Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 338 - 337 - Emotions

Chapter 338 - 337 - Emotions

Point-of-View: Shiro Blanc


The instant that the Ghouls were dropped into the barrier, all five of them viciously scrambled towards Minise with fierce snarls, like feral, starved beasts.

As one of them leapt towards her, she knocked it away with a flick of her wrist, whipping her chains at it and striking its face. Two of the others then sprang up on either side of her, she swiftly struck them away with her chains before swinging her foot out backwards as one crept up behind her, kicking it away.

These things are extremely agile, and their moves are hard to read, and while they don\'t have the speed to trouble me...I couldn\'t help wondering if I\'d be able to fight off a swarm of them all at once.

Their attacks are intensifying with every strike, not a single one of them was letting up, and despite taking some pretty heavy damage...they weren\'t disappearing. Are they really respawnable monsters?

Minise was holding her own pretty well, but she was getting frustrated...their attacks are so relentless that she isn\'t getting the time she needs to charge up an attack strong enough to finish them off. And it\'s only a matter of time before they start wearing down her stamina.

"Damn it, enough!" She roared, an intense burst of flames erupting from her, knocking away the Ghouls as they all sprang at her simultaneously from multiple directions.

She then shot towards two of them, her arms blazing fiercely as she grabbed their heads and slammed them together with a loud yell, a deafening crunch erupting upon impact, both their skulls caving in...and finally, they vanished, turning to dust.

And then, inside the larger barrier that housed the mass of Ghouls, two suddenly appeared in the top of the barrier and fell into it, landing on the pile of their brethren with growls. Okay, so they\'re definitely respawnable monsters.

"Normally, a monster respawns near their king by default, but not necessarily, the king can change it if they want to. Also, all other monsters take varying amounts of time to respawn after being killed, but Ghouls revive instantly," Remarked Belia, a slight smirk on her face.

Minise then swung one of her chains towards one of the remaining Ghouls after evading and knocking away the other two as they attacked her, her chain wrapping around the Ghoul\'s midsection as flames enveloped the chains and intensified.

And then, with a swift, violent pull, she tore the Ghoul in half, before quickly spinning around as one of the other two sprang up behind her. She knocked it away with a flaming punch to the face, messing up the shape of its face with a loud crunch as it got sent flying back.

The third one then jumped up to her left, and as she began to turn towards it, the flames around her fists intensifying-...suddenly, she let out an excruciating scream of pain, just barely managing to knock away the Ghoul to her left, as it left deep scratches on her arm as she hit it away.

What the-...the one she tore in half, it had crawled up behind him and then grabbed her ankles, digging its claws in. What\'s going on...it\'s still moving, it didn\'t disappear...but how!?

"Most respawnable monsters trigger the respawn themselves after a certain amount of damage, before they\'ve actually taken on enough damage to \'die\'...but Ghouls are different, they\'ll keep attacking till they take more damage than they can handle, which is usually decapitation, they tend to ignore any other injuries-," Explained Belia in amusement.

"Hey!" I exclaimed with a slight sense of panic, cutting her off as Cusnai and some of the other former Bronztan Adventurers rushed towards the barrier, the Ghouls starting to overwhelm Minise and tear her apart.

For a brief moment, Belia met my gaze, a look of surprise appearing on her face as she got a look at my expression...I can\'t blame her, I\'m more surprised than she is at this...but I can think about it later, right now, I need to hurry.

I quickly used Teleport to get into the barrier and formed a bone blade, swiftly slicing off the heads of the three Ghouls before they could react, all three of them vanishing and turning into dust.

Minise was barely conscious, and losing blood fast...her skin was completely torn apart, chunks of the flesh on her arms and legs had been bitten off, I could see her bones...no way, it hadn\'t even been five seconds since those monsters overwhelmed her, they were able to inflict this much damage in that short amount of time?

Before I even realized it, I\'d extended my fangs out and bit into the side of her neck, as she uttered a faint, weak cry. I felt my heart rate start to slow down as I could feel that she was still alive. But had it been even ten seconds later, I would probably have been too late...that\'s how severe the damage she received was.

"I guess I should have mentioned this...in all of history, the only Elemental Sage to ever be killed was a Lightning Sage...and they were killed by a swarm of Ghouls. Oh, wait, there\'s actually two Elemental Sages that\'ve been killed, I killed the most recent Earth Sage," Recalled Belia, before adding, "Anyway, bottom line...let down your guard for even an instant in a fight against Ghouls, and you\'re dead, they can kill you before you even realize it. That\'s what makes them so dangerous."

Grr, does she ever shut up? Damn it, all these emotions I\'m feeling...I\'m not used to this, not in the slightest. It\'s all so...conflicting...



What the hell is happening to me? It was the next day, and I was currently atop a clock tower, gazing down at the people below while I tried to sort through my thoughts, to no avail.

After I healed Minise yesterday, she was unconscious thanks to the blood loss, and I drained most of my stamina healing her extreme injuries, so I just went back to the place I was staying at and slept for the rest of the day. I only woke up a couple of hours ago...it was late in the evening right now.

"Tell me, what was that about, yesterday?" Came a voice from behind me.

I glanced back to see Belia stepping out of a portal, a look of curiosity and intrigue on her face, her eyes studying my expression carefully.

"Hell if I know...I think I might be turning out to be more human than I thought I was, and I\'m not sure how to feel about that," I replied with a sigh.

At this point, in a crazy way that doesn\'t make sense even to me, I kinda trust her...I really don\'t understand it, and I can\'t back it up in any way, but...

"Well, yeah, I mean...you are a copy of a human, made using Divine Magic, the only difference between you and a human that was born biologically...is no more than a technicality. Well, also the monster powers, but that\'s not exactly abnormal anymore, at least not in this world," Pointed out Belia.

"When you put it that way...," I responded, trailing off with uncertainty.

"I\'m pretty sure that yesterday was the first time you\'ve ever saved anyone with no ulterior motive or self-interest...tell me, have you fallen in love with that girl or something? I\'ve never really understood the concept of love, but from what I\'ve seen, those inflicted with it tend to behave somewhat irrationally when it comes to-," She suggested with a look of curiosity.

"I highly doubt that\'s it...I mean, I barely know her, so it\'s probably not love or anything like that," I replied with a shake of my head.

"But of everyone in the Rustlands, you\'ve spoken to her more than anyone else, even about the taboo regarding Samsara\'s memory alteration, I don\'t think you\'ve ever opened up to someone else to this extent," She countered with a smirk.

Wha-...how does she kn-...oh. Right.

"...could you not spy on me with your Observation Magic, please?" I frowned in exasperation.

"Anyway, here\'s what I think...you experienced a real human connection for the first time, and as a result, all the emotions you pushed down and neglected suddenly burst forth, the aspects of yourself that you didn\'t think you had but were always a part of you, the aspects that make you human. It\'s all so very fascinating, watching you change like this," She remarked with a slight smile.

"What are you now, my therapist or something? So, what, then...you\'re saying that I got my first taste of genuine human interaction and I\'m now obsessing over and clinging to that feeling?" I concluded with a raised eyebrow.

"Hm, not exactly...but I do think that you\'re curious about it and that you want to learn more about these emotions you\'re feeling for the first time...am I wrong?" She inquired with a smirk.

"I...don\'t know."

"Alright, then, let\'s put it to the test, see if you\'ve really changed...," She suggested, before asking, "Want to have sex with m-?"

"Yes. Hell, yes."

"...o-okay, uh, so maybe you haven\'t changed as much as I thought you-," She stuttered, taken aback by my response...but she really shouldn\'t be.

"Yeah, yeah...so, where are we doing this? Here? Or maybe-?" I began suggestively.

"Yeah, no, not happening."

"Hey, not cool, no takebacks! That\'s like dangling a piece of meat in front of a homeless, starving person and then tossing the meat onto a pile of horseshit!" I protested indignantly.

"...it is? Well, like I said, not happening. That was just a test, it was supposed to prove how much you\'ve changed!" She exclaimed in exasperation, "Ugh, what was I thinking, there\'s no way you would\'ve changed that much so soon."

"What, did you really think I\'d say no?" I smirked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, yeah, actually...I really do think you\'re in love with that Minise girl, so I thought you\'d turn me down...but like I said, I don\'t really understand the concept of love at all, so-."

"You know what, thanks for the pep talk, but no thanks...I\'ll figure the rest out myself. I mean, it\'s my own emotions, so I should be the one to do it," I interrupted, as I focused my gaze away, preparing to use Teleport, "Oh...and stop spying on me with Observation Magic!"

"Heh...no promises!"


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