The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 495 - Slaughterhouse (3)

Arnold was just messing with Nilerea when he said he would kill everyone on the planet. He had no intention of doing something like that. He just mentioned those things to push Nilerea into doing what she did. If he hadn\'t pressurized her, he was sure she wouldn\'t have laid a finger on any one of them.

Arnold spared a look at the severed head before kicking it towards Yan, who understood what the master wanted and resurrected the elven queen as a common soldier. The rest of the captured elves learned their lesson and decided to keep their emotions to themselves. None of them even dared to look Arnold or anyone on his side, in the eye, as they were afraid they will meet a similar end soon. 

But Arnold was not having it. He wanted to enter the next phase of his plan as soon as possible. He squatted down to be at the elves level and asked them one simple question. 

"Does you goddess listen to your prayers?" His voice was extremely calm as if he was talking to a friend and not his enemies.

"Y-Yes... she does." One of the elves answered, her eyes still fixated on the ground.

"Then start praying for her to save you and your planet. Pray for her to come and stop me herself. However, if she didn\'t arrive, I will assume that you lied to me when you said your goddess listens to you and punish you lying to me... by killing all of you."

One could see as panic and despair shrouded the face of the elf. There was no way the goddess would come there to save a measly handful of them. Hell, she probably wouldn\'t even come to save them even if the entire planet was taken hostage. 

With tears in her eyes, she began praying to the goddess to save them in the ancient language of the elves. She kept praying and praying... but nothing happened. Just as she had expected the goddess refused to acknowledge her prayers and thus forfeited the elf\'s life as well. 

But it was just like Arnold had predicted. The elven goddess didn\'t know it, but by not answering the prayers of the elves, she had done a huge favour to him. Her actions were in her self interest, nothing like a god.

"I was hoping she would listen to you... what kind of foolish goddess do you idiots serve huh?" Arnold immediately jumped to plan B.


There was absolute silence. None of them could even utter a word because they had no answer to the human\'s question. They have been serving the goddess ever since they could remember. Generations upon generation, hailed her as the true goddess and now when they needed her, rather than coming forth to say them, she abandoned them? After all those years?

She was no goddess if she could forget about her subjects so easily, however, they could admit it out loud. Even though they knew they had been abandoned, they couldn\'t turn their loyalty to the goddess just like that. If they did, then what could they believe in again?

Just by looking at their faces, Arnold could tell they were conflicted and that they needed a slight push to acknowledge him as their new overlord. It wasn\'t like he wanted their loyalty. He couldn\'t care less about such a thing. 

Arnold was just doing all of it just to provoke their so-called goddess because if there was one thing the gods had was a big ego. Just like Zeus, if he could get into their head, he could make them do whatever he wanted them to. 

Also, the gods wouldn\'t let go of their loyal followers so easily. Hence, if he were to try and poach the goddess\'s followers, she would inevitably get angry and appear in front of him. Either to win her precious followers over again or to punish them. Whatever her reason was, Arnold was going to force her to appear in front of him.

In case she still didn\'t, well then she would have lost the respect and loyalty of her subjects and that would give Arnold some Universal Influence either way. He could even demand regular sacrifices that would further increase his influence. No matter what happens, it was a win-win situation for him. That was his game plan and so far everything was working out just like he wanted it to. 

He took out his gun and pressed it against the elf\'s forehead, "Looks like your goddess doesn\'t care about you at all... what a shame."

The elf was scared but had resigned to her fate. The goddess was the only one who could save her but she didn\'t. At that moment, she lost all faith in the goddess. She had lost faith in everything. Arnold gave her a last glance and rather than pulling the trigger, he looked at the rest of them. 

"Do you want to save her?" He asked them and turned towards the elf in front of him, "Do you want to save yourself?"

None of them gave him an answer but the look of their eyes did the talking for them. They Would do anything to save themselves. They would believe in anything that could save them... 

"Follow me then... swear your allegiance to me and I will protect you, no matter what." Arnold put his guns back inside the inventory and extended his arm towards them, "I swear on my life, if you join me, you will never get abandoned again."

The elves looked at each other, too surprised to even utter a word. Should they believe a man who had killed thousands of them? There was a point in what he was saying... if he wanted to kill them he would already have done so. No one was stopping him from that, thus his gesture said a lot about him. Not only was he willing to spare them, but he was also ready to take them under his wing, what else could they want? 

Nilerea jumped at the opportunity as well. If she could persuade them to join her master, then there would be no need for bloodshed anymore. 

"Join us, brothers and sisters. I can assure you my master is a man of his word. He would never allow any of you to be hurt again."

Arnold still had his arm extended towards them, ready to accept them as his followers. Thanks to Nilerea\'s words, the dark elves immediately jumped at the opportunity and swore loyalty to him.


You have gained new followers.

Universal Influence has been increased by 100 points!


\'10 points for each follower huh.... interesting.\'

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