Everything will be my way!

Chapter 511

Kyon hoped that his eyes played a cruel joke on him, but no, the Synergy does not deceive: Elsa really somehow got into his chambers, despite the barrier of the house, aimed an arrow tip at his forehead and called him "The Dark Baron"!

«Have you swallowed your tongue?» – Stone smiled maliciously with a gleam in her emerald eyes. – «I understand. If I were you, I would have reacted the same way.»

Kyon burned his stepsister with a hostile look and muttered: «Did you break into my house in the middle of the night to play a prank?! Get out! I\'m not in the mood! And if you decide to seduce me in this way, then look for someone else. You\'re not my type.» – expressing his displeasure, he turned away irritably and covered his head with a blanket.

For a second, Elsa opened her mouth indignantly, but then bared her white teeth in a poisonous grin: «Do you think I\'m testing you like that? Silly, I have a record of how you transformed into the so-called "Dick" in the basement for an hour!»

{For fuck\'s sake…} – Lovr swore to himself.

From now on, he could call himself the unluckiest man in the universe with a clear conscience. Firstly, there is no doubt that Elsa requested access to the formation of the house No. 333 from master Julius just before the empress invited him to her. Secondly, it is quite obvious that she set up the formation in the basement exactly in that weekly period of time when Kyon was in the palace and could not see anything. So the question arises: why the hell is she so lucky?! To this one can also add the lack of keys to re-move at the most crucial moment.

«Wake up, you vile criminal! It\'s time to get up!» – Elsa demanded.

Kyon groaned and reluctantly sat on the edge of the bed. Even zombies would envy the gloomy expression on his face, gray with exhaustion, which, apparently, only irritated the blonde. He said in a grave tone: «Why, already knowing exactly who I am, did you come to me without security forces?»

Stone replied: «Obviously, I am confident enough that I will have the strength to grab you on my own! I\'m not going to share the glory of catching the criminal of the century with anyone… You are only mine. Don\'t get me wrong, I know that in Cernos you defeated a girl who surpassed you by eighteen stages. Until now, I refused to believe it, but not now… Given your current development, I assume you will be able to overcome a royal phaser at the middle stage at best, maybe even at the finishing stage, but definitely not an imperial phaser!»

Lovr smiled bitterly. In his current state, he won\'t even defeat a lord phaser at the finishing stage if he doesn\'t allow it himself. Although even if he were completely healthy, he would still be unable to defeat Elsa, at least because she is an archer – one of the most unpleasant opponents.

«What are you laughing at? Do you think you can handle me?» – the girl asked with a challenge.

«I remembered one joke, and it turned into reality…»

Elsa agreed with a nod and with the fingers of her bare foot took out a collar from the ring, which she then threw at the feet of the criminal and ordered. – «Put it on. It will block your power. I made it myself.»

Kyon took the collar, twisted it between his fingers and asked: «What will happen if I refuse to put it on? Will you shoot me in the forehead? Will you kill me?»

«I\'ll twist you with a binding arrow and put it on you by force! If you don\'t do it yourself, I\'ll make you do it. If you really want a beautiful girl to break you, then I will understand everything…»

«Hmm…» – Lovr gave his interlocutor a thoughtful look, after which he suddenly tore the collar and wailed mockingly. – «Oh, what a pity, it\'s torn! Couldn\'t you find better material?»

«Pfft!» – Elsa snorted and shot a shining arrow. A bunch of white lightning shackled the criminal\'s hands and feet. The girl took out another collar made of a different material and fastened it around the neck of Dick, after which she patted the young man condescendingly on the cheek. – «Fool, I checked you for conscientiousness! I see you don\'t intend to cooperate with me… It\'s worse for you.»

«Damn it, Elsa…» – Kyon clenched his teeth, feeling himself boiling inside. His head was already splitting with pain, and now it was ready to explode at all. And how is he supposed to get out of this situation? The girl obsessed with vanity will hand over "The Dark Baron" to the authorities with great pleasure, thereby becoming famous for life. And given the reputation Dick has in Dantes, she will be idolized at all.

Alternatively, he can use demonic medicine! However, as "The eyes of truth" show, the girl thoroughly took care of her safety: she poured pure energy into her nose. Indeed, she is not a fool. That incident with the leak of narcotic gas made her understand where to expect the attack.

What else can be done? Is it really going to come down to a key purifying deal again?

Elsa removed her bow and, shaking her head in disappointment, clicked her tongue: «Dick-Dick, I had no idea that you were so rotten from the inside… While working in the department, you developed a shadow megaclan under the nose of the government! And I was wondering how you managed to destroy seven shadow clans at once… Why you didn\'t catch "The Dark Baron" in six months… How you were connected with his escape… And you and he, it turns out, are the same person! How dare you exploit the entire capital for profit?! Where is your humanity?!»

«No matter how dirty the business, do it well. This is my principle.»

Judging by the obvious contempt on Elsa\'s face, she did not share his principles. However, now she was more interested in something else: «How did you manage to deceive me in the fortune-telling session?»

«Easier than a stupid bunny.» – Kyon grinned venomously.

The beautiful eyes of the blonde incinerated Dick. She was once again convinced that "The Dark Baron" should not be underestimated. He was even able to trick her soul-reading ability, although no one had ever managed to do that before! He is very dangerous.

Stone abruptly changed the subject: «That nasty girl, "The Black Queen", I think… You met in Boston, right? Satisfy my curiosity, tell me how did you manage to get her? She is so strong, and her character…»

«Maybe I\'m much more attractive and charismatic than you think?»

«Pfft!» – Elsa snorted derisively. – «I\'d rather believe that a nutcase attracts similar ones! And you, as the king of all assholes, easily led them… For example, Albert, who made medicine for his son-rapist… Why did you become his disciple, the so-called "The Legendary Lord of the Cauldron"?»

But Kyon was not even given time to respond:

«Because you decided to make a name for yourself with his help! I immediately suspected something was wrong when I found out that Albert took the student on the very day he was disclosed! You made a deal with him: salvation in exchange for reputation! And it didn\'t bother you at all that he\'s a disgusting creature helping his son **** an innocent girl! How disgusting you are… There is nothing human in you!»

Kyon could have shut her up by telling her that Albert was already dead, but he wisely kept silent. If Elsa finds out the name of the doctor who "treats" her boyfriend in the future, she will immediately understand everything.

Lovr rolled his eyes: «Why are you telling me all this?»

«To tell you to your face everything that I think about you!» – Elsa raised her voice.

«No… It\'s not that simple. You want to devalue my merits in order to get rid of your inferiority complex, developed because of the competitor who surpasses you in everything. Say, if I am so bad and rotten from the inside, then all my successes in the field of investigations, alchemy and formacy are worthless, and you can consider yourself the best in all these areas with a clear conscience.»

Elsa was caught off guard by Dick\'s words. She looked like she had been doused with ice water. Again he reads her like an open book! The girl looked at the fat man with a sizzling look and said angrily: «Fuck you!»

«This is to be expected.» – Kyon nodded understandingly.

{It\'s so infuriating!} – Elsa knew about Dick\'s ability to infuriate his opponents, so, being ready for anything, she quickly calmed down and moved on to the last topic that worried her, speaking in a frighteningly quiet and calm voice. – «I noticed some curious coincidences… At the tournament of families, the messenger of the goddess was able to defeat Timothy, who surpassed him by eighteen stages, and in Cernos, Dick defeated a girl who surpassed him by the same eighteen stages; the messenger of the goddess was officially adopted by the Stones, and Dick is also from the Stones, Diana will not lie. Let\'s add to this your ability to take the form of anyone, as well as your unsurpassed skills as an alchemist and a formacist, and also we will not forget Kara, who, despite her contempt for men, married the freak contrary to common sense… We can draw a logical conclusion that you are Kyon Stone! The cursed messenger of the goddess!»

{Damn it…} – Lovr could not refute the girl\'s words in any way. Any attempts are doomed to failure, no matter what fairy tales he tells her. Having revealed his ability to transform, the girl found the last piece of the puzzle to put the whole picture together.

A sudden pause in the conversation made it clear to Elsa that she had hit the nail on the head. The graceful face of the girl turned stern, and she aimed a new arrow at the criminal\'s forehead: «Lousy creature, you enslaved my sister! You gave her orders! I… I…»

«Will you kill me? Your stepbrother?» – Kyon smiled wearily.

«You are not my brother, you sly-assed nit!» – the girl grinned angrily.

Elsa has been trying to figure out for a long time what is Dick\'s secret, where did such a comprehensively developed genius come from?! And it turns out that he is the messenger of the goddess! The monster that possesses 9 elements, capable of defeating opponents 2 phases higher than his own!

Until recently, Stone was consoled by only one thought: she is much more talented and stronger than Dick. However, now the blonde\'s heart ached, because in less than two or three years Kyon Stone would inevitably surpass her in strength. As for his talent for development, his limit is in any case disproportionately higher.

«And what are you going to do with me next?» – asked Lovr.

«I…» – Elsa would like to somehow release all her indignation on Dick, but she will not stoop to physical violence. This approach is out of her character. She had to put away her bow and say the following. – «I\'ll hand you over to the empress. I will send her a nephrite with a record of your transformation. I\'m sure she will punish you properly. Her wrath will fully pay for all the suffering that Juno went through your fault…»

Suddenly, Kyon interrupted the girl: «I\'m suggesting something else. Just don\'t do anything stupid.» – without sudden movements, he took out a nephrite from behind his back and activated it. A screen appeared, the picture of which displayed someone\'s chambers. Judging by the blonde peacefully snuffling in her bed, they belong to Juno! Suddenly, the girl screamed without waking up, and blood gushed from her nose. Everything stopped as quickly as it started.

All colors disappeared from Elsa\'s face, and her body trembled. What did she just see?!

Lovr ruthlessly said: «The life of your beloved sister is in my hands. If I wish, her brains will turn into mush. If I die, the same will happen to her. As you can see, the ability of my unique body gives me some opportunities even though you put a communication-jamming barrier on the house, and a collar blocking the forces on me.»

Elsa swayed dazedly, gasping for air like a beached fish while her eyes filled with moisture.

«You see, I\'m not an idiot, I\'ve protected myself from such a sneaky person as you. At the fortune-telling session, you recklessly told me that you love your sister. Now I\'m going to use your vulnerable spot, bunny.» – in the end, Kyon smiled confidently, taking the dangerous situation under his control.

Lovr has just created a fake screen using Synergy. He couldn\'t send it to Juno\'s head because of the barrier that Elsa had thoughtfully put on the house, but it didn\'t matter. There is no reason not to play a plausible bluff based on the truth.

«No… Impossible! You\'re fooling me somehow!» – Elsa protested.

«I am the messenger of the goddess. Everything is possible for me!» – Kyon said ominously and snapped his fingers, creating a blue flash, which caused the sleeping Juno to howl in pain on the screen again, and blood trickled from her nose and eyes. The suffering of an innocent beauty caused incredible pity for her.

Elsa instantly went berserk, aimed her bow at the fat man\'s forehead and screamed: «If you hurt her again, and I swear to the goddess that I will shoot your head off!» – obviously, she believed what she saw. The blue flash made her realize that even though the elements were blocked, the messenger of the goddess could use some other power. And the barrier she imposed on the house, jamming the connection, seems to be powerless in this case.

«Shoot, my dear. But remember: together with me, you will take your little sister to the next world.»

The blonde clenched her teeth. Is Kyon bluffing? It\'s impossible to know for sure. But even if the risk is only 1%, she wouldn\'t dare to risk her sister\'s life. The hatred on the flawless face of the girl was replaced by helplessness and, finally, humility. She lowered her bow and hissed: «You win, you damned messenger of the goddess! You won\'t hurt Juno, and in exchange I\'ll leave you alone! Deal?»

«Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!» – Kyon threw back his head and laughed wickedly. – «You broke into my house in the middle of the night, twisted me and promised to hand me over to the empress for slaughter! And now you hope to get away with it? Well, no, Elzochka, you won\'t get off so easily…»

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