The Sage of Einar

Chapter 477 - The Siege Of Dun Dealgan City

After preparing the entire army, Ansgar left Ardee Castle for the capital of the kingdom of Oriel.

The path was fairly easy on the first day until they reached the lands belonging to the capital of the kingdom of Oriel, as that area had many hills.

But despite this, the army continued to advance until they could reach the outside of an enormous city which had an area of ​​two square kilometers.

Unlike the other cities that had been found on the rest of the island, the city had two walls, an outer one made of glued rocks and an inner one that appeared to have Roman architecture.

That\'s because the walls had a rather peculiar style in rectangular shape not to mention that it was made of solid stone.

Also, the castle within the city was quite interesting because it was not a battlement tower, it looked more like a kind of walled town.

Ansgar who was looking at the entire city through his spyglass realized that it would be quite difficult to take the city quickly.

For unlike the other cities in the city of Dun Dealgan, there were many defenders, at least with the spyglass he could calculate that there were over 1000.

Because of the great extension of the city, he had to withdraw his entire army to be able to completely surround the city, that to be able to guarantee that the enemies could not receive support or leave the walls.

Since he knew that it was going to be a rather long siege, he also gave the order that defensive lines be prepared both inside and outside the camp.

For this, he does not hesitate to waste an entire week to create a large enough camp.

Another thing that he also did as an extra precautionary measure was to assemble four sniper towers on the nearby hills.

This he did with the intention of being able to have a way of knowing that the enemy was approaching, in that way avoid and attack surprises and could prepare enough defenses to be able to face it.

While this was happening outside in the Inter of the ghost city, King Faelcar was sitting on his throne while he received the news that the city was being besieged.

"King Faelcar, you should escape through the tunnels of the city. The pagan army is completely surrounding the city.

So it will be impossible to enter or leave it and there are only 2000 defenders of which only 500 are warriors who can fight without fear.

Defending this city is completely impossible. It is only a matter of time before we end up dead. "

Faelcar raised his hand and ordered Bishop Aaron to be silent.

"I understand what you mean, but I do not intend to give up my city without fighting, so if those damn Norsemen want to conquer it they will have to do it on my corpse.

At the end of the day, I am already an old man, so my death is not something that interests me. Also, my daughter Cumman is taking charge of the entire army and the population.

It is a matter of time before she and the entire coalition army can destroy these pagans.

You just need to look out the window and tell me if that small army could destroy the army of hundreds of thousands of people that we are preparing.

It is mainly because of them that we cannot leave the city because every day they spend attacking our walls and our soldiers.

We will be winning one more day for the army to fully prepare to fight against these pagans. It is an honorable sacrifice, and I wanted to be the sacrifice this time.

If you want to escape, you are free to do so Aaron, but where are you going to go because, as I could hear there are no longer boats available.

Because the Norse ships are guarding the sea to prevent us from receiving any kind of reinforcement from the Christian kingdoms.

If you can\'t escape by sea, you can just stay with me and pray that we can win the war, or at least we can stop the enemy for as long as we can.

It\'s the only thing that we can do."

Aaron gritted his teeth and lowered his head in fear. "You\'re right, but I don\'t want to die this way. The only reason I became Bishop of the kingdom was to have a normal life.

I\'m not a warrior, I\'m just your fucking bastard brother. "

Faelcar laughed at his brother\'s words. "It is for that precise moment that you must be with me, because your mere existence is a real danger to the kingdom.

Out of respect for my father is that I keep you alive, but I really would have liked to kill you, because you are a damn coward.

You always run away from problems and never have the courage to try to face them. It just shows that you are a garbage person.

But you should not worry because in this war you are going to become a man. Your life from the moment you were born as a bastard was condemned to never be normal.

You must always remember that because your mother was a fox who slept with my father for power and wealth, in any case you could not complain.

Well, your life differs from other bastards is not so bad, since at least you can live in the royal palace. Some other bastard would have been sent to the stables to work.

But instead you are just a lazy person who prefers to read books. You never tried to learn anything to make my father proud.

Now throughout my throne room I am ashamed to see your stupid face and remember Aaron we may share the same blood but you are inferior.

A stupid vermin about to die. "

Aaron who was crying silently left the throne room as he had been humiliated again by his brother.

That was one of the things he hated the most about being able to live inside the royal palace, as he had to bear the burden of being considered a bloody bastard.

After crying for a while Aaron calmed down and took the bible from him so that he could read the holy scriptures, with which he planned to forget his troubles.

Since he knew what the only thing he was good at was, which made him feel so much more joyful and carefree.

Faelcar who was in his throne room got up and looked out the window at the pagan army that was surrounded by his city because he knew that the days for him to die were numbered.

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