The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 453 - Lady Luck Strikes Again (2)

"Random wish... why do I have a feeling this thing isn\'t as wishful as the name suggests?" Arnold mumbled as he saw the smallest vial of some kind of a translucent liquid, "Bruh... why does it look like this..."

He was having seconds thought right from the moment he saw the liquid. It looked more like... someone\'s bodily fluid than anything else. In fact, in his mind, he was almost sure it was some kind of a sick prank by the gods. Thankfully he had the probe ability to check whether it was a prank or not.


OBJECT: Random Wish Potion

TYPE: Potion

GRADE: Cosmic SS

REMARK: Extremely rare material even for the higher gods. This is a liquid of origins only known to the Immortal one and contains power beyond anyone\'s comprehension. Upon consumption, the user is allowed to make three wishes and one of which is randomly chosen to be fulfilled. However, there are some limitations on the types of wishes one could ask for. 

No one could wish to become a god, or to resurrect the dead or to gain someone\'s love/favour. Asking for immortality is prohibited as well. Other than these, if there is a wish that the Immortal one deems unfit, that wish would not be granted either. Even after knowing these limitations, if the consumer still breaks the rule, the contents of the vial would change and rather than receiving a wish, that user would end up getting poisoned and inevitably die.


"So basically, I can only wish for things that the Immortal one would be okay with." Arnold said while scratching his chin, "That seems... inconvenient."

[You should be thankful it\'s the Immortal one and not Zeus. If it was left to him, you would surely die upon drinking the contents of the vial.]

"Look who\'s back!" Arnold let out an exaggerated gasp, "It\'s Mr I can\'t help you."

[Don\'t be a baby now, but then again that might be too much for me to ask of you.]

"I was kidding."

[So was I.]

Arnold shook his head and stored the vial back in his inventory. At the moment, he didn\'t have anything he wanted so it was only wise to keep it for later use and Arnold had a feeling he would require it sometime soon. most probably during the next round of the war.

"Next time when you decide to stop helping me, at least be kind enough to inform me about it beforehand."


"Has the world rewards arrived yet?"

[Nope. It seems a couple of planets are having more trouble handling their respective world trees than the Gods anticipated.]

"I just hope that bastard Zeus\' vassal in on one of those planets..." Arnold scoffed, "By the way, would you mind telling me more about these planets? I always wanted to know about aliens and stuff."

[What do you want to know when you have been fighting with most of them for your entire life.]

"What do you- wait a minute! You mean all those monsters we have been fighting inside the dungeons are aliens and there are entire planets filled with them?"

[You are right about that.]

"So does that mean..."

[Humans have also been transported to these worlds as low-ranking monsters. Most of them are treated worse than goblins actually.]

Arnold got quiet all of a sudden. The more time passed, the more his hatred grew for the gods. They were really like a bunch of toys for them, and the gods did not even bother to conceal the fact anymore. System sama could easily read what was going on inside Arnold\'s head and decided to change the topic.

[I do have some other news though.]

"What is it about?"

[The next and the final round of the <War of the Worlds>.]

"I thought you said there were 3 rounds in these events?" Arnold was a bit confused with the hastiness of the competition.

[There were, but it seems like the gods want it to get over with as soon as possible and hence they are jumping straight to the last round.]

"Let me guess, it\'s going to be a duel round?"

[If only all of your guesses were that accurate... but you are correct this time. It is going to be a traditional 1v1 duel elimination deathmatch. However, since the rules were being changed, the gods have decided to rule out the \'death\' from the match.]

"What do you mean?"

[Death is an optional outcome now and the gods have decided to introduce the option to \'surrender\' to the opponent. However, there is a catch. If the vassal or paladin surrenders, they will lose their guardians would be forced to work for the one to whom they surrender.]

"So you mean they would lose their powers?"

[That would remain to be the choice of the god whether they would allow them to keep their abilities or not. But even if the gods decided to leave them with their abilities, they would no longer be able to level as they used to.]

"Hm... I understand." Arnold nodded, "Is there anything else that I need to know?"

[Vassals are allowed to bring two companions with them. These companions are allowed to participate in the duels with their masters and help them in any way they can. However, they must not break some rules that would be disclosed right before the duels started.]

"What about pets?"

[It is still a loophole even among the updated rules. You can bring as many pets as you like to, however, only two people or monsters can participate in the duel to aid you.]

"Now that is something I love to hear." Arnold\'s already big smile even broadened, "I already know who I am going to bring with me. But I do have two more questions. Will the vassals or paladins from the same planet be forced to face each other or not? And what would happen if a vassal surrenders to me, but I kill them regardless?"

[Answer to your first question is yes. Starting from this time onwards, the vassal and paladins from the same planet could be forced to fight each other.]

"And for the other question?"

[If a competitor surrenders to you and still you decide to kill them... then your sponsor/god would have to give you a suitable punishment.]

"You people never cease to baffle me. Either way, that\'s all I wanted to know. But please let me know about every littlest detail regarding the final round."

[That\'s what I am here for.]

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