The Rise Of A Porter

Chapter 83 - The Angel Of Death: Trial (3)

"How long can we last against these monsters?" Elena White, leader of the White Family spoke first.

The heads of the twelve elite families were discussing the matter of the S ranked dungeon break that happened a couple of days before. It was a matter of national emergency and thus even the President of United States of America was in attendance, not that he was given much importance as the family heads already had their hands full with current crisis. ​ ​

Every warrior who was active in the States had been summoned to take a part in the all out war that was happening right now, not that all of them were useful as their ranks were low and it was not a low ranked dungeon break, but an S ranked one but still they could provide help in one way or the other.

"We should ask for help from the \'Mage of conscience\' and the \'Eternal Warrior\'. Together with Johnny Black, they would be able to utilise their strengths in a better way...\' Madam Roosevelt, leader is the Roosevelt Family suggested to call, Brazil\'s Nicolas Fernandez, the \'Mage of conscience\' and China\'s Yu Zhung, the \'Eternal Warrior\', to help them in the moment of crisis.

"Our forces are sufficiently strong to fend off the monsters! We don\'t need to depend on the Chinese for help, not like those bastards would help us for free either way." Andrex Lash, another family leader spoke up.

He had a special grudge against the Chinese as his wife, who was Chinese, had cheated on him with another man. It was a petty reason to hate the entire nation because of his wife\'s infidelity but as the saying goes, \'It was, what it was.\'

"Just because your partner cheated on you didn\'t mean that the entire nation is damned. But you\'re right they wouldn\'t do it for free but we\'re no different than them in that case don\'t you think?" Alicia Marcelo, the leader of Marcelo family asked the others. Nathaniel was about reply when the President of the USA spoke up for the first time since the meeting began.

"I think asking Chinese for help is a sensitive subject so I will not give a permission to do so." The ginger headed person smacked his lips and raised a finger, "America is, has, and always will be a global leader. Even in this moment of crisis! God bless America!"

All the others present in the meeting room mentally smacked their heads after hearing the words which came out of Dobald Tramp\'s mouth. (Author\'s note : I guess we all know who this is).

Nathaniel ignored the president\'s comments and turned his face towards Alicia before continuing, "We already contacted both China and Brazil. Apparently there was a dungeon break in China as well thus Yu Zhang is busy dealing with it at the moment while Brazil is going through a \'civil war\' themselves, so it\'s a waste of time to think that they will be of any help but-"

"The thing that worries me is the fact that we know very little about the \'boss\' of the dungeon. The warriors who went inside the dungeon were killed in an instan-" Andrex got interrupted by Alicia.

"Not only that, this outbreak is particularly weird. Generally it\'s the dungeon \'boss\' who leads the outbreak but so far no one even knows who or what the boss even is." Alicia said.

"So it\'s a lost cause?" Elena asked, but no one had an answer to her question.

"Not at all. As I wanted to say before Sir Andrex interrupted me, we still have a ray of hope. We have her, after all Johnny is no longer America\'s only defender." Nathaniel\'s confident reply gave some relief to the others. But still all they could do was to sit in their bunker and hope that the warriors would be able to handle the situation.


Johnny, Kolt, Aydan and the rest of the members of twelve families were busy fending the monsters off. They were killing beasts left and right but their overall numbers were so large that even after going all out against the monsters. Moreover their numbers only dwindled for moment before more monsters got poured out of the dungeon and status quo was restored.

Johnny had once seen such a scenario before, when Arnold lost his cool and summoned a portal while he was fighting with the \'inhuman\' known as Bob, and he knew it that no matter what they do, their situation wasn\'t going to improve just like it didn\'t improve for Bob.

\'I bet he\'d do something reckless is he was here.\' Johnny remembered Arnold and smiled.

"Quit spacing out big guy!" Kolt yelled as he smashed the giant scorpion that was about to use it\'s stinger on Johnny\'s back.

"Thanks. I owe you one." Johnny mindlessly thanked him.

"Yeah you will. Now FOCUS YOU MOTHERFU*KER!" Kolt bellowed once again, but didn\'t push it as he understood what Johnny was going through.

After all, all of them had been fighting on the front lines ever since this outbreak happened. It was obvious that they were exhausted and unlike the monsters, they didn\'t have an endless supply of warriors that could help them fend off the attack. The only way they could put an end to this was to defeat and kill the boss but unfortunately no one was able to reach near the dungeon portal.

The monsters were concentrated near the portal and it wasn\'t easy to get rid of that many monsters, even Johnny had failed when he tried to push through the monsters.

"Damn they just keep coming!" Aydan panicked after he saw goblins, ogres, and orcs that were making their way towards them through the army of monsters.

"Just how many asshol*s are inside that thing!" Someone from Roosevelt family gritted her teeth.

Just as it looked like all was lost, Johnny got a message from the intelligence unit through his earpiece, "She\'s awake now. Fall back before she arrives there."

"Copy that. We\'re moving out now. Tell her no matter what happens, she doesn\'t need to hold back." Johnny replied and ordered his team to fall back.

"Is she the one everyone\'s been talking about lately?" The same girl from Roosevelt family asked, "The fourth SS ranked warrior in the history?"

"Actually she might be stronger than the rest of us SS ranked warriors. Last time when I sparred with her, I ended up in hospital, even though it was a hand to hand combat session and I\'m a brawler." Johnny smiled as he boasted about his defeat.

"You\'re really weird you know that right? I mean most of the people would feel uncomfortable after being beaten by a girl, but here you are all smiles about someone who could potentially take your spot as \'America\'s defender\'." the girl replied, "by the way-"

The girl wanted to say something else but the loud noise coming from a helicopter interrupted her thoughts, as she saw a teenager, dressed in a black combat suit stepped out of it and fearlessly started walking towards the horde of monsters.

"You\'re not going to say that \'she\'s\' the fourth warrior now, are you? She\'s just a teenager for GOD\'S SAKE!" The girl exclaimed, and she wasn\'t the only one to feel that way.

Everyone one except those from the Black Family were both surprised and confused by this teenager\'s appearance on the battlefield. Even the monsters were confused by the daring of this young girl. The ogre who looked like he was the in-charge of the battle force of monsters, sniggered and said something to the goblins in monster tongue after which five goblins rushed towards the girl with daggers and clubs in their hands, ready to maw down the teenager, but even before they could touch her... they got disintegrated into dust. Nothing was left behind... now even their bones.

The monsters were shocked by what they saw and instinctively backed down. Even Johnny was surprised at the behavior of the monsters. Soon a few more monsters came out of the dungeon. Even so, after appearance of the teenager on the battlefield, things such as status quo were no longer valid and wouldn\'t get restored even if a hundred monsters came out of the dungeon, because the moment their gaze met the teenager\'s, they got turned into dust.

This was the power of the world\'s fourth SS ranked, who was nicknamed as \'The angel of death\' by the Black Family, and was none other than Nicole Ling.

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