Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

Chapter 248 - As The Moon Talks

Adrian realizes it too late. 

The linings on the wall, and the emptiness of the room – they\'re not supposed to be like this. Then, he found himself wondering where his mind had been for him not to notice.

\'Oh. On her.\'

Adrian can barely muster up the strength to call for Anthony nor Irish when he hears the cackle from below - and feels the familiar reign of heat and flame bearing down upon him. There\'s another concealed bomb, and there\'s no time to call for help.

Indeed, Adrian has screwed up again.


"You stupid, stupid, stupid blockhead!"

Aira cries out loud, relieved to find Asher awake at last. He simply smiles down at her and pats her head reassuringly. After exhausting herself, she finally steps aside and grins up at Cassidy who\'s standing behind her the whole time. 

His eyes widen in surprise, and she thinks she can hear a crack in his voice when he calls out her name.


She doesn\'t let him finish his sentence as she crashes into him despite his injuries. He yelps in pain while she only grins. Even though he betrayed her and her husband, she knew that he wasn\'t a bad guy. He even sacrificed himself for her back there.

Cassidy can\'t possibly hold a grudge against Asher.

"Never thought we\'d be like this again…" she quipped and pulled away to take a look at him.

"Did you miss me?" 

"Damn it, Cassie. Don\'t even joke about that…" he groused, pulling her back into him for another hug. 

"When you got kidnapped, we were all-"

"Worried? For me?" 

Cassidy laughs a little before squeezing Asher\'s shoulder reassuringly. She then looks behind him expectantly. Aira wonders what she\'s looking for.

"Where\'s Adrian?"

Both of them froze.

Cassidy pulls back. Aira sees that the light shining in her eyes actually comes from a place of desperation - of hopeless hope. Asher keeps quiet, a frown tugging at his lips.

"He has to be with you, right…?" Cassidy asked, her voice trembling. 

"He\'s here, isn\'t he? He\'s not-"

"He\'s dead."

The three of them are taken aback to find Edward walking up to them. He appears solemn, unwilling to look at Cassidy in the eye. 

"I didn\'t know how to tell you this earlier, but he-"

"He died, in the hospital…" Asher finished for him, his fingers curling harshly into his palm. 

"After the fire at Ray\'s place, he was brought in. He was in a critical condition-"

"Wait, stop…!" Cassidy exclaimed, shaking her head, dread pooling at the pit of her stomach. 

"That\'s not true! He isn\'t supposed to be dead!"

"But he is, Cassie!" 

He\'s now yelling at her, though he was more frustrated with himself rather than her. She studies him for a moment, her lips turning down into a frown. 

"I saw his heart stop. Goddammit! I\'m the reason his heart stopped."

"I know that, Asher…!" Cassidy shouted back, making Aira and Edward turn to her with perplexed looks. 

"Adrian and I knew what Dylan wanted you to do. We figured it out-"

"You\'re going to tell me you had some sort of plan? I want to believe you, but Adrian isn\'t here now, is he? I saw his heart rate turn into a straight line, Cassidy. He flat-lined. And even if he didn\'t - even if he\'d gone on to live, he would\'ve died, anyway."

"What are you talking about?! Maybe you just don\'t see the whole picture. Adrian can\'t be gone. He can\'t be-"

Cassidy was cut off at the all-too-familiar voice that suddenly penetrated the air. She swerved around to find Damien calling out to Edward from a distance. 


A strangled, pained shout follows through, and they turn to see that their enemies have come and overpowered Charles - have cast him aside and let him bleed. They can\'t hear their orders clearly, but they can tell, anyway, as they all march in their direction.

They\'re at a field near the headquarters they blasted off minutes ago, and going by what\'s happening at the moment, they\'re still not completely in the clear. 

"Charles…" Edward breathed through gritted teeth. 

"We have to-"

Cassidy sends one last penetrating look at Asher before dashing off to where Charles is. 

He called out to her but it was for naught. She comes to a stop in front of Charles who\'s glaring furiously ahead of him, a hand on his bleeding arm. He notices her from the corners of his eyes and turns to look at her questioningly.

"You\'ve got to get out of here," Cassidy said urgently.

"And leave you behind?" Charles snorted humorlessly. 

"I\'ll be alright. You\'ve got that wound to treat, and the kids from the headquarters need to be looked after. They have to be protected at all costs. Edward and Seven can stay behind with me." 

"I don\'t like this, Ma\'am."

"Well, you don\'t have to. Now, leave."

Her tone leaves no room for argument.

The enemies draw nearer, their guns raised and ready to kill them all. He hesitates but still follows her order with a concerned look. She steps out from behind the vehicle, Edward and Seven rushing over to help her, and she recalls a burning building, recalls their offenders\' sarcastic goodbyes as they set a bomb off -

As they hurt Aira. As they hurt Adrian.

Gripping her gun tightly, Cassidy prepares to fire.

"Hey, bastards!"

Only to be stopped short.

Her eyes widen, then - there\'s a blur here and there, cutting through the enemies\' forces like a knife through butter, clean and smooth and efficient. Shrieks and screeches follow. One of them was even caught unaware, though before he could so much as raise his gun, a sword was slicing neatly into his throat - deep enough to be threatening, yet shallow enough to keep him alive.

"What the fuck?" the man hissed, his gaze wild with what looked like panic.

Standing before him is another man. He growls at him, menacing, his figure draped in velvety shadows. Seemingly, out of the darkness, the moon emerges half-full - a mere crescent, some hollow shell. Then, it speaks, voice low, dangerous and familiar. 

"Where are you keeping her?"

"K-Keeping who?"

A snap. Two fingers, clicking against each other, and suddenly, the man is screaming out in pain, the knife of the blade digging deeper into his neck. 

Cassidy moves forward before tensing up, her grip slackening and tightening - her senses numb.

"Don\'t make me ask again."

The man whimpered, his gun clattering to the ground.

Cassidy is reminded of a nearly headless animal, scrambling around and away from the hunter seeking to let it meet its death. Somewhere behind her, Aira pokes her head from beside Asher\'s protective stance, and she breathes out shakily like she\'s seeing a ghost.

"Sir Adrian?" 

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