The Sage of Einar

Chapter 312 - A Dream Wedding 1/2

In the imperial palace, Einar was gathered in the courtyard with all the important members of the kingdom.

On the outskirts of the palace, the entire population was gathered as they would see from below the wedding that would take place at the gates of the imperial palace.

Einar, who was somewhat nervous, adjusted his red suit and looked at his father-in-law and his father.

"What do you think my suit looks good?"

Sven stroked her chin "You look quite elegant and there is a big difference between the bearskin suit you used with your Kassia and Helmi.

Not only that, but the color red makes you look quite elegant but how did you make the suit look so smooth and shiny if it is made of wool? "

Einar smiled and stroked his suit "It was not easy, but because of some experiments that Sia carried out with wool.

She successfully combined caustic soda to remove grease from fabric, although it was an accidental experiment, as she was working with acids.

Because of that, I did some tests and managed to find the correct substance to be able to make the wool fabric have this consistency.

Not only that, the same process was applied to cotton, and it proved to work very well, so the inside of the bag is also made from the same fabric.

Laisa\'s dress is also made in the same way. In the future, I will make this kind of fabric fashionable but for the moment the caustic soda expense is a bit high.

Nothing I can\'t solve in the future, but for now only Laisa and I will be the only ones with these beautiful clothes. "

Vilhelm laughed and patted Einar on the shoulder "I think I made the right choice to choose my future son and heir to my kingdom.

At least I know that with you, everything I do will be fine. My only regret is that I cannot see my grandson until after he is born.

But it does not matter if he is a man or a woman, I will take care of him with all my strength, because he is part of the family. "

Einar sighed and pointed to his father-in-law "When the little one is born, I am sure he will love seeing his grandfather. Maybe when he is older, he could spend a few months with you in Ireland.

That way, you could get to know what traditional Viking and Norse life is like.

Well, what I\'m creating is modern Nordic life, a version that I\'m sure will be the epitome of Nordic culture at this stage.

In this way, everything we conquer will be assimilated by us and not the other way around, which would make our culture lose and be assimilated by the locals.

We were born to conquer that is why we have to show that we are all prepared to achieve that goal. "

Sven agreed with Einar\'s suggestion that he sent his grandchildren to tanning in the kingdom of Ireland.

"I think it is an excellent idea to send children to Ireland for at least one year to learn about our ancestral way of life.

Of course, to do so, they will have to be the age of 16, which is established in the constitution, otherwise they will be impulsive and could be in danger.

For some illness or something like that. "

Einar at that moment remembered something very important, so he looked at his father-in-law "Vilhelm, I don\'t think I asked you but you want to receive Odin\'s blessing.

With it you can avoid getting sick from the dangerous smallpox. You will be immune to that disease but only if you want to be vaccinated with its blessing before. "

Vilhelm looked seriously at Einar "You are sure that you will be immune to smallpox. My father died of that dangerous disease when he was young.

His body full of red points could not resist so he had to be burned where he fell ill to avoid infecting the rest of the tribe.

But if you have a way to get Odin\'s blessing, I am willing to accept it because I am not going to die with that dangerous disease.

Which prevents strong warriors from dying with honor, just as Odin says we should do. "

Einar smiled "In a week I will give you Odin\'s blessing along with your warriors. They will feel weak for a few days, but after that they will be immune to smallpox.

Only that sick because even Odin has problems solving other ailments because of the complexity of the matter. "

While this was happening with Einar, things were different in Laisa\'s room, as Laisa was quite excited.

Marriage meant nothing to her, but in the time she has been living with Einar, she has realized that being close to him is something she likes.

So the idea of ​​being able to marry and show everyone that she was his wife was something that filled her with enthusiasm.

Elin, who was looking at Laisa, gave her a smile "You look exquisite Laisa. Your dress looks like silk."

Laisa smiled and caressed him "I don\'t know what Einar did but I totally improve it. I hope that all our clothes can have the same treatment because I have to admit that it is too comfortable.

If before it was beautiful, now it is comfortable. I really appreciate everything that Einar does for us.

But if I\'m honest, I\'m a bit nervous, although I don\'t feel fear or fear when killing enemies I think this time it\'s a different feeling because thousands of people will see me. "

Helmi and Kassia laughed and patted Laisa on the back.

"I also went through that but it was not something difficult to overcome, although in your case it is more complicated because the population has increased perhaps too much."

Helmi smiled and gave Laisa a confident look "But look on the bright side, you can get more people to remember you.

Not to mention that tonight will be special to you. "

Laisa blushed a bit and gave Helmi a little tap on the shoulder, who just laughed.

Outside the palace there were thousands of torches to light the entire place, as the wedding would take place at night.

No one present was cold because the warmth of the people and a surprising supply of glass cups with pine tea for the adults and hot milk for the children kept them happy.

Some of those present had long attended ceremonies among nobles but had never received such special treatment.

That made them happy as none of them felt that they were being treated with contempt despite their status as slaves.

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