The Sage of Einar

Chapter 134 - Preparations For The Start Of Spring Plowing

In the cow barn, Sven and a group of warriors were holding tightly to one of the three bulls in the tribe.

It was then that Einar entered the barn with tweezers holding a red-hot metal nail.

"Dad hold the bull very well because this is going to hurt a lot but otherwise this bull will not want to help plow the land."

Sven who was holding the sedated bull looked at Einar doubtfully.

"I\'m not worried that he will wake up, I\'m worried that he won\'t, it won\'t have been too many herbs."

Einar shook his head and put the pincers with the nail close to the bull\'s nose while Seren who stood to the side with a hammer prepared to start hammering the bull\'s nasal septum.

"I calculate with the help of Kassia the weight of the bull and the number of herbs, even if it was not an exact number it served to prevent the bull from moving during this work.

He will wake up in a few hours with a horrible nose ache, but if he wants to be a stud, he has to pay the cost. "

With a nod from her head, Seren began hammering the nail into the Toro\'s nasal septum, who only trembled a little and then went back to sleep.

Removing the nail that was extremely hot, Einar placed a silver ring on the Bull\'s nose, which had a small mechanism so that it could not be removed.

Seeing that the work was done, Einar wiped the sweat from his brow and looked at his father with joy.

"This Bull is ready for someone to put a rope around his neck and the other two bulls have to be prepared to finish this fast."

It was then that Sven stopped holding the bull and shook out his clothes before approaching his son while feeding the bull the herbal preparation.

"Einar what you did yesterday with the slaves was something spectacular, according to the reports of the guards they have started to work harder.

Some even started saying you were the second messiah from what they heard you say. "

Einar scratched his chin, and while the bull was eating the herbal preparation, he looked at his father.

"I just did what I had to do and attack the root problem. It doesn\'t matter if they consider me a messiah or something more important.

As long as that helps them not to start a revolt is enough, the only thing is that we must prepare to be able to give them freedom in the future.

Because although we can gain their trust quickly by making promises, it is enough that we do not keep our word to be able to lose trust in people.

At that time there will be no possible solution, and the problem of Christian slaves can only end in two ways.

That we suffer casualties or that they are exterminated, remember father that as human beings we will always seek freedom.

That is why we will give them to them with our conditions, we will show them the sad life that their compatriots lead in the Christian kingdoms.

In order for them to be the first defenders of their freedom in this way, we do not need servants or slaves.

We need to create patriots who love the nation so much that we will believe that they will defend it without us having to remind them.

In the future, I am sure that we will be hated by the entire continent and kingdoms that exist because our way of governing will be different.

But in the end, we will be victorious because their servants, slaves, and free people of those kingdoms will end up realizing that their form of government is wrong.

Creating the seed of a revolution, and even if those kingdoms use religion to control the masses, they will only delay the inevitable.

Time will end up giving us the reason, what I will do will be the beginning of the change in people\'s thinking, an idea is more dangerous than swords or threats. "

Sven who was surprised by his son\'s safety put his hand on Einar\'s shoulder and nodded.

"You are definitely a good son Einar and you fill me with pride.

Your father will support you in whatever you do, I am even thinking that when my grandchildren are a little older, I will give you the place of the Jarl.

Well, although I like to lead the tribe, I think you can do better.

Besides, your mother and I always promised each other that we would take care of our grandchildren, this due to a promise I made with her after the death of your grandfather.

But I suppose we have extended our talk a bit and now the bull has fallen asleep, we should hurry or he might wake up when you pierce his nose. "

Einar laughed and looked fondly at his father, "Don\'t worry, we have all the time in the world.

Although to be honest I think we should have more parent-child talks, I would love to know more about you and maybe in the process to know more about myself. "

Sven began to laugh and with a happy face began to tell some stories about the expeditions he had made with the Jarl Eero.

While this was happening, on a chair that had a small cushion, Kassia was sitting dictating to Helmi who was using an abacus that Einar had made.

"Very good Helmi, so we do have 20 sacks of wheat weighing 50kg and we know that each kilo has approximately 32,000 seeds.

How many seeds do we have in all? "

Helmi scratched her white hair and frowned as she did the math on the abacus.

"If I learned correctly from Einar in the last months we should have 1,600,000 seeds in each 50kg sack and that multiplied by 20 would be ..."

Moving the balls of the abacus Helmi began to do the multiplication and after a while, he was able to finish so he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"32,000,000 seeds we have in total, but Kassia why do we need to know the number of seeds.

Will that help us? "

Kassia nodded as she wrote the number in the notebook where Einar had some weird math formulas.

"As I understood, Einar looks for the numbers because afterward, he will make a formula to know how many seeds there must be per square meter.

That way when we harvest in August he will know how much we can produce efficiently with new types of plow and fertilizer.

He will also apply this same formula with the salicornia and the vegetables of the village but unlike last year.

We have the advantage that for the first time we will use bulls to increase the creation of farmland. "

Helmi stroked the abacus and smiled "Sometimes I feel like I will no longer be surprised by what our husband does but it is impossible to do so.

But that\'s good because if you are successful in finding the right way to farm, we can ensure that we have enough food for the tribe.

By the way, you know something about the greenhouses Einar talks about sometimes and why we can\'t make them. "

Kassia held her chin and looked at the notebook where she started looking for the greenhouse drawings she had seen a while ago.

"I understand that they cannot be built because we do not have glass and we do not have an amber mine.

Even if we have it, it would take us years to get pieces large enough to make the amber plates, which would be expensive and unnecessary.

As for the greenhouse, I found it here. "

Kassia showed Helmi the notebook that had a drawing of a greenhouse that looked like a cabin but had a large basement.

"From what I heard from Einar when winter is over, he will start building these warm, humid greenhouses underground to create what he calls mushroom farms."

Helmi was surprised and looked at Kassia with joy, "That would be surprising because he can increase the variety of food we eat.

Without forgetting that, Einar always reminds us that mushrooms are a source of protein and other nutrients.

But not if he built a mushroom place that would also be dangerous, I remember my mother telling me that I will not visit caves because there was an evil miasma that could kill people. "

Kassia smiled and turned to the next page "I also had that question but when I discussed it with Einar, he taught me this."

Helmi could then see that behind the hut there were large wooden doors in the ground which seemed to be covered by leather.

"These doors are used so that in case some bad fungus appeared, they would open, allowing the sunlight and air to destroy the habitat of the fungi.

So they would end up dying since there would not be the temperature or the requirements for them to survive, although unfortunately after doing this.

We couldn\'t use the greenhouse until the slaves clean it with soap and ash bleach.

In that way, we would be sure that the place can be used again without the danger of the bad fungus growing again. "

Helmi leaned back in her chair and looked at the ceiling "It\'s fantastic, I would love to see it working although I think that would coincide with the birth of our children right?"

Kassia showed a smile and caressed her stomach, "Our babies should be born between the end of July or during the month of August, but by then the room where they will be born would already be built.

Do you want to see the drawing? "

Helmi approached Kassia and then she could see how in the notebook after turning some pages there was a beautiful room that was drawn.

On the plans of the small castle that they would build in the old house of Kassia.

"It will be the most expensive and extreme project I have ever seen because according to Einar the room will have silver plaques all over the place.

So that there are no bacteria, viruses, or fungi, you will also have a modified heating system of the traditional hypocaust.

A drain so dirt can come out and even a strange water system that he would have to explain, I can tell you for sure that our children will be born in the safest place you have ever seen. "

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