My Demon Pet System

Chapter 58 - Training

The sun rose more and more beyond the eastern walls of the city, rising in all its brightness. The rays of sunlight struck the pink flowers of the peaches, on whose petals flowed the drops of the cold morning dew.

After about ten meters from the crossroads, Yoichi and Enatsu\'s eyes could not break away from the Dojo, which got further away behind them. ​​

It was built entirely of wood, and it was not too high, with three pointed roofs at the corners, as per tradition. Between roofs, decreasing in size from bottom to top, rows of small squared windows allowed natural light to filter inside the structure.

The architectural details of that building were well defined and flashy. However, what caught the attention of the two adventurers were the two huge gold statues flanking the entrance.

Next to a wooden and stone staircase, two huge gold tigers rested their front paws on the sides of the square door. As an imperial symbol, they resembled the mighty Torasagi, the demon with which Emperor Nishiyama had defeated thousands of enemies.

In a sacred place like that, imperial symbols helped enhance the Nishiyama dynasty in all its forms: every tile of the roofs and wooden beams of the walls had delicate handmade engravings. Clutching his eyes, Yoichi was able to vaguely glimpse flowers, similar to those carved on the Princess\'s hairpin.

On the highest tip of the Dojo\'s top, the stone statue of a heron with its wings wide open. Its long, tapered beak pointed northward.

Yoichi\'s vision was interrupted by a sudden collision. His toe smudged against a step, forcing him to look forward. After the pathway flourished and adorned with wooden torches set in the ground, they had finally reached the edge of the stone tatami.

The extensive training area stretched over several hundred square meters, occupying the entire east sector within those grey and cold walls.

The large rectangular bricks that constituted the walkable surface were wedged next to each other, maintaining their cohesion only thanks to the strength of their weight.

The outer surface of those boulders was very damaged: dark spots and fractures in the rocks told the countless stories of the fights that took place there. As anticipated by Sada Takamori, the Goldhaven training arena had housed Tentochu\'s strongest warriors, who were only apprentices before being such.

Apprentices such as Yoichi and Enatsu, who climbed the three stone steps and walked on the sacred tatami.

"Behold, tamers! This arena will be your new home. This rock will be stained with your sweat, even your blood, if necessary", Takamori announced aloud, spreading his arms wide. "During today\'s training, you will show me what kind of skills you share with your demon pets. To do so, you will face the mighty Rinji, also known as \'the titan\'!"

The guild master\'s words echoed within the arena walls, bouncing towards the ears of his adepts. After the unpleasant encounter with the keeper of that sacred place, Yoichi and Enatsu seemed ready to begin their tamers\' training.

The two adventurers looked each other in the eye. Kenji jumped off its tamer leather pouch, and Sora took flight, chirping happily.

The mighty Rinji, after the words of his Sensei, walked towards the centre of the tatami. The Nightblades gentle giant kept his shy smile printed on his face, stopping in front of the two rookies.

"Who wants to go first?" Takamori asked, moving away from Rinji and flanking the two friends. "Do you start, Yoichi? I\'d be really curious to see you fight alongside Kenji one again," he smiled. The guild master crossed his hands behind his back, waiting for an answer.

"I\'m ready" Yoichi affirmed with conviction. The young tamer took off his backpack and pouch to the benefit of his mobility. He took a few steps back, resting them on the ground: just as he bent to the floor, his gaze fell on the old Ryutaro.

The guardian monk was still standing in front of the main door. His face was directed towards the training tatami, tracing every movement of Yoichi, who tried not to focus on that ghostly vision, taking a deep breath.

Trying not to think of that scary keeper watching him from far away, Yoichi approached Rinji. On his side, Kenji looked ready to fight.

"Rinji, you can start," Takamori ordered, without adding anything else to his explanation of training.

"Start?" Yoichi mumbled, not knowing how to behave.

"Bullmoth!" Rinji called aloud, pronouncing the name of his demon. A trail of greyish air enveloped the giant\'s body, still and focused on his opponent.

When the air current channelled to the ground, it shaped its Oracle. Four heavy legs with three triangular claws each popped up on the stone tatami. Above them, a sturdy zigzagged carapace covered the demon\'s body with rough greyish skin.

In addition to a short reptile tail that swung from the back area to the carapace, it housed the head of that stocky, sturdy being: the neck, longer than the legs, stretched forward, unfolding its head.

The face of Rinji\'s demon pet was very similar to that of a dinosaur, consisting of a short serrated beak of bone material and two small black eyes, protected by a layer of the same material around it.

Huh? A turtle? Yoichi thought, marvelling that the demon of such a big man looked like the classic, harmless shelled reptile.

"Enatsu!" Takamori suddenly called, drawing the young merchant\'s attention.

"Master!" Enatsu diligently replied, ready to execute orders.

"Since you brag about having a good memory, tell me, do you know Rinji\'s Oracle?" Takamori inquired. With his ubiquitous mocking smile, the moustached guild master looked Enatsu straight into his eyes.

The young merchant exhaled deeply, narrowing his eyes and framing the turtle demon. After a few seconds of searching for helpful information in the assorted archives of his memory, he acknowledged, "that\'s a Kumiwa, Sada-sensei. It is a rare demon native to the nation of Mukade. It type is rock and... I think that\'s its first evolutionary stage."

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