History's Strongest Senior Brother

Chapter 1389 - Blood Must be Shed Today

Chapter 1389: Blood Must be Shed Today

“Twisting Flowers with a Smile... Are you a successor of the central Blessed Lands of Saha’s Mahakasyapa lineage?” Yan Zhaoge held a scroll by his hand. His other hand formed a hand seal, and he lightly tapped the air.

The radiance circulated within the yin and yang vortex and finally returned to being a flower petal, being incapable of harming Yan Zhaoge any longer.

However, the yin yang diagram formed by the formation’s power dissipated as well.

Seeing how his attack did not succeed, the Udumbara Bodhisattva let out a sigh of pity.

Feng Yunsheng reached his front almost instantly, and the jet-black saber-light swept through the void, causing the translucent radiances released by the group of Buddhist Bhantes to turn dim.

Meanwhile, Yan Zhaoge formed a hand seal with his hands combined, and the scroll held between. The Yin Yang Nine Splendour Seven Treasures Array Formation suddenly operated. As the spirit patterns transformed, the light pillars which held the skies and the brilliant nebulas started rising and descending.

The pressure pulling on Traveling Monk Hui An and the others became heavier as well.

The group of Buddhist Bhantes struggled to support themselves, while Gao Han, Ling Qing, Daoist Crimson Mist, and Li Xingba started their endless waves of attacks.

Although the few Great Demons were wary of Gao Han and the others, their main target was still the group of Western Pure Lands Buddhist Bhantes.

The two sides fought till the universe was overturned as the moon and sun lost its brilliance.

Only by being by the void’s outskirts, experts with their cultivation could combat against others without holding back at all.

Otherwise, if upper worlds like the World beyond Worlds, the Sky beyond Skies, or the Roving Jade Heavens were the battlefield for experts of such caliber, those upper worlds would undoubtedly be destroyed very quickly. Of course, if these experts held back, things would turn out differently.

Equipped with the Three Brilliances Sacred Water, Traveling Monk Hui An had been the main target of everyone else.

The second son of the Li family was truly a capable person. After blocking Gao Han’s attack once more with the Curved Twinblades of Wu, he lifted his Reckless Iron Rod and knocked away Li Xingba’s square-edged golden swordbreaker.

On the other side, other Buddhist Bhantes helped him fend off the others. However, Li Xingba had been looking for this opportunity for a very long time.

With one hand distracting Traveling Monk Hui An with his square-edged golden swordbreaker, he clenched his other hand and punched it out with lightning speed.

The seemingly soft bare-handed attack traveled with lightning speed and hit Traveling Monk Hui An’s right chest.

Traveling Monk Hui An’s body trembled a little. Immediately, he felt a continuous wave of horrifying vibrational force, which was gradually growing more robust. He felt as if his body was going to be torn apart.

“Namo Amitabha!” Traveling Monk Hui An chanted and immediately retraced his body.

With his “retraction,” the entire surrounding void seemed to have turned into dust and disappeared along with him from the world.

The Four Truths of Buddhism – the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

The truths contained within were the causes of sufferings within the Three Realms. It gathered the eighty-eight temptations of sight, eighty-one temptations of disturbing thoughts, and classified them as karma, which attributes were based on all sorts of deeds committed. As such, painful retribution would bring about the truth of the cause of Three Sufferings, Eight Sufferings, and the Immeasurable Sufferings.

By displaying it, all sorts of painful retributions would be retracted and concealed.

Using the Truths as its subtle core principles, Traveling Monk Hui An displayed two supreme martial arts of the Thirty-seven Bodhipakkhiya Dhamma at the same time.

The Five Strengths Seal’s second seal, the Energy Seal. It implied the non-existence of a self-identity view. By withstanding pain and clearing the body off one’s slothfulness, it allows the heart to be cleared of ignorance. Without being submerged within slothfulness, one would break through the slothfulness of their own heart.

The Seven Factors of Awakening Seal’s fourth seal – the Joy Seal. It clears away the five delusions and the five factors of clumsiness. Through achieving revelation, one would be capable of breaking through the dark troubles using wisdom.

With the two arts combined into one, it fused with the subtle intents within both of them. With this, Traveling Monk Hui An forcefully withstood Li Xingba’s punch.

The majestic power trembled as well as if it was being gathered, withstood, and broken through. It seemed not to affect Traveling Monk Hui An at all.

He didn’t stop his movements at all. Instead, using the momentum created by Li Xingba’s punch, he quickly backed away.

However, before he managed to back away any further, Daoist Crimson Mist went ahead to block his path.

Before Traveling Monk Hui An could react, another Buddhist Bhante’s groan was heard.

Under the horrifying saber lights envelopment, a Buddhism bigwig, comparable to a Daoism Virtual Immortal, was almost slain in half by Feng Yunsheng!

The horrifying saber came downwards from his elbow, immediately cutting his Golden Body into half. He immediately lost the sense for both his left hand and leg.

Feng Yunsheng continued forward with her ferocious momentum. She didn’t care about her enemy’s condition at all. After kicking him away, she continued advancing.

Meanwhile, Gao Han exchanged blows with the Udumbara Bodhisattva once again. The Udumbara Bodhisattva could only utilize the Noble Truths’ subtle intents fused with his Buddhism martial arts to dispel the strong destructive force that invaded his body.

Gao Han’s left hand was pushing against Udumbara Bodhisattva’s right hand. The two remained in that position, with the two pulled towards each other and no one retreating at all.

On the other side, Gao Han raised his Holy Radiance Banner, causing numerous golden brilliant suns to rise. Then, the suns transformed into boundless brilliance and descended upon the Udumbara Bodhisattva.

Udumbara Bodhisattva’s left hand’s glazed green lamp started releasing circles of radiances that had their intelligence awakened. They continuously prevented the golden sun from descending and entered a deadlock situation with the Holy Radiance Banner.

Gao Han smiled. Two brilliances condensed atop his head, and a strong force of Immortal Essence came pouring down. Just like a flood being splashed upon a blaze, the Udumbara Bodhisattva was like a weak candle placed within the blowing winds, facing the risk of extinguishing anytime.

At the same time, another Buddhist Bhante’s limbs were caught by the two Great Rocs.

The two Great Rocs pulled his body, causing the Buddhist Bhante’s Golden Body to be forcefully torn apart!

A Buddhist Bhante, who could be referred to as a Bodhisattva, perished within the void just like that!

“Retreat!” Upon witnessing this scene, Traveling Monk Hui An immediately knew that blood had to be shed today.

He raised his hand, and the crimson red gourd filled with Three Brilliance Sacred Waters reappeared within his hand. Then, he threw it into the sky.

A wise man doesn’t fight against the impossible odds. Other than Li Xingba, others weren’t necessarily willing to fight him to death among the Daoism successors.

However, if the two were to continue their battle any longer, the Great Demons beside would have the opportunity of gaining benefits.

As expected, as the crimson red gourd flew into the sky, Ling Qing, Daoist Crimson Mist, and even the two Great Rocs turned around and rushed towards the gourd.

Although Feng Yunsheng was still blocking Yan Zhaoge from the enemies, she didn’t push in further anymore. Instead, she raised her head and looked towards the crimson red gourd.

Yan Zhaoge controlled the colossal formation. Instead of suppressing Traveling Monk Hui An and the others, the formation’s power gathered towards the crimson red gourd.

Under the pulling force of the formation’s power, the crimson red gourd suddenly changed its direction. Under the distortion of space, it turned around, avoided Ling Qing, Daoist Crimson Mist, and the others, and rushed straight towards Feng Yunsheng.

Initially, the two Great Rocs’ speed was the quickest. Now, they charged too far and were the furthest away from the gourd.

The group of Buddhist Bhantes felt much lighter. Traveling Monk Hui An knocked back Li Xingba once more, while others attacked Gao Han together, in hopes of helping Udumbara Bodhisattva out of his situation.

A mild flicker appeared within Gao Han’s gaze. He exerted his force with the Holy Radiance Banner and knocked away the Udumbara Bodhisattva.

Then, as he swung the long banner, the long banner seemed to have transformed into the very first ray of radiance after the heavens were opened, and the earth was split. It radiated the entire world and established creation.

As he forced other Buddhist Bhantes to retreat, he struck his palm onto Udumbara Bodhisattva’s chest. The Udumbara Bodhisattva wasn’t able to utilize the Noble Truths’ subtle profundities, and blood leaked out from this Buddhist Bhante.

Then, he rewound his long banner and successfully snatched the glazed green lamp from Udumbara Bodhisattva’s hands.

Udumbara Bodhisattva widened his eyes in anger. He let out a loud yell, and numerous green flares flew out from the glazed green lamp, which shot towards Gao Han’s face.

Gao Han exhaled a long breath, which transformed into a stormy wind, blowing away the green flares.

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