The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 463 - Destruction Is Just A Hobby (4)

"See, was it that hard?" Talos mumbled while wiping the Tecla\'s blood off his hands, "Couple of punches here, couple of broken bones there, and your punishment is done. As fast as a quickie, in my opinion. However, if my master would have been here, then... it would be another case altogether."

"Y-You did... what you had to... now leave!" Sonya exclaimed before spitting out a mouthful of blood while holding her stomach where Talos had kicked her.

Talos did not like what he had to do here. But for the sake of the world, it was better to hurt some morons or not even the gods would have been able to save the humans from Arnold\'s rage. But he wasn\'t going to show them his real \'feelings\', what use would be the use of doing that? 

They were the ones who wanted to screw his master over despite knowing he could have had them erased from existence with just a snap of his fingers, and he wouldn\'t even need some lame gauntlet to do it. Frankly, Talos didn\'t even know what kept going on inside the head of these pathetic humans anymore. 

His master had already killed a handful of demigods on his own and these morons still think it is a good idea to go against a man who does now even fear the gods? Either way, Sonya and her team\'s destiny had already been determined.

They were going to die. Not now, but soon. Because Arnold doesn\'t forgive nor forgets about the ones who dared to wrong him in any way. As for their current punishment, it was far from over. There was one more thing Talos had to do. 

"Throw them all outside," Talos instructed the automatons as they dragged everyone in the building out, "I think this should be enough to quell master\'s rage just a tad bit."

It didn\'t take more than a couple of minutes for Talos to have the entire guild building evacuated. Every single member of Sonya\'s guild was forced on their knees in front of the building as Talos wanted to send a message to everyone out there. All for their sake, do not mess with Arnold Ling, the Deathless or else suffer in despair.

"Light it up!" Talos yelled and the next moment everyone found the building blazing as blue flames consumed the entire building, "Be glad destruction is just a hobby for us, if it was a full-time job, none of you would be alive right now. Learn your lesson and never ever think of messing  with us again. Or we wouldn\'t be so lenient the next time we meet." 

Talos nodded his head and all of them were knocked out and left on the wintry street, with only the fire from the guild building giving them warmth. It was the first time the summons had to show Arnold\'s powers to the commoners of his empire and it was safe to say they made quite a spectacle.

But more important than that, Talos managed to get the message through without any issues... They would stay humble as long as the citizens respected their leader. The citiznes were free to enjoy their freedom, no one would ever stop them from doing that. However, they would be struck down the moment they try to betray their emperor and after the sight, the people had just witnessed, they were not going to disobey Arnold for a long time.


At the rainbow bridge surrounded by the infinite space, a handful of gods had gathered demanding an explanation from [The One who sees everything], Heimdall. He was made the moderator of this contest because he was known for his just nature and willingness to stand against the wrongdoers, no matter who they were.

Talos\' actions sent the involved gods into a frenzy. Their vassals and paladins were hurt, mercilessly beaten and yet Arnold was not going to receive any kind of punishment? They could not allow that. They wanted justice as the sanctity of the war was interrupted. Everyone knew he was behind this attack and he should be rightfully punished for what he did. 

Standing at 7 foot tall, Heimdall, being one of the most patient gods to have ever been born, listened to everyone\'s complaints one at a time while fidgeting with his horn which had the powers to summon the entire Norse Pantheon to his side if needed be. While guarding Asgard all by himself. His golden sword was by his side, ready to strike down anyone and everyone who dared to defile Asgard with their harmful intentions.

Even though the gods were upset, they were mindful to watch their tone in front of the one also known as the guardian of the realms. It wasn\'t because they were afraid of him, but they respected him too much to raise their voice in front of him. Still, all of them wanted Arnold to be punished for what \'he\' had done.

However, Heimdall did not see the need to punish someone just because their followers did something. If that was the case, then he would have to start punishing the gods first, as their followers were often responsible to cause mass extinctions. He told them so as well. 

"Punishing a master for the misdeed of a disciple isn\'t the way of the Norse gods." Heimdall finally broke his silence as his voice boomed all over Asgard, "If a disciple makes a mistake, it is the responsibility of the master to teach them and guide them to the right path. Shall he choose not to do so, I will certainly punish him then. But even if I did, the punishment wouldn\'t be a harsh one."

Heimdall\'s reasoning indeed made sense. He was correct that the Master should not be punished for the wrongdoings of one disciple. However, what if the master was the one to instruct his disciple to break the rules?

Since no gods could see what was going inside the void domain of a vassal, they were not aware of what Arnold had told Talos to do for him. They could only guess that Arnold had used Talos to exact revenge while keeping his hands clean. However, it was just a wild guess and Heimdall couldn\'t punish someone because of a hunch. He didn\'t operate like that. Thus the gods left Bifrost desiring revenge, which would never come.

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