Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 246 - 245 - Chaos In The Rustlands(Part 6)

Chapter 246 - 245 - Chaos In The Rustlands(Part 6)

Point-of-View: Gela Sorr


"Hey, a little help here!?" Exclaimed Tuck in a panicked voice, forming several earth spikes around him to keep the enemies at bay.

Huh, why should I help a weakling like him? The enemy force appeared out of nowhere, and when I ran into them, I also happened to come across Tuck Lehosa and Lamasa Phiban. They\'d suggested we fight together, but...they\'re both weak, so they\'ll only get in my way. I have no reason to help either of them.

And speaking of weak, these enemies are pitiful...there may be a lot of them, but they fight like children. I was in the air, easily dodging the Elemental Magic attacks they fired up at me...their attacks weren\'t bad in terms of intensity and scale, but their aim and accuracy was terrible. Tuck and Lamasa were fighting below, they were both stronger than the enemies, but they were struggling against their numbers.

I think I\'ll wait up here and see how it goes before getting back into the fray. After all, I have no reason to or interest in helping them. Lamasa was cutting them down with her dagger and firing out her flames while evading their attacks...hm, her agility has improved, maybe she\'s not as weak as I thought, after all.

Meanwhile, Tuck was struggling, he was pushing back as many of them as he could with his Earth Magic, but too many of them had him surrounded. Unlike Lamasa, who was moving around constantly, Tuck was staying in the same spot and attacking outwards with his Earth Magic...he could take out more opponents simultaneously than Lamasa could, but as a result, he was also a lot easier to surround.

He then let out a cry of pain as part of a fireball went through his Earth Magic defenses and struck his back, scorching off the armor and severely burning his skin. He let out a fierce road as he formed more earth spikes in the direction the fireball came from, impaling several of them. Suddenly, he coughed out blood and stumbled back, as an arrow went through his gut.

He collapsed onto the ground in pain, blood running down the sides of his mouth and dripping down, his Earth Magic fading and leaving his exposed. Lamasa began to try and rush back over to him to save him, but she was too slow...in the next instant, several Elemental Magic attacks, arrows and thrown swords and spears converged in on him, striking and killing him in no time.

That was quite a delicious look of despair he\'d had on his face, right before he died...I think it\'s time for me to swoop in, I\'m feeling restless, I need to get back into the action! What amateurs these enemies are...they seem to have forgotten about me completely.

I swooped down rapidly and silently, extending my talons and metal claws with wind, slicing off several heads with a swift spin as I neared the ground, landing next to Lamasa...I suppose I might as well save her since I\'m here.

"Lay down on the ground and stay there if you don\'t wanna die," I mumbled to her quietly with a smirk, and the instant she heeded my warning and dropped down, I swung myself around as several of the enemies surrounded and sprang at me, extending my wind to about five meters for an instant, slicing them into pieces...the wind I extend from my talons and metal claws, the maximum I can extend it while maintaining the consistency is half a meter, but...just for an instant, I can extend it upto five meters.

Now, to take care of the rest of them...I can do this without flying! I shot towards one of them, who swung a sword across at my head, which I easily ducked under and shot past him while staying low, slicing his gut open as I did, eliciting a scream of pain and horror from him as his innards spilt onto the ground while he was still alive.

A woman then leapt up to my right with lightning between her hands, I swiftly swung my arm up in response, extending my wind claws to five meters for a second, cutting her in half, along with a couple more behind her. Two more then sprang up behind me, I nimbly spun around and fired out wind slashes, decapitating both of them before they could launch their attacks at me.

They\'re weak, but...getting to kill this many people in one go is still an absolutely mouthwatering prospect. I zipped across as fast as I could, tearing them all apart one by one, the ground flowing with their blood and entrails more and more with each one I cut down, and before I knew it, most of them were dead. Aww, I should have savored it a bit more, now there\'s just about twenty left...

Hm, there\'s a lot blood on the ground, it\'ll be hard to sprint without slipping...guess I\'ll switch to flying now. I swiftly zipped up and swooped down between four of them, spreading my arms out, extending the wind to five meters and spinning myself around in a rapid blur, slicing them all in half. Tch, some of them are running away!

I flew up rapidly and fired off a barrage of wind slashes while zipping around, slicing off all their legs to keep them from getting away. There, now I can take my time killing them. There\'s blood all over me, and the air is heavy with its scent...this is the fucking best!

"Gela! Why...why didn\'t you save Tuck!?" Snapped Lamasa, marching over to me with a furious look on her face.

Oh, please, don\'t direct your anger at me just because you weren\'t strong enough to do anything about it yourself.

"Huh? I wasn\'t obligated to do that."

"You don\'t need a reason to-!" She began in anger.

"Stop being so hypocritical. You used to be such a major bitch, so get off your high horse. I know exactly what kind of person that I am, and I don\'t care what anyone else thinks."

"That\'s not what this is about, it would have been so easy for you to save him, so why-!"

"Why are you so upset anyway? What, was he your boyfriend or something? Hah, that\'s rich...you fucked both those obnoxious Lehosa brothers!" I laughed, as she flinched and averted her gaze.

"N-no, I-...wait, what\'s that?" She started to deny, before looking up at the sky behind me with a frown.

Hm? I followed her gaze...to see a large black cloud floating in the sky above her...is that...could it be...a Demon? I can get stronger if I can gain its powers...and if that happens, I can kill people even better than I can right now!

Lamasa looked alarmed but all I felt was excitement...come on, monster, try and possess me! It then swooped down...towards Lamasa. No way...it\'s choosing her over me!? I don\'t think so, I won\'t let it...it can\'t possess her if she\'s dead!

I shot towards her as fast as I could, extending my wind claws as I closed in, the dark cloud inches away from reaching her. As she began to turn towards me, her eyes widening in alarm, I swung my arm across in her direction...and slashed her head clean off of her shoulders, right as the cloud reached the ground...and everything went dark.

"Impressive, human...to slay a comrade with no hesitation just to gain my power is truly an astounding act! You will make a good host, I shall take over your body now..."

Oh, yeah? Hah, I\'d like to see you try! I\'ll tear you apart and take your powers for myself!

I felt a force pushing against me, trying to overwhelm me...so I pushed right back, with all the mental strength I could muster. If I\'m going down, I won\'t go down without a fight, but I don\'t need to worry about that, because I\'ll be the one to emerge victorious, I\'ll retain control of my body!

"D-damn it, I went after the other one because I could see that you would be difficult to take over, but I did not expect it to be this challeng-!"

Shut up and submit to me already...!






It took a while, but in the end the Demon could only delay the inevitable. I resisted it taking over and gained its powers. I could feel the power coursing through my body, I felt so much stronger. I had grown a third eye on my forehead, though I don\'t think I can keep it open all the time. But when I do, I can use Chaos Magic and Mimic Magic.

I also had a sharp curved horn growing out of the back of my left hand, which pointed forward...I can use it for piercing, nice. This is amazing...I let out a laugh as a sense of glee washed over me. I then stopped and turned around as I heard someone clapping slowly behind me.

"Who\'s there!?" I snapped warily.

A woman, with black feathered wings, a glowing black ring floating above her head and long shiny light blonde hair. I see, so this is Belia Lasmodeus.

"Calm down, I\'m not necessarily your enemy," She replied with a smile, "I was very impressed by what I saw, such a chaotic development! I was in awe when I saw you kill your comrade for your own sake like that! And so, I have a proposal for you...join Chaos, my group. You will be free to do whatever you want, and my goal is to simply chaos, and I plan to cause plenty in both the near and distant future, which means lots of violence, the violence that you love. Don\'t you find the Rustlands boring? Stick with me and you\'ll never be bored ever again. What do you say?"

She made a lot of tempting points, but I\'m a citizen of Rustlands...then again, it is pretty boring here...but still, I can\'t just...

"That\'s not a bad offer...I accept."


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