The Sage of Einar

Chapter 65 - Coronation In Distant Lands

In the morning, hundreds of people who had survived the fire gathered in the center of the city where they could see the body of old King Harald that was hanging.

His head was on the ground, pierced by a wooden pole that ran from the severed neck to the top of the skull.

His face had a completely horrified face, his face kept the expression he had before he died, he looked completely terrified.

All the people who could see the king\'s body far from feeling sad celebrated in silence because the stupid king had been the culprit of the fire that had occurred.

They knew this because in the early morning a group of warriors passed, shouting through the streets, that Queen Malene had murdered the old king.

As this had caused the fire in an attack of madness, he was also the culprit of having ordered the assassination of hundreds of people who were in the city.

But this was one of the messages that the warriors were shouting. The most important message was that in the morning the queen would be crowned as the regent queen of the kingdom until Prince Klaus was old enough to become king.

While this was happening in the butte tower, a small 5-year-old boy was being dressed by a Breton slave.

"Prince, you need to let me put your clothes on, otherwise your mother will scold you and possibly murder me, please allow me to put your clothes on."

The little boy looked with hatred at the woman "Dirty slave, if my mother finds out that you have spoken to me, I am sure that my mother would murder your family"

The poor Breton slave was quite scared by what the boy had said, so from her dress, she took out a small honey candy, which she placed in the brat\'s hands.

"Prince, I hope you will please accept my apology and please don\'t let your mother find out, I…

I will do what you say in order to get your forgiveness. "

The little boy accepted the sweet honey, and using his hand brought it to his mouth, while he fixed his gaze of hatred on the slave.

"If you want to get my forgiveness, it will be very simple, just become my little horse so that I can play.

According to what my mother told me yesterday, I should take advantage of the fact that my father has gone to Valhalla, so that means that I can do whatever I want.

Now finish dressing me and take me to my mother while I ride you. "

The slave who was already resigned to being treated like an animal, put on the best clothes there was to the little prince and when she was done, she got on her knees.

While she could feel how the little brat pulled her hair so hard that some tears fell to the ground due to pain.

The guards who were in the prince\'s care were quick to laugh at the slave who was being taken as a horse by the little prince.

"Prince didn\'t know you had such an extravagant mount, but I was wondering if we could borrow it at night.

We promise we will see that she learns the manners a dirty slave needs to have. "

The little prince could feel the slave trembling so a malicious smile formed on his face "You can have her, but I want you to get me more honey sweets.

If you cannot do it, I will accuse you with my mother so that you will disappear.

The guards, who had a bit of sweat running down their back, showed a smile to the prince and nodded. The slave at that moment knew that her life inside the palace would turn into hell.

So in an act of trying to forget everything around her, she continued on his way, crawling while praying what little he had learned from the monks.

She hoped that if she kept praying to God, He would come for her and take her away from this place full of pagans.

When she could finally reach the queen\'s room, the slave who had her knees bleeding and her hands completely injured, felt how the brat on her back was pulling her hair hard.

"Stupid horse, you must knock on the door using your head."

The slave had no choice but to slam her head against the wooden door of the room for this she tried to hit her head as gently as possible to avoid hurting herself.

To her dismay, when she did this, the large wooden door did not make any noise, so the boy pulled his hair.

"You have to whip your head harder, you stupid slave."

The slave who had already started crying slammed her head against the wood of the door, causing her forehead to come out with blood.

"Hit harder!"

The unfortunate slave knowing that she could not deny the prince\'s orders again slammed the wooden door with all her might. Fortunately for her, this time the door opened and Malene emerged from inside.

Who completely ignored the bloodied face of the slave and looked at her son with a smile.

"Klaus, you look so beautiful today, I\'m sure people will applaud you."

Klaus gave his mother a smile "Thanks mom, you look great too, although I think it\'s a shame that dad went to Valhalla and he can\'t see the beautiful dress you\'re wearing."

Malene laughed at her son\'s words and after that she took him by the hand, to later walk the two together to the center of the city, they had a ceremony to attend.

When they reached the center of the city, the two got off the horse which they were riding and climbed onto the platform where the leaders of the different tribes and the Godi of the kingdom were already there.

As she climbed onto the platform, Malene was greeted with cheers and praise from the soldiers and people as she had finished the evil King Harald.

Malene waited for everyone to be silent and then with a smile open her hands and addressed all her people.

"Thank you very much for all your love, my dear subtitles, as the tyrant King Harald will know, yesterday he went mad.

He burned our entire city and murdered whoever he could because he had had a revelation from the Christian God, so I as his wife and as the queen of this my people.

I ended his madness, and guided by Freyja\'s blessing, I pierced his neck with my sword.

The poor bastard could only see me with his eyes full of hatred, and he even tried to attack me, but Freyja\'s blessing was stronger, so he couldn\'t move and ended up dying in my arms.

At that very moment, guided by the blessing of the Goddess, I knew that my duty was to take the place of my husband to become queen regent and guide my people until Klaus, my son is old enough, to take the throne that belongs.

After this, I contacted all the leaders of the tribes, who do to our kingdom, and they are grateful for what I had done accepted the destiny that the Goddess Freyja had given me.

That is why here before you, the leaders of the tribe and the representative of God Odin the Godi Mats lent me before you, as the queen regent. "

At the end of hearing those words, the Godi Mata who had in his hands the crown that had once belonged to Harald placed it on Malene\'s head.

At that moment, some slaves who were tied up in front of the platform were killed and while their blood stained the earth, the screams of

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