The Sage of Einar

Chapter 336 - The Norse / Jewish Treaty

"This is the letter from the Jewish council, you should read it Konungar Einar."

Einar accepted the letter, which was on very fine papyrus and had a very detailed wax seal.

When he opened the wax seal, he realized that the letters of the papyrus were in gold and were written in Latin. With great curiosity, he began to read them.

\'The Jewish council accepts the terms of King Einar for the creation of an independent Jewish kingdom that allows to maintain commerce in the continent.

Details will have to be discussed with the three council representatives who will be accompanying Jasiel to discuss the terms of the treaty. \'

Einar showed a smile and put the scroll aside and looked at the four men in front of him.

"Since you want to talk about the terms, we will start with the basics.

The Jewish kingdom will be completely autonomous in its internal decisions or its form of government. Its only function for the Nordic kingdom will be one of commerce and place of protection.

How do you know a rift was created on the European continent. "

Einar took from his desk drawer a map of Europe, which already had three divisions.

"The entire northern part of the continent from Denmark, the region of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Karelia and Murmansk.

They will be part of the Nordic kingdom. In those areas, small puppet kingdoms will be placed, which will only maintain a status quo on the continent.

They will not interfere with anything on the continent and should not be attacked.

From the western Seine river, it will be the area of ​​influence of the northern emirate, an emirate that will do the same as you, so that in that area you will not be able to expand.

But the northern emirate will also not dare to attack its territories on the eastern Seine River.

We as the Nordic kingdom or Nordic empire guarantee your safety throughout the region of Friesland, Belgium and the Netherlands. "

Einar pointed out the whole area. "Any kind of enemy that dares to attack them in that place will be completely annihilated by the empire\'s troops.

But we will not defend anything beyond those regions. If you want to start wars or destroy nations, it will be completely your problem.

This does not mean that we will not help. We will provide them with war material and weapons at half price.

I hope that for the moment, what I am saying is to your liking. "

Yonatan, the leader of all the men in the place, stroked his chin. "What you are offering is too tempting, but why create puppet kingdoms in the north of the continent?"

Einar smiled and pointed to Iceland. "Because those places are the holy land of us Nordics.

As such, it must always be open to pilgrims from the empire that he builds. That is why those puppet nations will be created.

They will not be part of the Nordic empire as they would break the rule of not interfering in the affairs of the continent, but they will not represent a problem for you in your conquests.

But despite that, you must be careful when you expand because I know that you Jews are not many and a large amount of land will be a problem.

Once their kingdom is founded, they must work to increase their population or assimilate the natives under their control.

Remember that the population will be a commodity that the Nordic empire needs, no matter what you may believe.

That is why you should be careful in your conquests, because if you kill civilians you will lose population to sell or to assimilate. "

Yonatan nodded and looked seriously at Einar. "We want the technology to produce glass and other war materials."

Einar flashed a fox smile and stroked his mustache. "We can give you the technology to make glass and the obsolete military technology, but only until the Jewish kingdom is founded.

At that time, the things that have been signed in this treaty will be delivered, also as allies and an associated kingdom will have the obligation to participate in the wars of the empire.

Because we only intend to attack the northern part of the European continent, that will be the only wars that they will have to participate in or in any defense war.

To protect the kingdoms that we create. "

Yonatan nodded and showed a smile. "On the subject of culture and religion we also want to be guaranteed to be able to make our culture and maintain our religion."

Einar pointed to the map where the Jewish kingdom was supposed to be. "Within its borders, they can do whatever they want. As I told them, I don\'t want vassals, I want allies.

If you want to establish religious rules like the northern emirate that will establish sharia law, you are free to do so.

But you must remember that the rules within the empire must be respected, so I hope you remember that because you will have freedom of worship.

But if you want to establish temples or places of prayer, you will have to follow the laws of the empire. Outside of the empire, you know how they are managed.

As for trade, you can do whatever you want, but any order in the land of the empire must have passed a security and cleanliness filter.

Its merchants will have the obligation to clean the boats and to have cats or animals to combat pests that may be in the goods.

This is very important because a single rat or louse can create very dangerous health problems for everyone.

Not to mention, invasive species anywhere can destroy entire ecosystems if you\'re not careful with them.

But since we are talking about medical things, the Nordic empire hopes that they can implement modern medicine in their kingdom.

Bacteria and viruses are a subject that concerns us all. This is not about religious beliefs but about something feasible that can cause the death of all.

From the use of soap to the mask or alcohol on the wounds, a health code must be implemented at all times.

I hope that they can take that into account when they make the Jewish kingdom. I will take care of transmitting manuals and books so that they can learn everything they must about the microscopic world that lives among us. "

Yonatan agreed with that rule as he had heard from Jasiel that it is because of this that illness could be prevented.

While they continued talking about the different points of the treaty on the ships, the monks, nobles, merchants and other people who knew how to read and write.

They were being taken off the ships where they were being held.

To receive them was Aila, with her supreme priestess dress. This caused discomfort to the slave monks and priests because they did not understand why there was a woman in front of them.

"Welcome brothers, you have arrived in the land of God, our Lord, in the northern part of the continent. I want you to listen carefully because I will begin to read the Gospel according to Judas Iscariot.

Whoever was judged as an enemy of Jesus, when he only followed the orders that God our Lord had given him. "

Upon hearing that, they all began to wonder if the woman in front of them was a demon or someone who would test their faith.

To their surprise, upon hearing the gospel according to Judas Iscariot, they were quite surprised because they could not believe that one of Jesus\' disciples had accepted such a cruel fate.

Even the most faithful monks felt doubt at the words that the woman in front of them was saying.

Aila continued reading the Gospel, describing in great detail everything that the disciple of Jesus had experienced and the weight of having been chosen to be the traitor among all the disciples.

When Aila came to the end, at least 50 monks and priests knelt down and begged to hear more about Judas.

The rest of the monks and priests looked at their companions as true traitors and spat at them, but the soldiers gave them some blows to make them behave.

Aila using a handkerchief cleaned the saliva that had soiled those who wanted to know more about the Nordic Christian religion.

It was a fairly high number of potential prospects to be able to talk about the Nordic Christian religion.

After this the next day Einar met with Yonatan and the other three Jewish men. The members of the Thing were also present as they would sign the document.

The document had written the most important things about the commitment of the two nations. Perhaps the most important points for Einar were.

Recognizing the equality of women in everyday life and the use of medicine.

With these two, it could be guaranteed that the entire population will be used to the maximum and that an elementary right for women will be advanced.

This was done by Einar because, in war or in different tasks of the empire, he would need labor in large quantities, just depending on man was something stupid.

Well, the woman could also help the development of the empire, not to mention that with those changes she made.

He guaranteed that his daughters and granddaughters could always occupy the throne, since empresses are often better than emperors.

Because of the tenacity of such brave women.

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