The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 526 - Additional : The Tale Of Mjolnir's Theft (Part 2)

Mjolnir wasn\'t just important to Thor, but to the entirety of Asgard as well. Thor had used the hammer to protect Asgard on countless occasions and thus by losing the hammer, it was like losing a layer of protection for themselves. It was for this reason, all of the gods chipped in to help him in disguising him as a woman. 

Freya handed her clothes to Thor while the other goddesses bathed him with perfume and braided his hair to look like that of Freya. Even Loki chipped in and using his magic got rid of Thor\'s bushy beard, the one thing he had been proud of. Along with giving him a feminine look as a whole.

Having been treated like that, while hearing the goddesses and their attendants giggle as they dressed him up was the final straw to his patience. It was at that moment Thor made up his mind to eradicate the giants for putting him through this humiliation. 

It was for this same reason why Thor wanted one of the attendants to attend the wedding on his behalf. He swore he would rescue them from the clutches of the giants as soon as he got the hammer back. However, all of them refused. Thor wanted to force one of them to do that, but Odin quickly put a stop to it. 

According to the All-father, it was Thor\'s failure and a result of his incompetence that made him lose sight of the hammer, and thus it was his responsibility to get it back. Therefore, forcing others to do something they did not need to was uncalled for.

In the end, Thor was readied to get \'wedded\' away. Thanks to Loki\'s magic, Thor did not look anything like his former self. In fact, some of the gods even proclaimed Thor to be the most beautiful bride they had seen in their lives. Had they not known that it was Thor, some of them might have even tried to claim \'her\' for themselves.

Through all that, Thor\'s eyes were blazing with rage. He could have ripped the gods in half even without his hammer and thus with Thor\'s one gaze, they were sent in a sweating frenzy. None of them mocked him after that. 

A moment later both he and Loki were on their way to Jotunheim in a carriage driven by goats, as without his hammer, the goats were his primary source of transportation. Not a second after the two of them were out of earshot, the gods could not hold their laugh anymore.

Odin was no exception to this, even though he felt quite bad that his son that to go through all that humiliation and trouble. He should have seen what was coming next, but he couldn\'t. If he had, then he would have most certainly not allowed Thor to leave Asgard and go on a murderous rampage.

Either way, it was much too late for them to regret anything. As everything was set into motion.

By the time the two of them arrived at Thrym\'s mansion, they saw it had been decorated with countless decorations. It seemed like from the day Loki left Jotunheim to the day he arrived there along with \'Freya\', Thrym had not slept at all and spent the entire time decorating his wonderful mansion. 

The second the giant saw Loki riding a carriage, there was no limit to Thrym\'s happiness. Although he had prepared so much for that day, he had not expected the god to actually fulfil his promise to him. But now that Loki had delivered his promise, Thrym could not contain his excitement or his happiness. 

Soon, Thrym got a glimpse of \'Freya\' and could not help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The goddess was everything any giant ever wanted, strong, beautiful and intelligent. In his eyes, \'Freya\' was the epitome of everything.

Loki and Thrym quickly exchanged pleasantries, while Thor kept quiet the entire time. His appearance might have been altered but his voice was the same and there was nothing Loki could do about it. Well, he could but he did not want to waste any more time than he absolutely needed to. 

Thrym found this odd, but Loki explained it away by saying that the bride in their culture was not allowed to speak until the marriage ceremony was over. The red flags were all over the place, but it seemed like in his excitement to marry someone, the giant had turned blind to everything. 

Loki then asked the giant about the hammer and Thrym replied that the hammer would be presented to the bride once the ceremony was over as a proclamation of the giant\'s love for Freya. Those words made \'Freya\' clench her hands so tightly that the flowers Thrym had presented to her were torn to shreds. 

Loki thought that was it, but rather than getting suspicious, Thrym was happy to know that his future bride was so strong and burst into laughter. The ceremony went on without a hitch and it was during the feast afterwards when the shit show began. 

Thor had an abnormal appetite even among the gods. On top of that, the rage and embarrassment he had felt before and during the ceremony enraged him more which in turn, turned his hunger much worse. 

During the feast, \'Freya\' impressed Thrym with her appetite. Loki excused Freya\'s eating actions by saying that she was so excited about the wedding that she did not eat anything for days, thus she was so hungry.

This made Thrym want to kiss his bride. He lifted the veil and immediately encountered the red eyes of his bride. Loki again explained that she cried in happiness for soon becoming the bride of the almighty Thrym. When in reality, Thor\'s eyes were red with all the rage he was forced to keep within himself.

Just like that, the ceremony and the feast both came to an end. Thrym was true to his word in the end and present Freya with Mjolnir as per his promise. The moment Thor wrapped his fingers around the hammer, pandemonium ensued. 

A thunderbolt struck Thor and all the magic that had been placed on him to look like a woman was torn to shreds. Just like his wedding gown. Everyone knows what happened afterwards as Thor declared a one-sided war on the giants which ultimately led to Loki being crowned as the prince of Asgard.

"That was the one and the only time someone other than Thor had touched Mjolnir.." Arnold mumbled to himself before swiftly lifting the hammer himself, as the thunder started cackling over him once again, "Until now."

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