The Sage of Einar

Chapter 238 - A Fight Against A Female Warrior Ends Badly

Two people got off one of the boats. One of them was a beautiful young woman with golden hair and gray eyes.

Her body was full of some scars and she was very well formed due to the fact that the young woman seemed to exercise too much.

Einar did not see her too much because their eyes met, and although it was a small moment, he could feel that the young woman had a murderous look.

For her part, the young woman only showed some interest in the young redhead in front of her, since the white bear cape and the scar on his eye were a sign that he had fought a bear.

She knew this because she herself had a similar wound on her abdomen, as she was unlucky enough to come across a young bear.

Which ended up killing using only a dagger in a confrontation in the forest.

The other person was a monk in brown robes and a rope belt. His hair was cut using the tonsure, a haircut that left the top of the head completely shaved.

It was a common practice among missionaries and members of a monastery, as it meant a way of saying that they were slaves of religious life.

\'I suppose he must be a Christian convinced of the sacred scriptures. How interesting it will be to see his face after reading the Gospel, according to Judas Iscariot.\'

An evil smile formed on Einar\'s face, which did not go unnoticed by Vilhelm, who only raised an eyebrow when he saw that Sven\'s son stared at his missionary of the cross.

When the missionary arrived, he looked at Sven and Einar with a somewhat worried face, because it bothered him to see lost souls in a place so far from the hand of God.

Vilhelm looked at the monk and cleared his throat. "I want you to tell me how many slaves we have available, as I want to know how much I have to charge."

The missionary swallowed some saliva "There should be 789 slaves alive, on the trip many were sent to see God."

Vilhelm then looked at his daughter "How much should we ask for slaves."

The young woman looked at her father and later directed her gaze towards the red-haired young man "It must be 200 gold coins for the slaves, which should no longer present a problem because their most stupid members.

Now they feed the fish, and the ones that are left are completely tame. "

Einar stroked his particular mustache and gave the young woman a look. "It\'s a good price but how can I communicate with them, because if I\'m not mistaken the island of Eire must have a unique language."

The young woman showed a maniacal smile. "Just use a whip to make them understand, why bother speaking their language."

Einar just sighed and showed some disappointment in his eyes "You can rule over them with force, but if you don\'t dominate their hearts, you won\'t get true loyalty.

Fear is a dangerous weapon, but it does not serve to maintain control forever, just make a mistake and fear will be lost.

At that time nothing will be able to keep the slaves under control, neither should everything be given up. The ideal is to let them have a way to grow.

That way they will show loyalty themselves. "

The young woman was very curious about what Einar had said "I suppose you will have proof of what you just said or you are just one of those talkers who talk a lot."

Einar just smiled and asked one of the warriors to bring a chicken and some wheat.

When the warrior arrived with the hen, he took it lovingly and stroked it "She is a beautiful hen, very pretty and accommodating."

Einar, after saying those words, took her by the neck and began to hit her on the ground, and collapsed almost completely.

Then Einar used some wheat to feed the hen, who still with her wounds walked towards the wheat so that she could peck it from Einar\'s hand.

"Slaves are like this chicken, they lost everything and have no rights but even with that they walk towards me and gladly receive food from my hand.

Being the only savior of them is what you must do, that is knowing how to govern. "

After this, Einar gave the hen to the warrior, who was proud of his herald as he demonstrated how to dominate the hearts of slaves.

All the others said nothing because Einar\'s example was perfect, a demonstration of how to govern in the best way.

Even Vilhelm in all his years had never seen anything like that. The idea of ​​marrying the young man to his daughter even crossed his mind.

He had what it took to be a leader and an alliance with such a prospect was very advantageous for his tribe.

So with some joy he patted his daughter, who seemed to keep thinking about Einar\'s words.

"What do you think of Sven\'s son, you don\'t think he would make a good husband for you?"

The young woman showed a grimace "He already showed that he is a leader but what about force, a man who is inferior to me cannot be my husband.

Although the scar on his face and hands is a sign that he knows how to fight bears, I have to check his strength. "

Einar, who was listening to everything, could only try to keep his poker face the best he could.

Because the conversation had drifted too far, he never thought that doing Stalin\'s experiment would lead him to talk about marriage.

But he knew from his father that the traditions among Norse leaders were to marry their daughters to capable men.

The problem was, he couldn\'t refuse as it would be an insult to both parties and if Vilhelm is going to trade slaves.

He could not risk breaking the commercial ties so he had no choice but to continue with the marriage game, because although he could not refuse, he could put a condition on the young woman.

All he had to do was win the challenge that she wants to impose on him so that he can put up a challenge.

The young woman just looked at Einar and without warning she took off her armor, leaving only her wool shirt and leather pants as clothes.

"Since my father wants me to marry you, you have to show your strength, redhead.

If you win, I will tell you my name and I will agree to marry you but if you lose, I will receive a compensation of 100 gold coins. "

Einar just took a deep breath "If I win, you will have to fulfill my condition before we can get married. Just remember that I am already married to two women.

Which came before you, so you will be the third wife. If you can accept that and have respect for them, we will fight. "

The young woman far from getting angry or refusing Einar\'s words only laughed "I can accept those conditions, I can\'t always win 100 gold coins."

Einar then removed his cape and shirt, exposing his muscular body with some scars.

\'I guess I\'ll have to lose to…\'

Einar interrupted his thoughts when a fist hit his jaw. Taking three steps back, he spat out some blood.

So he stood guard and made a signal to the young woman to attack him, the young woman quite angry because of that she launched herself on Einar like a wild beast.

Einar then blocked the first blow that was aimed at her face and without restraining herself, hit the young woman in the stomach.

The one who just gritted her teeth and butted Einar on the forehead, causing him to take a step back and ignoring the blood on his forehead.

He took the young woman\'s left arm and made a judo movement with which the young woman fell backwards on the ground while Einar made a lock on her arm.

The young woman then bit Einar\'s leg, causing him to get angry, so by using more force on the Einar key, he could dislocate the young woman\'s arm.

Who because of the pain let go of Einar\'s leg, at that moment Einar who had the adrenaline pumping got up and looked at the young woman who also got up and looked at her arm with a maniacal smile.

"You are a good man, but this is not enough to stop a warrior like me. You will have to do more if you want me to surrender."

At that moment the two ran and using their fists, they exchanged a blow to the face and the two started a real fight.

For a few minutes they exchanged blows until both of them were quite tired, so they decided to end the fight

Einar decided to give the young woman a good hook in the jaw, while she planned to knee him in the stomach.

When the two were close they exchanged their last blow, the young woman due to the blow was left on the ground fainted.

While Einar crouched down and used one of his knees to stay supported, as the blow had taken all the air out of his body.

Vilhelm, upon seeing the result, gave Sven a very big smile.

"I believe that from now on we will form a very close bond between our families. You are the first man who can win my daughter.

Since she was a child, she only learned to fight and, thanks to some missionaries of the cross, she learned to write in Latin and to count.

I can\'t wait to see the wedding ceremony. "

Einar who had heard everything, then realized that he had completely screwed up.

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