The Sage of Einar

Chapter 231 - Complicated Times Create Innovative Solutions

At night, when Einar was in bed, he looked curiously at his hand.

"To think that I had to cut off the palm of my hand in order to make an advantageous deal with the southern Viking tribe."

Kassia, who is next to him, hugged him affectionately "It\'s part of being a leader, and I\'m sure my mother had to do more horrible things to achieve her goals.

The only thing that worries me is that they will discover that the cost of manufacturing the salt and the honey liquor is not as expensive as they thought. "

Einar only showed a smile and stroked his wife\'s back "They will never do it as the process is safe on the tribal walls.

Perhaps in the future we will let them only be produced in the center of the island or in Greenland, away from any curious person who wants to steal the secret.

But even if we take many measures, one day the secret will be discovered, so we must take advantage of this source of income as much as we can. "

Helmi, who was a little sleepy, snuggled into Einar\'s chest as she was somewhat uncomfortable. Seeing this Einar hugged her with some force.

"What really worries me a bit is that now we have a lot of farm animals, that would not be a very serious problem, but the grass will not be enough if they just stay in this place.

At least the sheep and goats must go out so that they do not deplete the resources that there are, because it would be a bit of a waste to have to spend seeds on them. "

Kassia closed her eyes for a moment "I think we could use the children to take care of the animals when they are inside the pens, to take them out to graze we could use the teenagers.

Since they are too young to work on heavy things and they are too old to take classes at the moment. "

Einar thought about Kassia\'s proposal while kissing her forehead. "That would be a good idea. Although there are no predators on the island, the threat of white bears still exists.

To avoid misfortunes, I will let the ten horses serve warriors who know how to ride them, they will have the obligation to travel as far as they can along the coast and the forests to create a map of a safe area where the animals can graze.

If I gave them some fabrics, they could create marks on trees to indicate that there is no danger, although for the moment we will have to work that way.

I will do everything in my power to create barbed wire so that I can create a secure fence so that the animals cannot escape. "

Kassia opened her eyes and looked at Einar with some curiosity "Barbed wire, what is that?"

Einar looked up at the ceiling as he imagined the barbed wire "They are two braided iron cables with barbs on each part of the wire. It is something so simple and it seems fragile.

But it can fulfill the duty of caring for livestock and being a defense tool. I had the misfortune to see many times poor peasants or foreign workers who worked in organized crime fields.

Completely trapped on the barbed wire that surrounded their workplace, many times the damage was so severe that their skin and eyes were completely scattered over the wire.

Although I never killed an innocent man, many times we had to end the lives of those who were trapped in the barbed wire.

Because their injuries were so serious that it was impossible to remove them without suffering a living hell, so in those cases a gunshot to their foreheads ended their suffering.

Those deaths were always kept secret as society can sometimes be too pedantic about human rights and life-saving speech.

But in those cases there is nothing we can do, not to mention that where they were, it was only hills above the mountains, so an ambulance or helicopter would take hours to arrive. "

When he lowered his gaze, he could see the face of Kassia who was looking at him with some bewilderment "But you don\'t have to worry about that since that happened a long time ago, although if you want to see it from another angle.

It still does not happen, because that happened in the future.

But you know the barbed wire ended an entire era in the future. The old west was a time where people colonized a land where there were only plains.

Many figures were created, such as the cowboys who took care of their cattle or the sheriffs who took care of the people of the outlaws who were robbers and violators of the law.

But that time was ended by many factors but the barbed wire was what put the nail in his coffin, because although it was a simple invention.

It allowed to delimit the land in places where there was no wood or materials to make fences, that allowed the best colonization of the virgin land.

By having the land delimited, the cowboys began to cease to have a leading role as livestock required less care, with more population it was possible to establish a better order in the towns.

In the end everything came to an end and that time was left behind to give way to another era. In our case, the barbed wire will be something that transcends time.

But I think you have to get some sleep because tomorrow I have to take care of the slaves who are working to become soldiers and later I have to teach the children how to take care of the cattle.

Rest Kassia. "

As he said those words, Einar gave Kassia a kiss and hugged his two wives to sleep.

In the afternoon near the animal pens all the children were gathered, who were looking with curiosity at the large number of animals in front of them.

Although they had seen all those animals, it was the first time in their short lives that they had been able to see so many farm animals gathered together.

"Children today will start a new class to learn how to take care of farm animals. You must remember that all of them are important because they all have a role.

So our duty is to take care of them, to begin with they will be divided into groups of two, where one of you will take a sulfur soap and the other will have a bucket of water.

Their duty will be to wash the fur and body of the sheep. You must remember that they are animals so they must treat them with respect because they could react in a violet way.

If you feel that the sheep is behaving in a strange or aggressive way, you should only shout for me or one of the warriors to come to your aid.

In any case, I will show you how to wash a sheep, so that you can do it the same way. "

Einar then took a bucket with water and a bar of soap, after which he approached a sheep that was grazing.

"You should first pet the animal to see if it is in the mood to be treated."

The sheep did not seem to bother him as Einar caressed him, so he just closed his eyes and enjoyed the caresses that the human was doing.

"How can you see the sheep is happy so we will start to wash the sheep."

After putting the bar of soap in the water, he began to carve the sheep\'s fur. This lasted for a few minutes, as Einar was in charge of lathering the animal very well.

When he finally finishes he use the water to rinse all the sheep\'s fur. When the water fell on the ground it left a large amount of dirt as well as many insects, which seemed to have died from the soap.

"How can you see the water came out dirty because the fur was not washed, but the dirt is the least of the problems.

These insects that fell with the water are a pest that will kill any animal, not to mention that they could transmit diseases to us.

That is why for three full days we will be washing the sheep so that their fur is free of parasites.

But now comes the funniest part, you will have to wash the sheep. Remember to ask if you have doubts or inform if the sheep does not want to be bathed "

After this, the children, with their faces full of happiness, began to form their teams and began with the work of washing the sheep.

Jesper, who was watching in the distance how the children washed the sheep, could only smile "To think that when he told me it sounded crazy.

But those children are washing the sheep and they do it with happiness. What kind of power does the herald have to achieve that. "

Joakim laughed and pointed to Laura and Daven, who were washing a calf "They also show that the herald has a knack for teaching children.

Maybe if you had taught me that way, I would be much more versed in caring for animals. "

Jesper looked at his son with some disbelief before laughing a few laughs "But what are you saying, Joakim, you know very well that the heavy hand only works with you.

Do not compare yourself with little Daven or Laura, they are very different from what you were in childhood. Many times I remember that I had to run after you because you were afraid of a chicken. "

Joakim just scratched his head with some embarrassment "It wasn\'t my fault that hen always wanted to peck at me."

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