My Hollywood System

Chapter 118: MHS –

Chapter 118: MHS –

[Dream Vision unveils its upcoming project, shares a first look behind the scenes

On Sunday, December 2nd, in a press conference and on their Sparrow Handle, Dream Vision unveiled its long-awaited upcoming project, which has been rumoured to be in the works ever since the famed Hollywood director Lucas Amspoker, known for his impeccable directing, especially in wartime action movies, was seen visiting Dream Vision Studio’s office in Los Angeles, California. Dream Vision’s next film, [1917], is set around World War 1. This is a new direction that Dream Vision is taking with their projects, with the film’s scriptwriter, once again being the company’s founder, Will Evans.

On their official Sparrow Handle, Dream Vision posted a picture of the film’s lead actors, Elijah Thomas and Renly Warren, both wearing uniforms that soldiers wore in the British Military during the First World War. Dream Vision is once again introducing fresh faces in Hollywood directly in a 100-million-dollar budget film. While the film’s director, Lucas Amspoker, has been known to use many famous faces in Hollywood, this decision, just like their previous casting decisions, seems to be made directly by the company’s founder, Will Evans. In a move synonymous with [Sherlock Holmes], Will Evans is looking to introduce more fresh talented artists to the industry with another gigantic gamble.

[1917] is set to be a film that shows the ground reality of a trench-based battlefield instead of the glorification of war that most Hollywood films tend to portray. Director, Lucas Amspoker, has called the film’s script a “fresh change of pace” to the military history movie genre. We can only speculate on the direction that Will Evans’ Dream Vision is taking for the future, and wish them all the best in keeping on providing us with quality content on the big screen.] – The Weekend Tribunal

The shooting for [1917] was moving with extreme gusto. Director Lucas had started taking long shots with his lead actors, Renly and Elijah, with Jeffrey and a few of his team following the actors playing their parts on motorbikes, with mounted cameras to take seamless shots for the movie. As the movie used little to no CGI in its production process, every shot that Jeffery was working on with his team had to be impeccable, as everything that they were filming was going to be added into one large shot.

The camera was never to be leaving its focus on either of its two lead characters. The entire filming process was moving ahead like a piece of Broadway theatre, where if something went wrong, the actors just had to improvise and carry on with the shot, or else everything had to be done all over again. Renly and Elijah had to be integrated into the filming process, and the movie was meant to make the audience feel that they were part of the group, as the third person present on the field, as an observer.

Camera operating teams had been taught how to operate cameras on jeeps, bikes, wires that lead into trenches etc. The prop department had dug trenches in an entire stretch of land in which entire scenes were to be shot. They’d built broken down buildings for one scene and a fake war-ridden town for another. Each scene was produced with the length of the land in mind. Elijah and Renly were asked to measure the time they would take to walk across a particular trail, and the scene was eventually built around it.

Both Lucas Amspoker and Will were extremely pleased with the way the filming was going on. They had estimated that they would finish the entire filming process in under two months, and that worked perfectly for Will and his other future plans.


New York City, or the Big Apple, is the home to the largest, most diverse cultural and ethnic population on the planet. It is a melting pot of people from all corners of the globe that go there in search of opportunity and liberty. With the large amount of culturally diverse people that live in the city comes a rich theatrical background that revolves around the city. The theatre that’s centred around Broadway shows and cinemas brings with it a fantastic taste in fashion.

Will had chartered a cross-continent jet from Los Angeles to the Big Apple, where he had been invited to take a photoshoot for Guess’s latest line of designer clothing. While he had no intention of becoming a model, he appreciated the 5 million dollar offer for a photoshoot. It not only helped take his mind off of movie-making, it also granted him the opportunity to travel and visit the Big Apple and explore all on his own. He had finished writing the script of [Liberty City] and wanted to spend December in a much less stressful environment.

He had just finished taking the shots for the photoshoot and had decided to take a walk up 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan towards central park. He was wearing a long trench coat, with shades and ear mufflers that completely covered his identity while providing him with the adequate heat in the chilly temperatures of December New York. He had just walked past one of the famous Halal Hot Dog vendors when he felt like he was being followed.

Looking around and behind him, he couldn’t see anyone suspicious in the vicinity. If there had been, the paparazzi would have already swarmed him. Shrugging, he continued his trek up the street towards the slowly visible tree line of Central Park. He crossed the street, where he saw the famous St. Patrick’s Cathedral with its white marble Gothic Architecture, symbolizing purity and harmony of design. He admired the structure as he walked past the church, and he could once again feel the presence of someone following him. He again stopped and looked down the street, past the hot dog vendor, but yet again, he could not see anyone following him.

Keeping his guard up, Will continued walking up the street for a couple of more blocks. The feeling of being followed increased even more. He constantly kept checking his pockets discretely for signs of pickpocketing while checking his shoulder for his tail, but he kept getting the same result.

Instead of continuing toward Central Park, Will took a left from West 53rd Street, trying to figure out whether his tail would follow him down a different street. The feeling remained, and Will decided to step into an alley after taking a sharp right at the end of the street. He waited for his tail in the alley, and after a minute of waiting, he saw a man looking down In the alley. The man was wearing a long black coat, with grey mufflers, over blackish-grey trousers. His hands were covered with gloves. Taking note of no apparent weapons on the man, Will shoved him against a wall and pulled down his muffler, pinning his arms behind his back and face against the wall.

“Why are you following me!” He shouted in his ear.

“Hey! Let me go! I am sorry!” The man pleaded.

“Tell me! Why are you following me, or I will have to take you to the cops!” Will shouted again, his hands reaching for his phone in his pocket.

“Wait, Wait, I will tell you. I recognized you from the photo studio; you’re Will Evans, the founder of Dream Vision. I just wanted to talk and maybe see if I can get a chance to work with you. I was at the photoshoot there. Please, let me go!” He replied.

‘Who tails a person up four blocks to talk to them?’ Will thought but still slackened his grip.

Loosening his grip on the man, Will took a good look at the man’s face and had to work really hard from gasping in shock, for it was a face he instantly recognized.

He had just been tailed up four blocks by Leonardo Di Caprio.


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