthless opinion, Sylvar!? No, I did not! Go do as I commanded...now!"

Yup, not pushing my luck any further than this, he might actually kill me...

"U-understood, my lord!" I responded in fear as I began to leave, before realizing something, "Um, how many should I assemble for the reconnaissance-?"

"Eight will suffice, send them to me once you have chosen them, you have two hours at most. Those that are posted in our fortresses are busy, therefore select only from those that remain in the Laus Domain. They had better be competent, or else you will be the one held responsible, is that understood?" He remarked with a frown.

"Y-yes sir, I understand, quality over quantity," I replied, before leaving with a bow, doing my best to stay calm.

Shit...shit, shit, shit! Are you serious!? I have to assemble a goddamn suicide squad!? Because that\'s exactly what this will be...Bell and I were nearly killed just by getting NEAR the Rustlands, and not even close enough to properly see its\' surrounding walls at that.

And it\'s gotten even more dangerous since then...with the Krakens swimming free in the seas all around them, the only way to approach Abyss is from the south or with teleportation. But Wyverns and Lesser Dragons inhabit the mountain range to the south of Abyss, so that route is far from safe either. And teleporting for such long distances with a single spell is impossible...well, Sant is capable of long range teleportation, but I doubt he\'ll assist.

In other words, this assignment is futile, it\'s certainly not impossible to traverse the mountain range, but beyond that, progress hits a wall. We could send in a team of eighty and they\'d still probably get completely wiped out.

I can\'t disobey Sant though, I\'d be putting myself in danger if I did that. Tch, I only have two hours to find eight people that are competent enough to not die immediately. And since I can\'t teleport, that\'s impossible, unless I go at full speed, but even then I\'d probably be cutting it close...

Aero, a little help?

"Very well, this does appear to be an emergency."

I flew up as I entered Wind Sage Mode, before zipping in the direction of the Halflings\' grassy plains as fast as I could, cutting through the air rapidly. I made it there in no time, before continuing heading deeper into the area, towards where the residences were. I then swooped down as I spotted Bell\'s place, praying and hoping that she was home.

I landed and knocked on the door impatiently, but there was no answer. Is she away? Damn it-...oh, the door\'s unlocked. I pushed it open and walked in, looking around...it\'s kinda dark in here. I blinked a couple of times as my eyes adjusted, and...she\'s here. Fast asleep.

"Hey, wake up, Bell. This is important, I really need your help," I sighed impatiently, shaking her.

She let out a groggy mumble as her face scrunched up a bit, before blinking her eyes open and scratching her head.

"Hm...? Sylvar...?" She yawned as she sat up, her blanket falling off...and revealing her bare chest with slight, hypnotizing jiggle.

"H-hey, uh...you must still be half-asleep," I remarked, unable to look away as she yawned again.

I know I should avert my gaze, it\'s common decency but...but...I just can\'t. My eyes were glued to her boobs, and I just couldn\'t muster the willpower to close my eyes or turn around.

"I am sleepy...," She muttered, before stretching her arms up and looking at me, "Hm, what are you staring at so intentl-...h-hey, look away!"

"S-sorry, I was just captivated!" I blurted out, turning around as her face turned red and she wrapped her arms around her chest to cover herself, "I-in my defense though, your door was unlocked, a-and I had no idea that you sleep naked!"

"I do not sleep n-...! Ahem, j-just forget what you saw and we will not have a problem. A-anyway, did you need something?" She huffed, as I heard the sounds of her getting dressed.

I mentioned before that the other races are a lot more sexually open-minded than humans are, and it\'s not much of a big deal to them as it is to humans. Well, that may be true, but we still do feel shame and embarrassment in situations like this.

Basically, with the exceptions of Fairies, when it comes to Elves, Halflings and Dwarves, seduction isn\'t very difficult, just let another member of your race know that you\'re into them, and there\'s like an eighty or ninety percent chance that they\'ll bang you...well, that\'s my experience anyway, it probably varies from person to person.

And when it comes to interspecies seduction, it\'s more like sixty to seventy percent...again, that\'s my experience, it may vary. Fairies are the exception because they reproduce asexually and are all female, they have zero sexual desire.

Anyway, what I\'m trying to get at is this, just because we\'re not as sexually narrow-minded as humans are, doesn\'t mean that we\'re nudists or perverts or whatever, you know.

"Sylvar? Are you listening? I asked why you are here!" Snapped Bell, shaking me impatiently.

"Oh, right, sorry...I need your help, Bell, with Lord Laus\'s latest command. Mind lending me a hand?" I requested sheepishly...


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