The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 227 - God Killer

The reporters filming the incident couldn\'t believe their eyes! The tide of the battle was in their favour now. They were excitedly chattering among themselves as well as the audience who was witnessing it all through the internet and the TV. 

"As you can see, the mysterious female who took so many lives is now being manhandled by a single warrior!" Nancy earnestly reported the incident in her own words, "Although the relationship between the dragon and the female is not clear yet, but it\'s certain that both of them are related in some manner. I\'d request Keith to zoom in at ground zero while our pilot tries his best to keep us afloat. You can not see it, but the aura released by the lone warrior has completely thrown us off. It\'s too much for us to handle, but we will continue monitoring the situation. It\'s getting more and more difficult to maintain a level head during this encounter. All I can say at this point is... This guy is not human. Looks like America has found yet another SS ranked warrior. That\'s all for now. We\'ll keep you updated as the battle unfolds."


Everyone onboard the helicopter was sweating profusely. They were so far above where the real action was taking place yet it felt like they were trekking over an active volcano. One which could burst at any moment. 

"Man... That\'s brutal." Keith, the cameraman mumbled as he zoomed in on the battling warrior, "He\'s out for blood, isn\'t he."

"Just be happy that someone like him is on our side. If he wasn\'t, I don\'t know who would be able to handle him..." Nancy mumble while gazing at the battle herself.

\'Brutal doesn\'t even come close to describing the scene in front of us. It\'s... barbaric. That\'s what it is.\' She thought. 


The term "murderer" was now reserved for psychopaths. If the killing was done for means of survival no one thought less of you. Or else they would be the next in line. There were those who took life and crumpled under the weight of guilt, even if they\'d no choice. There were some who killed when necessary and never lost a wink of sleep over it.

Arnold belonged to the latter category. Killing to protect him and his loved ones was like second nature to him. He didn\'t care what the others thought about him, no one was a saint in this world. At least he had the guts to stand tall and face his demons while the rest cowered away. 

Right now, a god was his prey. Well, technically a demigod but still, a higher being than humans. Her one remaining foot was 3 inches off the ground, as blood trickled down her neck and dripped on the ground. The only thing stopping her from plummeting face down on the ground was his hand which grabbed her hair. Forcing Tiamut to look him in the eyes.

Claws had popped out of his bloodied hands. Around the tip of the claw, the blood was dry and hard, but still, the red liquid drizzled down the girl\'s face like a raindrop on a window. 

The cold look reflected on his face were enough to give anyone shudders. On the outside, he was calm and collected, yet on the inside, he felt like a sadist bastard. He had plummeted the proud \'Goddess of Dragons\' till she was no longer able to open her puffy eyes nor the bloodied lips.

Hatred had consumed him. He seemed to have no sense of humanity left in his soul. His heart seemed to be made of stone, the way he had brutally thrashed Tiamut all over the place to the point she stopped resisting him, was the proof of it. Apart from the news reporters, Nina was the sole witness of his barbaric actions. 

Even though Arnold was continuously emitting strangely dark aura, Nina felt no hostility in it. At least not for her, yet would never forget the evil and bloodlust filled glint in his eyes. Tiamut\'s blood was splattered all over him. Even she could smell the blood from such a distance.

All of a sudden she was reminded Of the incident in the dungeon where Arnold and Nathan had saved her. She wasn\'t sure but she knew... Arnold did hold back when it came to the family. 

What surprised her more was that... Tiamut was still alive. Even after all that beating, she was alive. Arnold had done something she never saw him doing... He had ripped her limbs apart one after another. He continued doing it until the blood stopped flowing out of her body. 

"Kill... me... And be done... with it..." 

Tiamut\'s voice now resembled a mouse, unlike the mammoth she had been before fighting with Arnold. She had admitted defeat, yet it wasn\'t enough for Arnold. He wasn\'t going to make it easy for her. Not one bit. But rather than saying anything, he just laughed. But it wasn\'t a funny one. More like pure evil, maniacal laugh. A laugh which sent chills down through everyone\'s spine who heard it. 

"You still think you have some authority over me?" He threw her onto the ground before turning away. 

"Don\'t... Leave me alive... Mortal, or else... I\'ll hunt you down." Tiamut said, her voice weaker than it ever was. 

"You don\'t need to tell me that. But killing you right away would be a waste. You destroyed my defence gear so it\'s only right that I make one out of you." He replied before taking Nina\'s sword from her. 

He then walked back to her and mounted over her body. He raised the sword to sever her \'fifth\' head, but she still had something to say to him. 

"Remember mortal... The moment you kill me... The rest of the demigods would hunt you down... They won\'t stop... Till you\'re dead-"

"Cut the crap and just die already you overgrown lizard!" 

He swung the blade at Tiamut\'s neck. Decapitating her in one strong blow. Her severed head rolled to the side. When it stopped, her eyes met his for the last time. Arnold could still feel the disgust and the rage in those eyes. 

Her gaze, however, was interrupted by the message that popped up in front of Arnold. Confirmation that he had killed Tiamut. Once and for all. 


You\'ve killed a cosmic being.

EXP: +10000

First rank B Cosmic being killed :

EXP: +40000

First Demigod killed.

EXP: +100,000

Bonus for defying the overwhelming odds. 

EXP: +70000

Three large healing potions have been added to your inventory. 

Three large Mana potions have been added to your inventory. 

<You can not level up.>

<Excess EXP will be stored for future use.>

<Current EXP: 914,596>

You\'ve achieved a new title! 

Name: [God Killer]

<This is a title exclusive to the human known as ×Arnold Ling×, which he achieved after successfully slaying, Tiamut, the Goddess of Dragons, despite the hardship and overwhelming odds.


• When fighting against reptilian monsters, the damage dealt to the monsters is increased by 40% while the damage received is reduced by 50%

• When fighting against Godly beings, damage dealt is increased by 20%.


Arnold quickly stored both of Tiamut\'s bodies (the human one as well as the dragon form) in his domain before heading up to check on his comrades. His job was done, now he needed to save the others. 

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