The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 485 - No. More. Gods. (2)

Arnold stood there, stunned. He knew what had happened, but his mind couldn\'t comprehend what was going on. Why would Johnny betray them? Wasn\'t he the one who always took care of them? No matter what task Heimdall would have given him, he would never betray them, right? Then why...

"Vassal of the thunderous one..." Arnold mumbled to himself before walking onto the Arena, "He wasn\'t the vassal of Thor..."

[Arnold, I know this is a tough time for you but-]

"Shut up..."

[Please listen to me-]


[Walk off the arena now or you\'ll be killed!]

"You knew... and yet you never..."

[I swear I didn\'t! Someone must have done something. Someone must have sabotaged-]

"I don\'t need someone as frail as you on my side anymore..."

[Arnold, just turn back now- Wait, what are you doing? No! Arnold DON\'T-!!!]


Destroyer Class Special Ability Activated.

Are you sure you want to destroy your guardian?

Yes / No


"I don\'t need you anymore..."


Silence. There was absolute silence in Arnold\'s head. No longer could he hear System Sama. Until he heard someone\'s voice again. But it was different. There was no emotion behind the voice. Nothing at all. 


All limiters placed on the Guardian has been removed. You are now in complete control of everything. You are bound by no restrictions. You can have the answers to all your questions. 


He had erased System sama, however, there were some remanents left and it was the voice of those remanents that he was hearing. The remanents of system sama that had completely integrated themselves with him. The basic build blocks of the system were now under his control. He had become his own system. 

He was now the master of his own. He wasn\'t a vassal or a lesser god or even a higher god. He was above them all. However, his new powers were still manifesting. But that didn\'t mean he couldn\'t find answers to his problems. 

"How can I resurrect someone..." Arnold\'s voice was emotionless as he got up with Nicole\'s corpse still warm in his arms.


Steps for the resurrection of a fallen soul:

1. Preservation of the corpse is of utmost importance. 

2. If the one in question had been related to any god in any way (Paladin/Vassal), then you have to gain some Universal authority before you could resurrect them. In addition to that, you will need to kill the god they were related to.

3. To increase your universal authority, you will need to manifest your powers to 100%.

4. The easiest way to do so is through destruction.

5. Once the Primal power manifest to 100%, you\'ll become an unstoppable existence, free from any rules. Only then will you be able to resurrect someone. 

6. You will have to kill a lot of innocent people and gods and create a pantheon of your own. 

7. Destroyer\'s eye won\'t work on higher entities until your powers have manifested more than 90%.

This path is filled with Perilous tasks. One you would never be able to change once you step foot on it.


"Kill the gods, huh?" Arnold turned around and walked up to Talos and handed him her corpse, "Before that... I need to do something else."

He looked at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in front of him. Even in her dragon form, Tiamut was struggling to hold them back since Talos was now taking care of Nicole. But not for long. These pesky little ants wanted to kill him? They dared to take his sister away from him and then they attempt to kill him as well. Unacceptable. Completely unacceptable.

Arnold stepped out of his armour. He didn\'t need to use his tools to get rid of them. After all, he didn\'t want to bully the kids, he just wanted to kill them so that he could focus on killing the gods without these insects interfering with him. 


Destroyer Class Special Ability Activated.

Are you sure you want to destroy 435,678 Soldiers?

Yes / No



As soon as Arnold confirmed his intentions. His newly manifested third eye opened up. There was a bright flash of light coming through the third eye, and the next second all of the soldiers disappeared. Just a word was all it took for the collective army of the gods to turn to dust. The soldier they took pride in, couldn\'t even stand for a mere second in front of him. 


Primal power manifested so far: 3.76%


He wanted to target the gods next, who were scared shi.tless. They knew what the third eye was. It was the immortal one\'s special skill. One that had enough power to destroy the entire universe, just in a blink of an eye.

"No. More. Gods." 

Those were the words that would haunt the gods for the rest of their minuscule lives.  Panic ensued among the gods as soon as they saw the third eye in action. All of them started fleeing away from the scene and left behind their Vassals. Arnold saw them escaping and immediately tried to use his wish. If he couldn\'t resurrect Nicole, he should at least be able to trap the gods inside the colosseum. But that was a bust too...


The wish is associated with the Immortal one and he, using his authority has declined to fulfil your wish.


"You didn\'t save Nicole, but you\'re trying to save these pathetic morons?" Arnold\'s anger was repeatedly crossing new limits and with his increasing rage, his powers were increasing as well, "You all are the same after all... rotten to your core. But don\'t worry. I will find my way to them eventually and when I do, not even you will be able to stop me, Immortal one! Remember my words!"

Portals were opening and closing all over crazily. No one wanted to stay there alone. Not even Heimdall who now realised he had messed with the wrong man. He was about to leave as well, but before he could, he found Arnold standing in front of him. 

"Where do you think you\'re going?" Arnold asked the puny god before grabbing his shoulder and throwing him right in the middle of the arena.

"You don\'t know my powers foolish mortal!!!" Heimdall roared as he lunged towards Arnold with his sword,

"The only fool here is you. Even after all I did, I still look like a mortal to you?"

Arnold didn\'t even move and yet Heimdall\'s sword turned to dust and he himself was thrown to the other side of the arena. The vassals who saw this backed away... but that wasn\'t good enough for Arnold. All of them were responsible for the death of his sister. If they hadn\'t distracted her, she would have been able to dodge Johnny\'s attack. She would have survived.

But before he could do anything to them he was reminded of one important thing. The first step required for Nicole\'s resurrection: Preservation of the corpse. The more time he wasted there, the lower the chance of successful resurrection got. But he wasn\'t going to let any one of them leave... not a single one.

He opened a portal to his domain and instructed Talos to enter. His domain was the perfect place to preserve Nicole\'s corpse. While... it was also the best place to torture the hell out of these bastards before they begged him for their lives.

Arnold grabbed Heimdall\'s leg and dragged him to his doom as he desperately looked towards Loki for help.. But he just shook his head and escaped just like everyone else. 

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