The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 528 - Work With Me (3)

"Since when did hyenas start contending for the place as the king of the jungle?" Arnold asked his new opponents.

Well, calling them his opponents was a bit disrespectful to all the gods he had defeated and tamed. These \'gods\' were more like those young masters that Arnold hated so much. Never growing a backbone to confront someone on the face, but always trying to get rid of someone for one stupid reason or another. 

"Haha, joke all you want bastard. But this is the day you will die." 

One of the gods who was dressed like a joker commented. By the clothes they were wearing, it was difficult to judge whether it was a man or a woman. The others on the other hand were draped in torn and shredded clothes. They did not even have any proper weapons with them. 

If Arnold didn\'t know better, he would have thought that the gods were pulling a prank on him. They were so weak and yet they thought it would be a great idea to fight someone who just killed Thor?

"Look. I have things to do and killing you idiots is not on the list." Arnold sighed and turned around, "Go and live your miserable lives for as long as you want. I don\'t want to waste my stamina on killing gods who will not even increase my universal influence."

When Arnold ran a scan on them, he was informed that these gods did not have any influence left of their own. Which meant even if he happened to kill them, it would do him no benefit and be a waste of time more than anything else.

Thus after sharing his views Arnold opened a portal leading to his domain. He had more important things to take care of. However, it looked like Momus, the clown was not on board with Arnold\'s plans. 

He immediately grabbed Arnold\'s shoulder and forced him to turn around... well, at least he tried to, but could not even make Arnold budge an inch from where he was standing. 

Arnold tried to be calm as he was a bit tired after fighting Thor. But that also meant he was short with everyone. He had already given those fools a chance to leave and if they did not want to, then there was only one thing that could be done. 

\'Hm... it might not be all that bad.\' Arnold thought to himself as his grip got tighter around Mjolnir, \'I needed to test this thing either way.\'

Suddenly, storm clouds that had been harmlessly hovering over their heads, started to swirl and converge at one point, right above where the twelve forgotten gods stand. The next moment, Arnold lifted the hammer over his head and innumerable thunder strikes scorched the ground. 

In an instant, all of them were obliterated. Nothing even resembling the twelve gods could be seen there and all that was the might of Mjolnir when Arnold did not even know how to use it properly. It was only then a fact struck him...

\'Why wasn\'t the hammer destroyed?\' Arnold thought to himself.

A primary effect of his creationist class was that the moment he touched a weapon that was not made by him, it would get disintegrated into dust. However, for some reason, the hammer did not...

\'Maybe it\'s because the hammer belonged to a god- no that can\'t be it.\' Arnold shook his head, \'I already destroyed Hermes\' shoes and Zeus\' lightning bolt. There has to be some other reason for this anomaly.\'

Arnold inquired about it with the remnant of the system-sama. But strangely enough, for the first time, even that did not have any answers for him. At first, he thought that since he was inside his armour, he was not able to destroy the hammer, but now he knew it wasn\'t correct. 

Arnold was left thinking whether he had lost the power to do so. If that was the case, then it was going to be somewhat problematic. 

The Gods even though they were mighty, depended on their weapons just as much as a human would. Thus getting rid of their weapons meant that they were more or less already defeated. That was the reason Arnold had been counting on his curse to help him out with his upcoming battles. 

But if he had lost his powers, then things might get a bit... messy. Not difficult, but messy. 

\'What\'s the point of thinking about it now? If it\'s already done, then I suspect there isn\'t much I can do about it at the moment.\' He then turned towards where Talos and the others were, \'Heimdall, get rid of the bitch. I\'m not in the mood to handle anything else now. And Talos, get inside the domain. We have things to do.\'

"Understood master." Heimdall and Talos mumbled simultaneously as another portal leading to Arnold\'s domain opened up behind Talos. 

It was another one of Arnold\'s abilities. Since he had turned into a god, he could grant his loyal subjects a fraction of the powers of his domain. Which essentially meant that the ones he gave the authority to, could use the domain as if it was their own. 

So far only Talos was the one given this wonderful power. It wasn\'t like Arnold did not trust the others with such power. He merely gave it to Talos as he was the one most responsible and intelligent among his summons. 

As for Heimdall and Hercules, they already had their own domains which had been linked with the one Arnold had. Thus, they too could enter and exit Arnold\'s domain. However, they would have to take permission from him first, if they wanted to do so.

You could say the merging of their individual domains had led to somewhat of a gated community. Where one would have to ring and ask for the permission of the owner before they could enter their premises. 

Another reason for not giving anyone else access to his domain was because the enemies could take advantage of the situation to enter his domain which was one safe haven for Arnold and also the ones he wanted to protect. 

"I wish I would get access to the domain as well..." Natasha pouted while Alce shook her head.

"Then you better get stronger. Arnold would not give an authoritative power to someone who isn\'t even strong enough to protect themselves." She mumbled, "Now what should we do about them?"

The elves were stricken with fear as the summons turned their gaze on them. 

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