The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 299 Did I Really Mean Nothing To You?

After seeing Rose and Laila from the corners of my eyes, I bid all the guards alongside the old man farewell before jumping down the wall and landing in front of the two girls.

Looking toward Laila, I narrowed my eyes after remembering what had happened the day before, yet I quickly shut my eyes and shook my head, telling myself to not think about the past and instead, think about the wonderful allegiance we might have.

Another reason was that her strength, while not stronger than mine, was still quite formidable since she wasn\'t even in the liquidus stage yet.

After taking a prolonged look at Laila, I decided to look away and instead look at Rose\'s luscious and voluptuous figure.

When my eyes finally landed on her, I could not help but raise a brow when seeing her stone-cold face, something that I had not seen ever since I had lived with her.

At the same time, I could tell there was a cold glint behind her eyes, making me feel a shiver down my spine as I remembered how we had destroyed the entire 4th floor, meaning in the end it would have not been the same even after I tried to fix it partially.

Yet, I did not believe that something like that was worthy of the attitude I was getting from Rose, finally forcing me to look down at her soul flame that was flickering frantically, making me finally sigh in relief knowing that Rose wasn\'t angry at me.

"Hey Rosie~" I waved at her, yet there was not a single change in her facial expression.

Her soul flame on the other hand had expanded, exploded out, and returned to flickering in the same place.

Without knowing it, my respect for the amount of self-control she had increased by the second.

"Did I permit you to give me a nickname?" She asked, her tone threatening and her tongue made to be as vile as a snake\'s poison.

"Oh why, did I have to ask you for permission to give you a nickname?" I asked, my tone indicating that I was mocking her.

"Oi... Just because I gave you leniency doesn\'t mean you can step on me however you please... Don\'t make a nickname for me and that is an order" She sneered while releasing a tiny amount of killing intent.

The killing intent was enough for Laila to shudder to the core, yet I stood there without a single bit of evidence that implied that I was being affected by her killing intent.

"You call that killing intent? Why don\'t you use bloodlust? It\'s a lot more effective than this crap" I chuckled, yet when I saw her seriously frown alongside her soul flame dimming a bit, I could not help but retreat a step knowing fully well that I had said something that I should have not said.

"Does she look like a beast to you? Of course, she can\'t use bloodlust" Laila commented with a chuckle, making me instantly realize what I had said forcing me to also laugh alongside her to not make it seem suspicious

Taking one more glance at Rose who was putting on the facade of a neutral facial expression, I turned around and began to walk towards the gates, however, a few seconds later I realized that the two had no intentions of following me, making me look back in confusion.

"Are you guys not coming?" I tilted my head to the right.

"We are waiting for one other person," Laila said matter-of-factly as if the thing she just told me was something everyone should know and not just her and Rose.


"This guy called Croloer. He\'s pretty well-known due to his combat prowess being way above cultivation level. It was said that he was capable of fighting off Diamond Tier beasts at the mid stages of the Gaseous stages, while now that he is in the diamond tier, god knows how strong he would be." Laila said, a hint of her fan-girly nature coming out as she spoke about this guy.

"So uhm... You his fan?" I asked while raising a brow.

"F-F-F-Fan?!" N-No! Why would I be a fan of that womanizer the stuttered out a reply before taking lighting her cigarette and beginning to smoke it out of nowhere.

"In the meantime, can I talk to you guildmaster?" I turned my head towards Rose who seemed to have stiffened up when hearing my voice, yet a second later, the stiffness completely faded and her body alongside her soul flame became extremely calm.

\'Too calm\' I thought while narrowing my eyes at her just for her to turn around and look me in the eyes without flinching.

"Anything you say can be said here" She replied coldly

"Well, I\'d like to talk to you about something, privately please"

Not waiting for her reply, I began to talk in a direction just to feel a strong tug from behind that almost threw me off my feet.

Due to me never thinking that Rose would attack me, my clairvoyance had been adapted to not react to her at all no matter what she did, yet this did not play into my hand the moment I felt her tug, just to be flung into a building before being aimed at my a blood bullet at the tip of Rose\'s fingers.

"Know your place" Rose muttered, yet her voice was like the rays of the sun. Everyone within the entire southern region of the city had tensed up the moment they heard her voice which only became more prominent due to the killing intent she was releasing.

"Rose!? What are you doing?" I asked, this time a little confused since her soul flame was indicating anything weird about her.

Instead, it was eerily calm, making my frown deepen further than it had been before.

\'What the fuck did I do?\' I inwardly asked myself while falling onto the ground from the pillar had been deeply embedded into without a second thought.

She did not even spare me a second glance as her finger pointed toward me with the blood bullet at the end of her fingertips while she used her communication crystal to go through the interconnected multi-user network where people could upload videos, images, and even speak with other people on the forums


[Status: Unknown]

\'What do you mean unknown!?\'

[It means I can\'t look into her head, soul flame, or mana fluctuations with enough detail to make an accurate answer. All the information I got was all over the place and did not coincide with one another.]

Hearing what Hela had to say, I looked up at Rose one more time with a serious expression, yet my eyes held an extremely cold glint within them.

The coldness within my eyes was something that could have turned the Sahara into the Antarctic, yet the fury I felt was enough to turn Antarctica into a melted landscape with nothing but the small amount of land that is exposed after the glaciers disappear.

In the end, only a single question resounded in my mind, a question that made my basic emotions duller while making my fury burn brighter than ever.

\'Did I really mean nothing to you?\'


If you liked this novel, check out my other novel!

Immortality System: The Rise Of The Last Human


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