Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 114 - 113 - A Different Perspective(Part 3)

Chapter 114 - 113 - A Different Perspective(Part 3)

Point-of-View: Key Angor

During: Goldway Arc, Approx. a Week After Departure


"This has been pretty nice, huh?"

"...what has?"


"Be more specific, you idiot," I sighed, taking a sip of water.

I was at a small restaurant with Rai, it had been about a week since the others departed for Goldway. He had been constantly inviting me to join him for meals after classes, I suppose he must be bored with the other three gone. The idea that he was using me to make up for his boredom annoyed me, but I had nothing else to do, so I didn\'t have a reason to turn him down.

"Huh, isn\'t it obvious?" He replied in surprise.

"Not in the slightest...I have no idea what you\'re talking about," I answered honestly, genuinely at a loss as to what he was referring to as \'pretty nice\'.

"Well...I\'m kinda surprised at how willing you\'ve been to go out with me, but totally the good kind of surprised! I was just saying that hanging out just the two of us is pretty nice, I\'ve never been on dates before, but this is really fun!"


"Wh-what are y-you talking about, you i-idiot!? I-I thought you were just asking me to spend time with you because you have no one else to do so with!"

"Hey, that\'s mean...I really like hanging out with you, Key-Key!"

"...what have I told you about calling me that?"

"O-oh, uh...sorry, in my head I always refer to you using that nickname, sometimes I forget to filter it and it sorta slips out," He replied with a sheepish grin.

"I don\'t like being made fun of," I huffed, slightly annoyed.

That nickname sounded so stupid...

"I think you have the wrong idea, I didn\'t come up with that nickname to make fun of you, I just thought it sounded cute, that\'s all," He remarked.


"C-cute!? You a-are making fun of me, aren\'t y-!?"

"Woah, chill out! I\'m really not making fun of you, I swear," He replied, his tone turning serious as he locked his gaze with mine.

He...doesn\'t look like he\'s lying...

That\'s when I noticed...

"Um...let\'s change the subject and keep our voices down...everyone\'s staring at us," I mumbled, nodding at the other customers, who were whispering and stifling laughter as they watched us with amusement.

The whispers weren\'t very quiet...

"Young couples these days...!"

"Talk about passionate."

"Yeah, that was intense."

Grr, how humiliatingly embarrassing. Knowing Rai, he would probably just laugh it off indifferently.

"C-crap, sorry...my bad. I didn\'t realize," He replied with a slight stutter as he heard the whispers, his face turning red with embarrassment as he averted his gaze and scratched the side of his temple.


Huh? What did I just think!? His reaction just caught me off-guard, that\'s all it was! I shook my head and slapped the sides of my face, he jumped in surprise, startled by the sound. It was more than a little awkward as we finished our meal in silence, leaving the restaurant after paying, making sure to avoid making eye contact with any of the other customers.

"That was painful," I sighed in relief, as we walked out.

"Yeah...so, um...you free tomorrow?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit bashful and he was unable to meet my gaze.

This is throwing me off, it isn\'t like him at all...it was cute-...I\'ll pretend that thought didn\'t just cross my mind.

"...let\'s not meet up at a restaurant again."

"H-huh, but I-!...well, okay, I guess. After that awkwardness, I can understand if you don\'t want to hang out with me-," He began, a slight look of disappointment on his face.

For some reason, I didn\'t like seeing him with that sad look, it bothered me...

"W-wait, you didn\'t let me finish! I was just saying that I\'m running low on my savings for the month, so I can\'t keep spending on dining out so often! But, um...maybe we could meet up and train together or something?"

His eyes lit up and his expression perked up as well, which made me feel better too.

"Sure, I\'m cool with that! I\'ve got a training room at my place, it\'s pretty spacious, we could use that. If that\'s okay with you."

"Yeah, that sounds good to me. I usually train on my house rooftop, but my parents don\'t let me anymore since I damaged the walls too much," I replied with a sigh.

"That sucks, but don\'t worry, my training room is really big and the walls are super sturdy, so you don\'t have to worry about that! Huh, come to think of it, this is the first time I\'ve had someone else train with me in there."

"Really? I\'d have thought Kuro would have liked to use it if he knew about it," I replied in surprise.

"Oh...come to think of it, I don\'t think he knows that I have a training room at my place. Hey, Key-Key...thanks!"

"Don\'t call me-...! Ugh, whatever. And...thanks for what?"

"Well, I was kinda down when I thought you were turning me down...that\'s why you suggested training together, right?"

...he\'s usually such an idiot, why does he have to be sharp now!? And he was right, but somehow, when he said it loud...it was extremely embarrassing.

"D-don\'t get the wrong idea, it\'s not I care about your emotional state or something! I-I just, um...don\'t want to fall behind on my training while the others are away, that\'s all!"

He stared at me with a slightly wide-eyed expression...what, did I say something strange?

"That was...a quintessential tsundere reaction, woah...," He muttered in...awe?

Something about his reaction annoyed me...

"Huh, what-?"

"Uh, n-never mind! So, um...does tomorrow afternoon work for you? You know where my place is, yeah?"

"Yes, I\'m free then, is it okay if I come over after lunch? Yes, I remember where it is from when we all met up to study for the exams-...wait a second, are you studying properly for the exam you have to retake? Do you even have time to go out like this?"

"Don\'t worry, I\'m studying for, like, two hours a day right now, it\'s a pain, but I definitely don\'t want to fail again. I still have about two and a half weeks left, so-," He began in assurance.

"Just two hours a d-!? Okay, forget the training...I\'ll be helping you study instead."

"Aww, you don\'t want me to fail, and subsequently leave the group, that much?" He remarked with a grin.

"N-no, of course not, stop putting words in my mouth-...do you want me to help you or not?"

"Of course I do!"

"Then shut up."

"O-oh, uh...yes, ma\'am!" He exclaimed affirmatively and...loudly, attracting the attention of passersby.

"K-keep your voice down, idiot!" I hissed, grabbing his wrist and dragging him away from the crowd.

"Sorry, my bad, Key-Key!"

"Don\'t call me that," I muttered grumblingly, though he didn\'t hear me...somehow, I didn\'t find that nickname as annoying as I did before...though admitting that, even to myself, was really embarrassing...



The next day, I went over to his house at around 3 PM, knocking on the front door as I arrived. A few seconds later, the door opened and Rai\'s younger sister poked her head out.

"Hi, Rilia...is you brother home?" I greeted her politely.

Her rabbit ears were adorable.

"Oh, you\'re his classmate, right...uhm...Lock?" She replied, after scrunching her eyebrows for a moment.

...I mean, she was on the right track, I guess. Well, at least it didn\'t seem to be a deliberate mistake.

"C-close, it\'s Key," I corrected her, hiding my annoyance as best I could.

"Oh, um...sorry about that. Big brother\'s sleeping, I\'ll take you to him," She responded, opening the door wide.

Asleep? That idiot...

I walked in and followed her as she led me through to house till we reached Rai\'s room. She pounded on the door, but there was no answer.

"Hey, big brother, your friend is here to see you! Hey, wake up! Ugh, forget it! Just let yourself in, I\'m sure he wouldn\'t mind," She huffed, opening the door and gesturing me to go in, before walking away.

"Er, w-wait, I-...," I began, but she was already gone.

Um...I guess I don\'t have any other choice. I tentatively walked in, shutting the door behind me. Rai was on his bed, his expression making it clear that he was fast asleep. He was sprawled on his front with a sheet wrapped over him, half his head was poking out. There was a faint familiar scent in his room...it was the smell of smoke with a slight sourness to it, he\'d been getting high and fallen asleep. Idiot...

"Hey, wake up...come on, wake up!" I shook him impatiently.

He groaned groggily and his head disappeared into the covers. This is annoying, this was reminding me of Azyl...I don\'t want to deal with this.

"Hey, get up or I\'ll-...!" I snapped, yanking the covers off of him, trailing off as I realized that he was almost fully naked except for a pair of shorts.

Huh, he was in better shape that I thought, he\'s pretty well-built...as I stared at him, I found myself unconsciously reaching down to feel his back...

"Hm...? Is it morning already...?" He suddenly murmured with a yawn, his eyes cracking open.

I withdrew my hand like I\'d been struck by a bolt of lightning, my face heating up and my heart beginning to pound. Now he wakes up!? M-more importantly, just what had I been about to do...!?

"P-put on some clothes, you i-idiot!" I blurted out, throwing the blanket onto him as he sat up while rubbing his eyes with another yawn.

"Huh, Key? Why are you in my room? And what time is it?" He asked, sounding like he was still half asleep, "You\'re a sight for sore eyes, I love how visually red you are."

H-he\'s just half-asleep, he doesn\'t know what he\'s saying, ignore that...

"It\'s past 3 PM, and I came to help you study, remember...f-forget that, please get dressed already!"

"Hm? Oh, sorry...give me a sec," He replied, hopping off the bed and heading for his closet, as I let out a sigh and calmed myself.

What am even doing?

"It\'s a good thing I came over, you\'re clearly slacking off...you haven\'t been studying at all, have you?"

"I\'ve totally been studying! I, uh...just had a really heavy lunch, so I had a joint and then only meant to take a short nap before you got here, but I kinda...," He trailed off sheepishly, as I sat by the desk in his room.

He sat opposite to me and took out his notes, and we began studying, though he was barely able to focus at all. His attention kept wandering every couple of minutes, which kept building up my irritation slowly but surely.

"That\'s it, the next time you stop paying attention, I\'ll burn your tail!" I snapped, forming an ember in my hand.

"I just feel so sleepy though...can we study tomorrow instead? Let\'s get high-!"

"You can\'t be serious...do you really want to fail again!?"

"C-come on, one day off won\'t hurt! I\'ll start studying super hard from tomorrow onwards, I promise!"

I don\'t believe him...but, then again, I really can\'t imagine him making any significant progress today in the state he was in...

"Show me how much weed you\'ve got."

"H-huh, why? I don\'t have th-that much!" He replied defensively, averting his gaze.

"...show me."

He reluctant brought out a box hidden in his closet, filled with the stuff...he isn\'t going to get any studying done if I let him keep all this.

"S-so, uh...I-I\'ll put that away a-and let\'s get back to studying!" He suggested nervously, reaching for the box before I swiftly grabbed it and took it out of his reach.

"I\'ll be back tomorrow, and you\'re going to study whether you like it or not! I\'ll be confiscating this till your exams are over. Any objections?" I remarked, giving him a look that dared him to object.

"...n-no objections. So, um...could I have a little bit for today, since I\'m going to be studying hard tomorrow onwards, I was thinking that today...," He trailed off hopefully.

"...fine, I\'ll leave you a small amount."

"Sweet, thanks, Key-Key! Wanna join me?"

"No, that\'s okay, maybe another time. I\'m going home for now," I replied, after considering it.

Besides, if I really wanted to smoke some, I could just take a bit from the batch I\'m confiscating, I\'m sure he wouldn\'t mind.

...what? It isn\'t like I have to retake any of my exams.

I then stood up and stretched, my knees wobbling slightly. My legs had gotten a bit numb from sitting, I hate that feeling.

"Oh, okay," He responded with a look of slight disappointment, "I\'ll walk you out- woah!"

As he stood up and began to take a step forward, his knees buckled and he lost his balance, falling forward. I started to try and catch him, but I forgot that my legs were still a bit wobbly too, and...I lost my balance too. The next thing I knew, my back thudded against the floor, and I felt a weight pressing down on me from above.

"Ow...," I groaned, my back feeling a bit sore.

"Sorry, my legs kinda fell asleep, you oka-...?" He began, trailing off as our gazes met, inches away from each other.

I felt my heart skip a beat, before starting to pound faster and faster, as my face began heating up. Wh-what is this?

His torso was firmly pressing down on mine, and his right thigh was pushing down between my legs, while my arms were around him from when I tried to stop him from falling.

"G-get off...," I whispered, my voice trembling slightly as my heart pounded like crazy.

The moment I said that, he shot up with a jolt, hurriedly getting back on his feet, his face turning beet-red.

"S-s-sorry! It was an accident, I didn\'t mean to-!"

"N-no, there\'s nothing t-to apologize for, I k-know it was an accident...I\'m going home, bye!" I blurted out before I could stop myself, rushing out the room.

"Wait a sec-!"

"I-I\'ll see you t-tomorrow!" I stuttered before closing his door and heading for the front door, leaving his place.

My heart wouldn\'t stop pounding...

That was incredibly intense, I thought I was about to faint. When he fell on top of me, my mind both went blank and had an endless stream of thoughts at the same time...his body felt warm, and the way his leg was pressing against my-...aaahhhh, I want to disappear right now! I could feel the intense warmth on my face grow warmer, as I shook my head to try and get those thoughts out of my head.

There was something that was really bothering me though...when I told him to get off, and he did so immediately...I felt annoyed, I didn\'t want him to get off-...no, wait, what am I saying!?

I found myself picking up my pace, practically jogging back to my house as I grew more flustered. That idiot, he\'s so annoying, I hate that he\'s making me feel this way...well, he is undoubtedly one of the most annoying people in my life, but...I guess he\'s not all bad...


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Don\'t forget to vote, and feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate any and all feedback and criticism! Also, check out my Instagram account @aimdaqs for posts relating to this book.

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