Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 358 - 357 - Intervention From The Abyss(Part 1)

Chapter 358 - 357 - Intervention From The Abyss(Part 1)

Point-of-View: Sparks, The Lightning Dragon


"I-impossible, a-a Dragon!?"

"What is it doing here!?"

"Do not fret, we outnumber the monster!"

They are so loud...can they not panic more quietly?

"I have no interest in wasting any effort on the likes of you....therefore, I will kill you all swiftly, you ought to be grateful," I remarked with a sigh.

I only agreed to this because it is the first assignment given to me by Lord Kuro, and it would go against my pride as a Dragon to turn it down...no, that is only partially true, the main reason is because Lord Draco would be displeased, and his disciplinary methods can be...painful.

I was a little ways away from the north gates of the Rustlands, and I had ambushed a group of Elves...apparently, Lord Kuro had been using his monsters, with invisibility spells cast over them, to survey the battle between the Rustlands and the Laus Domain.

And he had spotted those that he believed to be key players and dispatched us to different locations so that we could collectively deal significant blows to both our enemies.

My targets were...a group of Elves. These particular Elves had led the others in the charge into the Rustlands, and currently appeared to be sweeping the area near the north gate to make sure none of their allies were left behind or stranded.

Two of them were leaving-...actually, three of them, two were helping the third, who seemed to have some sort of sticky blob covering their face.

Before I could chase after them, I was forced to quickly fly up as one of the others fired out a wind blast at me. Well, I suppose letting a mere three of them get away is negligible.

However, the rest of them...will all die. I took out a Spell Card that was tucked away under my scales and activated it, forming a large barrier around myself and about twenty to twenty-five Elves.

Lord Kuro did say not to overdo it, so I have no intention of exerting myself too much...this barrier prevents spell activations, so they cannot teleport away...I have no interest in chasing after any targets. This barrier is also quite durable, it will take a significant amount of force to destroy it. But I will not give them the opportunity to do so. I will kill these Elves and then leave.

Three Elves then flew up towards me, two of them firing wind blasts at me from either side and the other shot an arrow at me from straight ahead. I swiftly swooped down and fired out powerful, concentrated beam-like lightning bolts at the two that had fired wind attacks at me, piercing them both through their hearts before they could react, killing them instantly.

I then zipped up towards the one that had fired an arrow at me, while evading the attacks thrown at me from the rest. He fired an arrow swirling with wind at me as I closed in, I swiftly grabbed the arrow before it could hit me, before stabbing it in between the Elf\'s eyes as I closed in on them.

Another Elf then snuck up behind me and attempted to restrain me, before letting out a scream of pain and falling off as I discharged a potent burst of lightning from my body, right as two others closed in on me, one with an intense wind blast charged up and the other with a spear pointed at me.

The first one fired out the wind blast as she closed in, which rapidly expanded in a sphere of slicing air streaks, a few grazing me and leaving shallow cuts, as the one with the spear neared me and drove the blade towards me.

I dodged it and grabbed hold of the handle, breaking it and jamming the blade through the throat of the one that had fired the wind blast before she could get away, and then fired a lightning bolt at the other one, who narrowly evaded it as he swooped back down towards the ground.

Hm...there are a fair number of them still remaining, but...they are all so weak. This is a waste of time.

I then grew to my true form, the ground shaking as I landed down, lightning violently crackling around my body and the lightning-rod spikes on my shoulders as I opened my jaws and charged up a large lightning blast while firing out seemingly-random whiplike streaks of lightning at the Elves, in order to force the Elves to neatly gather in one spot instead of spreading out too much, as well as to prevent them from attacking me while I charge up my attack.

Looks like they\'re starting to realize what I am doing...no matter, it is already too late for them. I compressed the lightning blast and then fired out in a devastating, rapid beam of bright light, which struck the Elves and wiped them out before they could even cry out in pain, my attack hitting the barrier with immense force after it wiped them out.

I shrunk back down to my smaller form with a sigh, as I looked around to make sure none of them had survived...and it looks like none did. This is an impressively durable barrier, it was heavily cracked but had still withstood my lightning without shattering.

Now, then, I still have more than three minutes, but...since I have already completed my task, I believe that there is no reason for me to stay here any longer.

I tapped on the invisible Snow Serpent that wrapped around my waist...good, it is still alright. It was cast with a lightning-resistant spell in addition to the invisibility, to prevent it from being killed by my lightning. I believe Lord Kuro said that if we wished to leave before the five minutes pass, we simply need to say...

"Teleport," I remarked, the Snow Serpent reacting as I spoke and triggering the reverse-summon, as I found myself back in Abyss in the blink of an eye.

"You are back already?" Inquired Zero, one of the Vampires.

It looks like I am the first to return...

"I completed my task early and had no interest in waiting there," I responded, as I headed for the underground cavern...I enjoy slumbering down there, it is quite pleasant...


Point-of-View: Cyclone


"Greetings, Halflings...for reasons that I would prefer not to get into, I will now massacre you all," I remarked with an elegant bow, as I activated the barrier spell that Lord Kuro had given me.

I had been tasked with eliminating this group of Halflings...I must say, it is rather foolish of them to have their strongest all grouped together like this, it makes it easy to eliminate them all in a single battle.

"It is a Dragon!"

"Be careful, these monsters are powerful, but we can defeat it!"

"That voice, is it a female Dragon?"

Hm? I do not see how that last one is relevant...yes, I am female, as well as the last such intelligent Dragon...however, it does not matter in the least, Dragons, like all other monsters, cannot biologically reproduce.

Oh, they are attacking, I should respond...I evaded as they fired lightning bolts at me, before blocking with my claws as one closed in with a pair of swords and slashed at me, lightning coating his blades.

Interesting...it does not hurt in the slightest, it would seem that their lightning attacks lack potency...that said, their speed is quite impressive. And their coordination is rather sharp as well, they may have stood a chance if I had taken them lightly.

But I will not underestimate them...I shall kill them with everything I have got. I then burst out a wave of wind to knock them away and flew up as their coordinated movements began to become difficult to keep track of. Truly impressive, to coordinate so flawlessly with over twenty of them...indeed, if I had taken them lightly, I would likely have suffered for it.

The pride of a Dragon does not allow for defeat at the hands of those weaker than us...therefore, unless we are up against truly incompetent opponents, most of us tend to go all out at the beginning, so as not to regret holding back later.

I flew up till I reached the top of the barrier and opened my jaws wide, inhaling with immense force. In a matter of seconds, I swallowed all of the air within the barrier, and before too long, the Halflings were all writhing and struggling as they could not breathe, desperately hitting at the barrier walls to try and break it, but to no avail.

Hm, I suppose I should record their power levels, such information may be minor, but it may still be quite useful to Abyss. I took out the scanning device and put it over my eyes, focusing on one of the struggling Halflings below.

A power level of a little over twenty thousand, I see...my own power level is approximately three times greater, at around sixty thousand...I believe I made the right call in finishing this battle quickly, with so many of them, they certainly could have inflicted some significant damage had I gotten careless...Abyss does not have many with power levels greater than these.

I then got alert as two of the Halflings flung a third one up at me, with a lightning-enhanced dagger in his hand, a barely-conscious expression on his face as he shot up towards me through the air.

Right as he closed in on me, I spread open the feathers at the end of my tail and flicked it in his direction, firing out a slashing blast of wind at him, slicing him into pieces before he could attack me, the several chunks of his body plummeting down and hitting the ground with a splat.

And it looks like the rest of the Halflings will suffocate and die soon enough...I suppose I can leave soon, my task is complete...


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