The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 387 - Rage Of A God (1)


CLASS: Tank / Brawler / Archer 

NAME: Hercules

LEVEL: 230


ROLE: Temporary Godhood (God of Strength, First Kin of the Gods) 


• Penance Burst (Active skill)

• God\'s Favourite (Passive skill) (Grants boost in stats)

• Enrage (Active skill)

• Blessing of Zeus (Active skill)

• Champion of Olympus (Active skill)

• Hell Strike (Active skill)

• Severed Souls (Active skill)

[Expand to view 9 more]

HP: 50000/50000

STRENGTH (STR): 2301 [+1000] (due to the passive: God\'s favourite)

DEFENSE (DEF): 826[+226] (due to the gears)

STAMINA (STA) : 1000 [+200] (due to the passive: God\'s favourite)

INTELLIGENCE (INT): 444 [+200] (due to the passive: God\'s favourite)

AGILITY (AGI): 700 [+200] (due to the passive: God\'s favourite)

ACCURACY (ACC) : 665 [+200] (due to the passive: God\'s favourite)

EVADE (EVD) : 587 [+200] (due to the passive: God\'s favourite)


Damage Resistances: Elemental Attacks (50% damage reduction), Physical attacks (70% damage reduction) 

Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened, Frozen, Ranged attacks, Attacks from a mob.

Weak Against: ???

THREAT LEVEL: Extremely High

REMARK: ... There\'s no other option now. You have to kill him before he annihilates the entire world on a whim. There\'s no time to worry about the consequences because if you don\'t kill him now, there won\'t be anything left for you to protect. Not even your partner, unborn child or sister would be safe from his godly carnage. DO IT NOW AND KILL HIM!


A storm cloud formed above the island and swallowed up any and all light. Everyone was stunned in fear, watching the horror unfold in front of their eyes. A moment later, the storm cloud started crackling as no one had ever witnessed before. Lightning cracked the sky sending heaven\'s light through the storms. The lightning wasn\'t white like the warriors had seen before, but had turned crimson red as if the sky was bleeding itself. The storms kept growing vast with each passing moment. Soon the black storm cloud could be seen even from the moon as a dark patch on the face of the earth.

The storm had turned the ocean blue sky into a mixture of silver-black. The winds and rain echoed so loud that the low-ranking warriors started bleeding from their ears due to the continuous pair-pressure fluctuations.

It felt the storm would last for eternity. The trees on the back of the island began shaking like crazy. While thousands upon thousands of warriors were thrown off of the island, due to the heavenly winds. And those who fell off of the island were immediately swallowed up by Cetus, who turned out to be their doom. The wind showed no mercy to anyone. Even the S ranked warriors were having a hard time keeping their foot on the ground.

Arnold\'s summons were the only ones who had some sort of resistance against the winds. Thus they immediately went into action. Tiamut transformed into her dragon form to guard the men from the heavy winds. Scylla followed her suit and did the same. Duke and Cerberus also transformed into the biggest creatures they possibly could to provide some sort of cover for the warriors. Alice and Natasha used all of their magic to do something similar by raising a mana shield to protect whoever was around them. 

As much as he hated himself for it, Bad-Breath could only save a couple of warriors as he didn\'t have any special skill like the others and could only manage to grab onto four people. Dread fared much better than the brawler due to his size. But even after their best efforts, they couldn\'t save everyone. The winds and the storm did whatever they could to destroy the warriors and had turned the prideful army of about forty thousand warriors into an army of roughly fifteen thousand.

The system\'s instructions were clear as the skies on a summer day. Yet Arnold couldn\'t even think about doing anything. He helplessly watched as the people who had fought alongside him were wiped away in the blink of an eye. The warriors knew what they were signing up for when they joined the attack force. But none of them thought that they would meet their end like this.

They were sure Arnold was going to save them. After all, he was Deathless! The strongest man on the planet! And yet... even in his presence, about thirty-five thousand people had already died at the hands of Hercules. Arnold was still standing on top of the hill, while Hercules slowly hovered in the air with his new godly powers crackling behind him.

"Oh... looks like I overestimated the strength of your troops." Hercules laughed, however, it wasn\'t the voice Arnold had heard before. His new voice seemed godly as it resonated with the howling winds and crackling thunder.

Arnold didn\'t say a word. If Hercules would have targeted him, it would\'ve been enough. He had no business killing anyone other than Arnold at this point and yet he decided to annihilate the warriors to show off his godly strength. It was unacceptable. Truly unacceptable.

"Oh? Won\'t an esteemed being like you give any distinctive comments about how you feel?" Hercules kept mocking Arnold, seeing that he was now at an advantage against the mortal, "Maybe I should kill a few more people to get a reaction out of you... let\'s see."

Hercules looked over the mortals as they cowered in fear. They now know exactly what he was capable of doing and didn\'t want a being like him to target them next. But more than the warriors, something else attracted Hercules. He saw someone who once used to be an ally of him.

Tiamut had never shown her human form to Hercules or any of the other Demigods for the matter, hence Hercules couldn\'t recognise her. When he didn\'t see Tiamut on the battlefield, Hercules thought Arnold had stored her corpse at a place where he couldn\'t reach. And in order to resurrect her, it was necessary to get a hold of her corpse. That\'s why he was planning on killing every one of them on the island to force the information about her out of Arnold\'s throat. 

But now that Tiamut had transformed back into her dragon form, he immediately recognised her. And he wasn\'t happy with what he saw. A demigod, as fierce and ruthless as Tiamut, was protecting the mortals. Something she would have never done in her life as a demigod.

"It would seem you have allied yourself with the mortal..." Hercules mumbled sadly, but his voice reached Tiamut loud and clear, "It\'s a disgrace to even call you a Demigod anymore. But don\'t worry, I shall make you pay for your sins..."

Just as he uttered those words, Tiamut was struck by lightning. She didn\'t even get a chance to protect herself and just like that Tiamut along with a couple of thousands of people she was protecting under herself, disappeared without a trace. Only a gigantic hole was left in their wake.


Your Summon(s) :

[Tiamut] has been destroyed.

The other summons would resurrect in 1 Hour(s).


"Then who\'s next?" Hercules laughed once again.


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