The Sage of Einar

Chapter 271 - A Promise From The Emperor

After 5 days of conquering all the rebellious castles on his way, Ludovico could finally reach the outskirts of the city of Parisii.

Although unfortunately, instead of finding a city, he only found some burned walls.

Seeing this, the Emperor Ludovico gave a cry of anger and ordered that everyone enter the city to see the damage that the pagans had done.

When they passed through the city gates, the smell of rotten blood and ash could be smelled in the air.

But that was only something in the background, because what they could see when they entered made them cry to see the beautiful city demolished.

For a moment Ludovico felt like the last Roman emperor when the barbarians destroyed Rome.

Getting off his horse, Ludovico took a fist of scorched earth in his hand and turned his head to look at his soldiers.

"According to the priest, all the citizens of Parisii died fighting, so from this moment on this place will be rebuilt.

To found the largest mausoleum in the world, everyone\'s memory will be honored, including my children.

The capital from now on will be Aachen, just like when my father was emperor.

But here before this holy place I promise everyone that we will take revenge, we will attack all the pagan cities and tribes.

We will use salt in their lands so that nothing can grow or live in those places. The empire\'s revenge against the savages will be immediate.

I want you to send messengers to the rebels, propose a truce so we can launch an invasion to the north.

If they don\'t want to accept, I want you to send a letter to Rome to declare them heretics for intervening with the punishment in the name of God.

That way they will lose everything they love and any kind of support. I also want them to bring my daughter.

I don\'t intend to let her die too, she must help me bring god\'s punishment to those pagans, without distinction anyone who supports them or lives with them will be killed. "

Kassia, who was helping Einar draft the constitution, felt a discomfort in her nose so she sneezed.

Einar, who was writing, just smiled and handed Kassia a tissue so she could wipe her nose.

"You feel bad. Do you want me to make some pine tea?"

Kassia shook her head "It\'s not the flu or some discomfort, it was more of a reminder that someone was talking about me."

Einar frowned and looked at his two children, who were asleep in a crib near where he was.

"Maybe one of the babies was thinking about their mother, although it could have also been Felipa or our other two children."

Kassia smiled and stretched out her hands "That may have been it, but we\'d better stop talking about things we don\'t understand.

I wanted to ask you why you can write so quickly a compendium of laws that are written in the new constitution.

Is it because of your memories of your past life? "

Einar nodded and looked proudly at the sheets in front of him. "One requirement to be able to graduate from the military academy as an engineer is to know the constitution and the military laws.

I would love to tell you that I remember other constitutions but I would be lying. What I do remember are ecclesiastical laws from around the centuries.

Mainly from Castile and Spain, as the inquisition continued to exist with them for a long time.

Although it would be crazy to integrate laws based on religion, I think that to have complete control of people I will have to add some laws.

Where it is made clear that the nation is above any religion since it does not conflict with the beliefs of each person.

But I also have to add a bit of secular state in the government to avoid favoritism of some church. "

Einar then wrote on a sheet "Just remembering that the figure of the royal family as representatives of the nation and the two main religions must be respected."

Putting down the pen, Einar smiled at his wife "You want to go out and get some fresh air with the babies."

Kassia nodded and got up from the seat while Einar carefully lifted little Erik.

Who only raised his head and opened his eyes that revealed his green pupils, not feeling a sense of danger.

Erik clung to Einar\'s clothes, knowing that this place was one of the safest.

For her part, Kassia carried little Katherine in her arms, who only stretched out her small hands and leaned against her mother\'s chest with a smile.

The two then left the office and went to the elevator to be able to go down to the internal yard where two strollers should be to put the little children.

When they went down the elevator, they could see Helmi painting on a canvas in the courtyard, a very realistic painting.

She could paint that way because Einar taught her how to do it.

Also, because of the improvement in chemistry he could imitate colors like Prussian yellow or Prussian blue.

Although the most striking color he could make was Peking purple using coal tar.

This he could do because in his studies at the university, natural and artificial pigments had a lot of weight in religion.

Since they were used in the murals with which the churches were adorned even on the monks\' clothes, three elective subjects in the university had taught him some chemical and natural processes for obtaining color.

Although it was not difficult for him to make the artificial purple with coal tar, the real challenge that he set out to solve by remembering his chemistry classes.

It was to find a way to isolate a waste compound in the manufacture of artificial tar-based dyes which is paranitrophenol.

With which acetanilid can be obtained, which can be used to obtain acetophenethidine known as Aspirin, although it would be a revolutionary invention.

Einar was not a chemist, much less a person very well versed in substance handling knowledge.

Perhaps the only good thing he had going for him was that he knew the line of research they had to do in order to obtain that product.

Although he could always try to investigate with the willow bark to obtain salicin with which acetylsalicylic acid could be formed.

The only drawback is that unlike artificial aspirin, in obtaining natural aspirin he has no idea how to isolate or produce an acid.

Helmi turning around and seeing Kassia and Einar smiled "I\'m glad you arrived, what do you think about what I\'m painting."

Einar and Kassia, getting closer, could see the beautiful painting she was drawing.

In it they could see the whole family, which was standing in front of the interior yard, revealing an extremely beautiful harmony.

"Helmi is beautiful, you are improving a lot, I wish I could paint like you, but I think I am better at drawing parts of the body."

Helmi laughed flirtatiously. "Kassia, I wish I could draw like you do, but I think like Einar says.

Each of us has an advantage ... "

Helmi interrupted her words when Laisa began to descend from one of the windows using a specially placed rope.

When Laisa got down she stretched out her hands and started running towards Einar, because she wanted to kiss her husband as well as greet her little children.

Einar smiled and enjoyed Laisa\'s kiss before he could look at her fondly "Laisa, you must remember to use the harness when you go down using the rope.

Only in the use of a tube should not use a harness since the weight is distributed while it is lowered. "

Einar, using his hand, caressed Laisa\'s face "I am worried that you might hurt yourself if you fall for not being careful."

Laisa, who was feeling the affection in Einar\'s words, held his hand "Speaking of the tube, I think I have been able to improve the techniques of being able to support my weight using my legs.

It is quite difficult to do the movements you described to me, but maybe in a week I could try to give you a little show.

Of course, it all depends on whether you have time. "

Einar sighed and lowering his hand he took Laisa by the waist, while bringing his face closer to Laisa\'s face "I always have time for my family.

That is the most basic rule I made for the royal family. "

Laisa laughed and gave her husband a kiss, and then she put her face on his chest while hugging little Erik.

Who when feeling the warmth of one of their mothers could only smile while snuggling up, feeling the warmth of their parents.

"By the way girls were you talking, I could only hear something about drawing and painting."

Helmi pointed with a brush to the picture she was painting "We were talking about how each one of us has something special.

In your case, I think it would be the ability to take care of the family. I think only Einar can fight you. Or maybe Sven. "

Laisa showed a face full of pride "It\'s the only thing I can do. Since I was a child, I was always struck by being a warrior.

I think the only thing I can do is keep training with Einar so that I can be a female soldier qualified to be a killing force.

Able to defend her family from any enemy. "

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