Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 275 - 274 - Chaos In The Rustlands II(Part 5)

Chapter 275 - 274 - Chaos In The Rustlands II(Part 5)

Point-of-View: Fuo Wesroh


"Is it just me, or are there a lot more of them here than last time!?" Exclaimed Persia, firing out a massive blast of wind and knocking several of them away.

"It\'s not just you, there\'s definitely more than last time, thankfully they\'re all still pretty weak," I replied as I fired out solar beams and ice arrows.

I happened to run into Persia at a weapons store, and while we were talking, screams suddenly began ringing out from all over the place. And a few minutes later, here we were, in the middle of cutting down dozens of the enemy. A few Volunteers had also been close by, but they\'d all been killed pretty quickly. The Silvland troops were also shouting something about Kuro being the reason for this attack...I don\'t like this...

"Yeah, that\'s true, but still...it\'s annoying to have to fight so many!" She said as she blasted out a massive black fireball that was swirling with intense wind, rapidly expanding as it blazed forward and scorched through about half of the remaining enemies around us, their screams fading quickly as they burned to death.

I then used Levitate to pick up a dagger on the ground while charging up solar energy in my right hand and then swung my left hand across, whipping the dagger and slicing it through several of their necks, before firing a powerful Solar Beam at a bunch of them, wiping out their top halves in the blink of an eye.

"Filthy heathen, we do not fear you, for we have God on our-!" Suddenly exclaimed one of them as she sprang up to my right.

I swiftly spun across towards her and opened my mouth, before firing out a deafening howl, a power I\'d gained from the Were King, blood bursting out of her ears as her expression turned dazed and nauseated. I then formed an ice dagger and flung it towards her, piercing into her head right between her eyes and killing her.

Hm...looks like that\'s the last of them...

"Hey, let\'s move on somewhere else, if there were this many of them here, there\'s a good chance that there\'s-," I began to call out to Persia.

"Fuo, behind you!" She exclaimed in alarm, cutting me off before I could finish.

Huh? No, no time to think, I need to act...I flew forward and up as fast as I could following her warning, right before a loud crash erupted behind me. What just happened!? I swiftly swooped down next to Persia and began gathering solar energy into my body, as the amount I\'d absorbed earlier was almost gone.

I also started forming an orb of artificial moonlight in my left hand...I don\'t like that someone snuck up behind me so easily, whoever just attacked must be strong...who is it? The dust cleared to reveal...a woman with a...three-pronged spear? Or maybe a giant fork? She had long green hair, green eyes and pale skin...I don\'t think I\'ve ever seen her before.

"Who are you?" I inquired with a frown.

She seems abnormally strong for someone who doesn\'t appear to have any monster power ups...

"Hm...I guess it would be rude to kill you without giving you my name...after all, it\'s nothing personal, you just happen to be on the enemy side. I\'m Lily Curran, nice to meet you...and now, I\'ll be taking both of your heads," She remarked, spinning her weapon around a couple of times before rapidly sprinting towards us, water swirling around her fork-thingy, "Oh, and you don\'t have to introduce yourselves...I couldn\'t care less."

Water Magic? No, something about it is different...but it doesn\'t matter. Persia then entered her...what was it called again? It was Vampire powers mixed with her True Anim-...no, wait, Retractable Anima. I can\'t remember what she called it...wait, why am I worrying about that right now!?

Anyway, she transformed and shot forward towards the new enemy, firing out a powerful blast of wind at her, who swiftly used her weapon to vault over Persia in a swift motion, right as I flung the orb of artificial moonlight up into the air, doubling my power as it cast a dim glow on the surrounding area...it\'s the middle of the afternoon and the sun is beating down, so this won\'t last for long, five minutes at most...I have to make full use of it!

As I fired out a Solar Beam at her, she swung her weapon across, cutting through and dissipating my attack in an instant, right as Persia spun around and blasted out a small but concentrated black fireball at her from her mouth. Lily quickly spun around and plunged her weapon into the ground, a wall of water bursting up and blocking the fireball, putting it out before fading.

I then flew up and fired down a barrage of Solar Beams down at her, which she evaded and then blocked by spinning her weapon in front of herself rapidly, deflecting them all away...that\'s concerning, I\'ve never seen anyone deflect my Solar Beams with a weapon before. I then ceased firing, before I formed a spiky ice club and swooped down as Persia raced forward towards her on all fours at a rapid pace.

As I closed in on her and swung my weapon at her, she narrowly evaded my swing, before firing a slash of water at Persia from her weapon, forcing her to jump away backwards to avoid it. She then spun around towards me and slashed her weapon at me, I quickly ducked backwards to evade it, one of the prongs grazing my forehead and leaving a cut there.

I then stiffened in alarm as she suddenly changed the trajectory of her swing in an effortlessly fluid motion...one second it had been swinging horizontally away from me to the left, and the next, it was swinging diagonally down towards my left knee, I began to fly back, but at the speed of her swing, I wasn\'t going to be able to dodge-...suddenly, the swing of her weapon halted as Persia shot forward and grabbed the handle, opening her mouth as I quickly flew back and away.

Lily swung her foot out towards Persia right as she fired out a powerful blast of wind from her mouth, her attack striking the side of the enemy\'s face with a resounding impact before she got kicked away, Lily\'s foot striking the middle of her chest and sending her flying back towards a building wall, as they struck each other simultaneously.

I quickly flew down and caught Persia before she could crash onto it, the force nearly making me lose balance and fall back.

"Thanks, I owe you one," She remarked with a smile of relief.

"Don\'t mention it...hey, we\'re not going to get anywhere with this in our current states, so...," I replied with a sigh, "Let\'s go all out and crush her, shall we?"

"Yeah...I was just thinking the same thing," She agreed, "Now, then...Accelerate x4!"

I entered Demonic Vampire Mode and turned my gaze over to the enemy, who was keeping her distance warily as we powered ourselves up...

"Alright...time to end this," I declared, as I charged up a massive solar blast in my hands...


Point-of-View: Hacte Routh


Ah, what an enjoyable task Belia had assigned me...I had just finished carrying it out, and I was feeling rather satisfied. My hands were slick with blood, which was dripping down onto the ground off of my fingers, along with plenty of blood splatter on my clothes. The rich scent of human gore was in the air, filling my lungs with every breath.

Shortly after the attack was launched and Belia transported the Silvland troops in, spread out throughout the Rustlands instead of all in one spot like last time, and once most of the civilians had evacuated...she teleported me into an underground shelter where some of the Rustlands civilians were hiding, after first erasing a protective barrier spell that was cast over it and replacing it with a soundproof barrier, to keep anyone from interrupting my fun.

Apparently there were several of these underground shelters throughout the Rustlands, eight in total, I was in one of the ones that was in the west of the Rustlands...Belia had first confirmed that many of the families of the friends of Kuro were present here. And now, they were all dead. There had been a few A-Ranked Adventurers in here, but they were pitifully weak in comparison to myself.

I felt ecstatic, I had just killed hundreds upon thousands of people...they made it easy by panicking, they ended up crowding up each other, which allowed me to use Corruption Magic on a huge amount of them in one shot...if multiple people are in physical contact with each other and I touch one of them, I can cast Corruption Magic on all of them...upto a certain limit, of course.

I used Corruption Magic to turn as many of them into violent monsters as possible and had them kill the rest, before joining in myself after the numbers were significantly whittled down and the flesh monsters ran out of power and died. I am not quite sure now much time it took, but I feel amazing...this feeling of pure ecstasy, my body was trembling with pleasure while I perspired heavily and I could not catch my breath.

Hm, it looks like there is no one left here who is still alive...how do I leave? Must I wait till Belia comes back for me? There was a tall and wide doorway at the back end of the large space...that must be where they all came in from. Belia had said that these underground shelters were difficult to find simply by searching because the routes leading to them are cast with illusion spells that do not affect anyone who is carrying a Rustlands Identification Card.

Oh, I wonder if there are any guards outside those doors...I would imagine that someone of reasonable power should have been assigned to such a role, at least multiple A-Ranked Adventurers, perhaps. Let us find out. I walked over to the doorway, stepping through deep puddles of blood and stomping on entrails and gore as I made my way to the entrance.

I drew my foot back and swiftly drove it forward, breaking the lock and kicking the doors open with a smirk, before strolling out. Ah, it looks like there are two guards...and one of them looks rather familiar to me...

"Wha-...you...what the hell are you doing here!?" Exclaimed the one that I recognized in shock, which quickly turned to horror and rage as he took in the sight behind me.

It was the boy with long pink hair and an effeminate appearance...so, he survived last time, did he?

"N-no, how is this possible-...but, I-I didn\'t hear a thing-...damn it, you bastard, I...I\'ll kill you!" Snapped the other one, a bespectacled boy with tentacles, his eyes wide with fury as he got a look inside as well.

They both have Demonic features displayed, just as I do...no matter, I will not lose to the likes of them, instead, I believe that I shall enjoy myself a bit further...


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