The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 401 - Kingdom Come (1)

"I think your quest is bugged..." Arnold scratched the side of his head, "As far as I can recall... there was a total of nine paladins out of which five became vassals. Which means there are only four paladins on earth. So I can neither kill ten paladins or five vassals because the number of vassals includes me and Nicole."

All of a sudden, Arnold\'s voice became grim as if he wanted to rip the system out of him, "If you\'re hoping I\'ll harm Nicole to ascend, then you might as well get out of here before I kill you and that Immortal god of yours for even suggesting such a thing-"


[Hold your horses, moron. Did I say you\'ll have to harm your sister?]

"Not directly..."

[That\'s why you should try to listen to what others have to say before you start jumping around like an idiot. I think I remember telling you this isn\'t the first planet the gods have gambled for.]

"Yeah, you did tell me about that."

[So, what do you think happens to the Paladins and Vassals once the game has ended?]

"Wait, there are multiple survivors? I thought the last vassal standing wins and the game continues till there is only one winner."

[Nope. All of the vassals and paladins can remain alive as long as the Gods can come to an agreement on who won. The last man standing scenario only happens like once in a thousand times. Most of the time, the gods can find some common ground in declaring a winner because for them it is better to come to an agreement than destroy the planet before it\'s fulfilled its use.]

"Okay... I hope that happens in our case. Though I don\'t think the gods would give up so easily on earth..."

[Worry about that once you survive the War of the Worlds.]

Arnold kept his silence. He didn\'t know what kind of sick event this War of the Worlds was. But judging by the name... it wasn\'t something he wanted to be involved in. Sadly he already knew that wasn\'t going to be the case. Especially since he had received an ascension quest that revolved around it.


Complete the following task before/during <War of the Worlds> event takes place.


\'Yup, I have to be part of the War. No doubts about that.\'

Before system sama could explain what this event was, Arnold already had a rough idea regarding it. Judging by the chat he just had with the system, it meant one thing. Surviving Vassals and Paladins from all across the universe would have to face each other. And after seeing the tasks he had received for ascension, he guessed that they would most probably have to fight till death. 

Sure enough, what he was thinking turned out to be more or less correct as system sama began telling him more about the <War of the Worlds> in detail.

[<War of the Worlds> is an event organised once every 2500 earth years. During this time the Vassals and Paladins from all over the universe are given a set of perilous and life-threatening tasks to complete. However, the first round of tasks is just a way to separate the weeds from the ripe crops. You can say, the first round is a knockout round. Those who fail to survive this round would be thrown into hell. Like literal hell. But I\'m sure someone like you would easily ace that test so no need to worry.]

"Hm... we are just getting started and it already sounds a bit messed up."

[The surviving contestants would then have to go through yet another knockout round. But this time, summoners like yourself can use their summons to aid them.]

"Wait... you never told me that, I wasn\'t allowed to use my summons in the first round. That aside, can we use our pets?"

[It looks like you have already found a loophole in the rules. That being said, there is no mention of a rule that discourages the use of a pet. So even if you do use a pet, I doubt the gods can do much about it. Either way, let\'s get back to the topic. In the second round, you can use your summons, but they can\'t harm the other contestants. Well, at least not directly but who can predict when a minotaur would go on a rampage and cause a scene in the middle of the competition.]

The system might not have a face, but Arnold could imagine if it had one, there would be quite a smug look on its face, to say the least. That aside, System sama was only giving him the basic rundown of the events and not the actual event that would happen. And Arnold wanted to know why was that. But he kind of already knew the answer.

[The events are not fixed. Throughout the years, things have been changing. That\'s why it\'s impossible, even for me to predict what will happen next.]

"I thought so." Arnold gently slipped away from Nicole before heading to the beach, "But I suppose you do know what will happen after the second round. Don\'t you?"

[Deathmatch... Surviving contestants would have to face each other in a death match against the ones from the other world. The matchup would be based on the rankings of the first two elimination rounds.]

"Interesting... I can already imagine how rigged up that\'s going to be. Especially since my existence is already a sore spot for most of those basta*d gods."

[I\'m not going to lie and tell otherwise. But there is a silver lining in all of this chaos.]


[Only one Vassal or paladin can represent a god. It means someone like Zeus who has about a dozen of them can\'t make all of them participate in the contest.]

"That does seem to be a good thing. So I have two years before the contest happens right?"


"Looks like I\'m going to spend a hell lot of time in that personal dungeon of mine."


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