The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 406 - Two Brothers

[Warning! Potential cheesy chapter. (It won\'t happen again, I swear.)]

"Arnold, I\'m scared..." Nina mumbled in a low voice, "Or it\'s my hormones acting up again."


Nina was sitting on the bed as Arnold entered the room with a plate full of her favourite dish. Well, it wasn\'t her favourite but she was advised to eat fish and a lot of fruit juice postpartum. The problem was... Nina hated seafood. She wasn\'t allergic to it, she just hated it for no reason at all. But for Aiden, she happily ate it all without any complaints whatsoever. Nina wasn\'t alone in the room as Nicole was accompanying her and the four-month-old Aiden, who was happy in his own world. Talos had been helping Arnold in the kitchen and had followed him back to the master bedroom.

The bedroom wasn\'t fancy. It was quite unlike anything one would expect for an *Emperor\'s* bedroom. It was just a quite large yet cosy room in their humble abode. The house itself was nothing less than a mansion. It had eleven bedrooms each having attached bathrooms, three kitchens equipped with the latest technologies, three living rooms, a dining room, a special games room for the kids and a big front and back garden where the hounds and the golems liked to play.

The back garden also served as a training ground for Arnold as well as his summons. But it was mostly used when Yu Zhung showed up along with the rest of Arnold\'s heads of state to discuss something. The rest of the time, the garden was used as a meditation ground for Arnold. Doing mediation had helped him to control his rage a lot. 

"I know you don\'t like fish. But you gotta eat some, once a day." Arnold pushed the plate forward, "And my cooking isn\'t that bad for you to get scared either."

"I\'m not scared about the food doofus!" Nina slapped her fiance\'s wrist, "Mom and dad are coming over tomorrow..."

"So... what\'s there to be scared about?" Arnold blew at the hot tuna to cool it down a bit before feeding it to Nina, "They are here to bond with their grandson. There\'s nothing to be worried about."

"Yeah but it\'s the first time they are coming over after Aiden was born... and what if they don\'t like how we have been raising him..."

"Dear future sis-in-law. Aiden has been in this world for four months only. The way I see it, there isn\'t much of a raising to do until he\'s a bit older." Nicole couldn\'t keep it in anymore and burst out laughing, "Just think of it like this, Aiden is in safer hands than I was with my big-brained brother."

"Wait, what? I did everything I possibly could to raise you. Yet, you turned out to be a brat." Arnold said, pretending to be hurt by his sister\'s words. 

"Bro... relax, I was just trying to make your fiance feel better about herself!" Nicole sighed before shaking her head, "But to be honest, I know you guys are going to be the best parents ever. Orco is a living example of how good your parenthood is."

Nina took Nicole\'s and in hers, "Thanks Nicole, it means a lot to us."

Arnold handed the plate over to Nicole the two of them were done with their sisterly bonding time, before turning to Talos.

"Speaking of Orco, where is he?"

"He is playing outside on the lawn with the lava hounds, Master," Talos replied after quickly checking in with T-90, who was also the guardian of the boy.

"Has there been any signs of, you know, orc-like tendencies?"

"Not at all. Devon\'s been following your instructions to the letter. Blood tests are being performed on him every morning. If anyone were to see him, they won\'t even know that he is not 100% human."

"That\'s reassuring..." Arnold mumbled before turning back to Nina and Nicole.

Orco was the son of the woman who had been impregnated by the demon orc a few years back. It took some time but she was finally able to give birth to her offspring a couple of days after Arnold was done taking care of Hercules. Sadly, she couldn\'t take the pain during delivery even with Natasha\'s and Alice\'s help and passed away. But her son turned out to be extraordinarily human.

He had her brown skin and green eyes. Even his hair matched his mother\'s. If anyone were to see Orco, they would think he had been cloned from his mother. However, his outer appearance was the only thing human about him. His inner anatomy was that of a monster.

He had a completely different set of organs, unlike humans. Moreover, when Arnold used the probe skill on him, he realised that Orco had almost all of the abilities the Demon Orc had. It was only that his skills were in a \'dormant\' state as system sama referred to it.

So since Orco looked like a human, and he was just a kid even though he was bigger than most newborns, Arnold decided to adopt him. At first, he was planning to raise him on his own, but Nina didn\'t let him do it. So they end up adopting and naming the newborn Orco.

It was also the moment when Nina decided she wouldn\'t let Arnold name anything ever again, let it be their baby, a pet or anything. Simply because unlike his skills in battle, his naming skill was terrible. She should have expected that though, after all, the names of most of his summons were weird, to begin with.

"Nothing will happen to him. Don\'t worry." It was Nina\'s turn to reassure Arnold, "And he\'s going to be an amazing big brother to our little guy."

Even Aiden seemed to agree with his mom as he let out a chuckle that made everyone forget about their worries and laugh.


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