The Sage of Einar

Chapter 432 - Revolts In The Monastery Of Ros

In the Barony of Ros, there was the walled monastery of Ros, which functioned as the capital of the barony.

Unlike the other baronies, the barony of Ros functioned as a kind of theocracy in which the monks ruled, who had the obligation to pay taxes to the king.

However, since the crisis of the Nordic army arose, the monks revealed their true colors to begin with; they did not allow the men to leave their barony.

All of them were recruited by force in order to create an army with which they could fully defend the walled monastery.

As for the women, they were divided into two groups. The beautiful women were set aside by all the monks for their personal use as well as the girls and boys who fulfilled their beauty status.

As for the women, boys and girls who were simply not pleasant enough, he had an obligation to work on the construction of traps and the improvement of the walls of the monastery.

Meanwhile, the old men had the obligation to stay in their villages to work until they could no longer. Their only job was to sow the fields completely alone using wooden tools which were hardly useful.

That tireless work caused the vast majority of the elders of the barony of Ros to die during the first days.

All the abuses committed by the monks annoyed all the villagers who felt humiliated because even though they believed in God.

Their patience was limited because they had to watch at all times how the priest or the monk abused their wives under the pretext that they were eliminating the demons within them.

Although where the men suffered the most was when they saw their sons or daughters being abused, under the same pretext, hatred accumulated and slowly the villagers planned a rebellion with which they could completely eliminate those cursed monks and priests. .

Who did absolutely nothing. The only thing they did was eat and have sex, but the villagers had an opportunity when a messenger arrived at the monastery of Ros.

The messenger mentioned that the king had died and that the Nordic army was conquering everything in its path. This created an irrational fear in the minds of the monks.

So they treated the villagers in the worst way possible by forcing them to do work twice as long and reducing their food, that created discomfort in all of them.

For now, they not only had to work twice as hard, receiving only half the food, but they also had to suffer when they saw the monks eat meat and spices.

While they barely had a plate of cooked old wheat, this caused the villagers\' plan to rebel to increase in intensity, so they patiently waited for the right moment to be able to kill those cursed monks and priests.

Unit support arrived when one of the lookouts at the border reported that the bandits from the barony of Nenagh had been killed by the Nordic army, so it was a matter of time before they would enter the barony of Ros.

This made the monks in an act of madness make wild parties which end up being orgies, where they let out all the stress they had accumulated. It was after one of those orgies that the villagers revealed themselves.

A group of approximately 400 villagers woke up at night and taking advantage of the fact that most of the guards loyal to the monks and priests were completely drunk.

They used their weapons to first assassinate the guards in silence and in the most brutal way possible, in order to assassinate them they used daggers.

With which they cut their throats by the neck, thus preventing them from screaming or moving because they were choking on their own blood.

But for those guards who were not so lucky their ways of death were much more savage as the villagers used hammers to repeatedly hit their heads.

Killing them at the moment but leaving their brains completely scattered in their beds or on the floor, even in some corpses. The eyes were detached from the sockets, remaining hanging.

When the allies managed to completely assassinate the loyal guards, they decided to take revenge on the heinous things they had done to their wives and children.

Because they already had complete control of the monastery, they did not mind waking up the monks and priests, who were afraid to see numerous corpses of their loyal guards on the ground.

Many of them tried to beg for mercy by saying that the things they had done were because they were dominated by the devil.

One villager, upon hearing the stupid excuse of a monk approached him and with his own fists began to beat him repeatedly.

"Dominated by the devil! You are all sons of bitches, who have only brought pain to our families."

The villager hit the monk\'s nose so hard that he broke it. "You have the nerve to say it was the devil\'s fault!

When our wives and children were raped in front of us in a disturbing display of their power, I did not see the face of the devil; I saw the faces of men who turned into beasts.

Now all of you will pay for what you did to our families. "

With his fists, he repeatedly struck the monk\'s face until he broke his eye globules with his fists. Seeing this, all the villagers ran against the monks and priests.

That day, their screams could be heard from far away from the monastery. They were tortured and even suffered all kinds of punishments for what they had done.

Two days later, Einar entered the Barony of Ros and as he advanced through the villages, he could barely see a few elders.

It was not until he arrived at the monastery that he could see a lot of wooden crosses with the corpses of monks. This surprised Einar, but at the same time made him curious to know who had done that.

When he sent a messenger, the villagers left to surrender peacefully, and they did not hesitate to tell their story of what had happened in that place and why the monks and priests had been killed.

Einar only sighed as he believed that they were too soft with them, however with the taking of the barony of Ros he could already advance to Ennis County.

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