The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 550 - Fall Of The Earth (5)

Chapter 550 – Fall Of The Earth (5)

"We are supposed to be fighting off the threats, not each other." Arnold scolded all of them, "Why the hell were you fighting for either way?"

"You were dying!" Alice exclaimed but her voice broke before she could complete what she was saying.

"The dragon heart was consuming you so we got worried-" Natasha chimed in.

Arnold had never seen the two of them get so emotional before. He didn\'t know why, but it kind of made him happy to think his summons still worried about his well-being so much. He placed his hands on their heads like he used to do with Nicole whenever she worried about him. 

"Thanks for caring about me." He smiled, "But you should not fight amongst each other. Especially during times like these."

Both of them nodded as they did, the walls of the forge exploded and in walked Dani with hundreds of metallic golems by her side. 

"Natasha! I brought them as you requested…" Dani proudly exclaimed until she saw Arnold standing there, "Why the hell is my timing so off all the time!!!"

"Your timing couldn\'t have been more on point, Dani." Arnold flexed his neck as his armour materialised over him, "Let\'s head back, shall we?"


During that time, on the outside…

The disappearance of the sun and moon had many side effects, which had been previously ignored. The darkness slowly started driving the low ranked humans crazy. As if the darkness itself was an entity hell-bent on swallowing the sanity of as many people as it could. 

People slowly started turning against each other, order was slowly turning into uncontrollable chaos. But these were only the psychological effects that accompanied the endless darkness.

Without the sunlight, there was no reliable source to heat up the planet. As a result, the temperature of the planet slowly started to go down. However, thanks to Arnold\'s fire giants, things were still under control. 

Still, as the war progressed, the number of fire giants would inevitably go down. With it, the temperature would as well. In other words, the longer the battle was drawn out, the higher were the chances of earth going into yet another ice age. Only this time, the humans would not be able to survive, even with their superhuman abilities. 

\'We have to find out who is the one responsible for this global blackout and get rid of them.\' Talos thought, \'We have to get rid of at least them, even if we cannot defeat the whole armada.\'

"Talos, you worry too much." Hercules patted the automaton on the back, "Do you think the one controlling the darkness would ever appear on the frontlines?"

"I didn\'t know you could read my thoughts." 

"I can\'t." Hercules shrugged his shoulders, "But right now, all of us are thinking the same thing. So, it was obvious."

"So what do you suggest we do?" For the first time, Talos was interested in what Hercules had to say. After all, most of the time he did not say anything worth his time. 

"Let me go talk to some first." Saying so, Hercules headed off to where the Olympians were holding position.

Talos didn\'t know what Hercules was planning to do, but at least he was trying to do something. Unlike him, who was simply standing there. However, he wouldn\'t be doing nothing for long. 

The dragons might have been defeated, but they weren\'t the only threats there either. Moments later, another set of portals opened up and this time, the number of enemies overshadowed the force Arnold had left behind to protect the humans. 

It was as if the doors leading to hell had opened themselves as nightmarish creatures walked out of the portal. Creatures that none of them had ever seen before. None of them, but the ones who had accompanied Arnold during his numerous fights with Lucifer\'s doppelgangers. 

"Just like Master had predicted," Talos mumbled to himself and got ready to face off against the creatures of hell.

But the surprises were still to come. The portals were still active even after the demons had walked out. Which meant something even more sinister was coming their way, and it did, in the form of Fenrir. 

Loki\'s son had allied himself with Lucifer, than his own father. Simply because he knew trusting his father was like biting his own ass. It was better to trust someone evil, but honourable like Lucifer. Even though he was helping Loki out, Fenrir knew it very well that Lucifer\'s plan was to use this war as an opportunity to get rid of the gods altogether and rule over the universe himself. 

As far as the things Fenrir was concerned about, his father\'s safety was not one of them. He could die for all he cared, after all, despite being his father, he had betrayed him previously and so he could do it again and Fenrir was not about to take that risk. 

"Woah… I never thought the dragons would be taken down so easily." An ashen Lucifer mumbled when he saw the undead dragons flying in the sky, "This is going to be a lot more fun than I expected."

The fire giants, dragons, god, and humans. Who would have thought someone would be able to unite these eccentric species to fight as one? Lucifer sure didn\'t. He would have even said just thinking about the existence of such an absurd alliance was laughable. But now that he was seeing it happen with his own eyes, he wasn\'t sure what was possible and was not. 

"The more I get to know about him, the more interesting this Deathless guy seems to become." Lucifer shrugged, "Too bad I will have to kill him. Wait… maybe I can kill him and then resurrect him as my personal slave. It\'s been a while since I had some fun with a boy."

Everyone around Lucifer could say that he was fanboying Arnold but they were also aware that telling him that on his face would be like embracing death with open arms. 

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